Jake's confrontation

Jake was ready to conquer the day after a healthy breakfast cooked by his wife, Anna. He appeared neat, focused, and energized, but before he did set out to work, he called for Anna to sit down and have a small chat. Jake had something on his mind that kept bugging him from last night. Probably, it partly became the reason why he got drunk heavily too.

Anna heard him calling and went to address it.


"What's up?" Anna asked. She had the slightest clue to Jake appearing suddenly over-attentive.

On the contrary, seeing her act usual, Jake hesitated. His mind-bugging problem took a twist, and he argued to himself whether he should address the subject or not!

Then, Jake reminded himself that they are not in a relationship but successfully married to each other that any issue can confide with absolute trust. Whatever problem should arise, they should deal with it together. Believing in his marriage and his eternal love for Anna, he chose to give it a try without any hesitation.

"So, did you enjoy the party last night? After so many years, you have met your friend, right?"

The racing engine faltered at the start and ended up with an easy conversation opener. However, Anna recognized that something was off with Jake's presence.

"Jake?" Anna called.

"Yes," he returned.

"Talk to me," Anna said. She knew that it should be something sensitive, and that's why Jake had to put up a defense mechanism.

Jake sighed.

"Alright. What do you think of Lia?" he asked earnestly.

The moment Anna heard the name, her expression shifted. She became unstable.

"Lia? She's a good kid. I honestly never thought Giselle would return with a kid." Anna tried to smile as she replied, but that failed miserably.

She got caught.

"I saw the way you looked at Lia," Jake confronted immediately. His eyes stayed fixed upon his wife.

"It's been a year now. We can't let that incident bother our future, Anna." Jake expressed himself and explained.

Anna's eyes met Jake's. She looked at him fiercely, and very soon, tears began flowing down her contoured cheeks.

"Do you genuinely think that I am letting it bother me purposefully? I'm terrified, Jake." Anna cried. Her tears continued pouring down. Looking at her wife's cry, Jake went and sat next to her and gently caressed her head.

"Even I'm scared. But that doesn't mean we should stop trying to have a baby, Anna." Jake encouraged his sobbing wife.

Anna wiped out her tears, but they never stopped. She tried to glance away from Jake.



"Look at me."

"What happened last year was a misfortune. There was a lot of stress in your body and- Anna?"

Jake found it hard to continue talking.

Anna's tears stopped. She appeared pale from the short mourn.

"I won't be able to handle if I have another miscarriage, Jake. Twice! Not just once but twice. I agree that it's partly my fault on putting my body a lot of stress, but twice?" Anna's voice cracked as she spoke. It was painful for her both physically and mentally. But, she continued.

"I know how much you love me and support me. And I consider myself the luckiest girl in this world because my husband didn't leave me for this. However-" Anna choked on her words.

Listening to Anna sprout such things, made both Jake, happy and outraged.

Leave Anna!

That is the last thing Jake would even try considering in his life.

He would never abandon Anna, yet, hearing her say that she feels lucky that Jake didn't leave, puts Jake in a disheartened mood. He abruptly settles the issue by stopping Anna to end her talk.

Standing up from her side, he informed to leave for work stiffly.

Anna felt guilty. She tried consoling him, but it didn't work. The uttered words already done its damage to Jake. If it's one thing that he hates is Anna, trying to think that Jake might leave her for not getting pregnant. Jake emotionally understands that it is a painful experience for anyone who undergoes miscarriage, but this is preposterous.

Seeing Jake leave angrily, Anna got scared. She didn't know what to do about the situation.

The only solution could be that they talk after work.

Anna and Jake are not the types of couples to keep things within themselves. They usually sort it out by the end of the day. Therefore, Anna waited for her chance, which is tonight.

Jake, who had left the place furiously, appeared worried. The moment he stepped out of the door, he felt bad for leaving in the middle of their conversation. It was him who initiated. But looking back at the way he had left, Jake seemed upset. He went back inside and saw Anna rushing out of their room. He stood in front of the main door and looked at her. His gaze was reserved and sharp. With no fear or any regrets, he started speaking,

"I'm sorry for leaving it like that. We'll talk tonight and sort it out. I don't want to leave things hanging, and this had also been in my mind for quite some time. Seeing Lia was just a trigger to having this conversation with you. Listen, Anna. There's no one in this world that I want to have kids with other than my wife, you. You will be the only woman in my life. And I'm your only-forever-eternal husband. I understand it's heavy to talk about it and deal with it. But I'm here for you- through life and death. I don't care what others say. There is no 'me leaving you' until the last breath of mine. I want you to remember that. Also, I do believe that we need to try again having a child together. I'm serious, and I think this is the right time. Maybe we weren't meant to have kids back then. We were young and newly married. But, now, I think we're ready. Anyhow, we'll talk tonight. Don't worry about it. I will visit you at work for lunch. Let's eat together."

Jake was quick to explain his intentions and left the place immediately. He felt relieved after speaking to her casually. Meanwhile, Anna relaxed. She realized her mistake and decided to apologize sincerely tonight. When Jake had pulled out his car and getting ready to drive out, he received a text.

It was from Anna.

My Anna - 09:24 AM

I understand, and I'm sorry for saying those words, Jake. I love you, and I do want to have kids with you. I hope we'll sort it out soon, and I promise to promote you to 'father.'

Jake's face lit up as he read the message. He smiled and replied to her. Anna received the text, and she quickly opened it to see it.

Jakey - 09:26 AM

I can't wait to spoil our kids. I want to have a girl and a boy. Maybe Three? Four? Five? Haha, I'll stop. Just kidding. It doesn't matter how many kids we have. But I want you to be their strict mom. I'm flying in the sky already. Anyhow, sorry that I suddenly opened about the topic. We can talk tonight and figure it together. I love you, Anna. Don't forget about our lunch date.

Anna could hear Jake driving off to work. She smiled after reading his message.