Back to my School, an old Acquaintance - Mrs. Beth Hiller

Giselle and Lia finished their breakfast and left home swiftly. They both headed out to Giselle's old school. She informed her old acquaintance, who still works there about their arrival. After a short ride, Giselle and Lia reached their destination.

"Wow, so this is my mother's kingdom? And it's about time that I take control of it," Lia sounded like a gangster.

"This was never my kingdom, and in fact, I have very mixed emotions from this place. Let's go inside," Giselle ordered.


Upon entering inside, the two received a grand welcome by the side billboard that spelled out the school's name, proud and bold:

"Edward Harris Elementary School!"

The school had well-designed architectural buildings, which most likely attracted the creative young minds. Lia stood amazed, looking at everything. She forgot that it was her mother's old school and took it for a new site. Even Giselle had a surprised look on her face. Since it has been years, the school underwent lots of changes, and new buildings constructed. It felt like an upgraded version of the image from her past. Giselle and Lia invested their time in checking out the establishment and its aesthetics.

"I think you should focus on the front to avoid bumping into someone else," a voice came in from the head. Giselle turned to see that it was her old teacher, Mrs. Beth Hiller.

"Mrs. Hiller!!!" Giselle gasped.

"Call me Beth now, Giselle. You have grown to become a beautiful mother yourself. Still seeing me as the rude teacher who had punished you a lot?" Mrs. Beth Hiller smiled and greeted Giselle.

"Will you stop saying that? I cried once in front of you. As for salutations, you will always be my favorite teacher Mrs. Beth." Giselle spoke from her heart. She felt happy meeting someone who had actually been there for her. Mrs. Beth is now 58 years old, and she's still working as the teacher for the same school.

Lia still kept enjoying the surroundings. She felt happy and curious as well to see the students who attend this school. She tried focusing on finding a classroom. However, the plan failed when Giselle called her. Lia ran towards her mother and saw an old lady already holding a conversation with her mother.

"Mom?" Lia called.

"Oh, there you are! Come, meet Mrs. Beth. She was my homeroom teacher back then."

Giselle did the necessary introductions.

Mrs. Beth's gaze fell on little Lia. Just from the look, Mrs. Beth could tell that Lia's a happy-go child and also mature for her age.

Mrs. Beth then took her guests to her office.


"Wow, Mrs. Beth, you have a separate room now," Giselle looked around, feeling nostalgic.

"Well, you got to have your private cabin if you're the vice-principal for the school," Mrs. Beth casually delivered, which shook Giselle.

"Vi... vice-principal?" Giselle appeared bluntly astounded.

"I've been here for a long time, Giselle. Although I never expected, still, I love this profession. Come on, now take your seats, you two." Mrs. Beth said.

"Why didn't you tell me, Mrs. Beth?" Giselle felt intrigued. She had known Mrs. Beth and had kept in contact with her for a long time despite her chaotic lifestyle.

"I'm sorry for not updating you. If possible, can you forgive this old lady for her blunder?" Mrs. Beth replied. Hearing them converse casually made Lia feel relaxed. She had all the positive vibes so far from the school.

"No. Never. I asked you to come to my party last week, you declined and now this. Mrs. Beth, I'm sensing that you're keeping a lot of secrets from me, I guess," Giselle pouted on the contrary, to her age, behaving like a young teen that she was once.

"Well, aren't you as well, dear?" Mrs. Beth said cunningly. It surprised Giselle that she rolled back to her current maturity.

"You came back home with a pretty daughter-"

Mrs. Beth glanced at Lia and then returned to Giselle,

"-and I wasn't informed about it." Mrs. Beth uttered the truth. Indeed, it was a shock to Mrs. Beth when Giselle went to her home to invite for the 'welcome home' party. She never guessed that Giselle got married and is raising a child.

Giselle's expression changed. She looked uncomfortable to speak up with Lia's attendance. She didn't want the kid to experience any of this. Mrs. Beth took the hint politely and changed the subject.

"So, Lia?" Mrs. Beth called.

Lia's attention moved from her mother to Mrs. Beth. Lia resembled her mother very much. After staring at her for a few seconds, Mrs. Beth smiled warmly. She asked, "What do you think of our school, Lia?"

"Do you like it here?"

Lia paused before answering. She seemed hesitant at first, but Giselle gave her the support to speak up.

"So far, it's good, but I want to look at the classrooms and stuff, so," Lia spoke, expecting Mrs. Beth to let her explore the school further.

"Alright," Mrs. Beth looked at the time, and there's still time left for lunch.

"Why don't you go to the first floor and take a look? Your classrooms will be up there, in case if you enroll here."

Mrs. Beth gave her approval.

Giselle agreed too.

Lia dashed out to see the classrooms in a hurry.

After she had gone out, Mrs. Beth's face changed. She looked curiously at Giselle.

"So, is this the child of you and that girl, Lillian?" Mrs. Beth's question startled Giselle.