Return to the present

It was the usual warm morning at the beautiful Charleston city in South Carolina.

The very clean wind grazed Lillian's bare face as it traversed its way through the lattice. It made her twitch in her sleep, and soon against the fresh breeze, Lillian lost her will to fight and woke up by slowly opening her eyes, for it felt heavy and difficult task to do so.

As she did, the blurry vision amusingly entertained her.

Lillian Grey woke up feeling as if she re-lived her life at a very rapid speed; Range of emotions twisted her brain, and she felt pained visibly.

Getting out of the bed, she looked around, still assuming it is the past, and wondering if it were the same scene.

No, it was not.

Lillian was in a beautiful dwelling, but not the place she grew up. Plus, it definitely did not feel any younger as growing old can induce discomfort and give aches in all targeted areas because Lillian once again sensed back pain, burning neck, and sprained feet.

However, there was another sensation that overpowered, and in fact, triggered all of these physical discomforts.

Lillian worked hard in replaying her memory tape to seek the truth.


When mused sincerely with an effort to replay the strip, Lillian found those haunting images of the unexpected reunion which Lillian dreamed of befalling in another way.

Meeting Giselle at Shane's place wrecked Lillian in all forms. She always thought of meeting Giselle at some point in her life, but not in this manner.

Going ahead, what made Lillian upset was Giselle's inability to recognize and realize Lillian Grey. Giselle played mute and flew away once again without a word.

It hurt Lillian and tore her heart that she wanted to run away as well. And where did she end up?

Edwin Grey's house.

Lillian recalled showing up without notice at her father's place and asking him whether she could stay over for a few days. Even without the exchange of words, Edwin noticed his daughter's distress, both physically and mentally.

Lillian remembered her father taking her out to the doctor and getting her to treat the wounds she received while chasing after Giselle.

That day Lillian wandered the streets aimlessly and toured the city in silence. Ultimately, she ended up at a bar to extinguish her pain with alcohol.


Lillian remembered getting drunk last night massively, one of her rash behaviors to seek liquor when in trouble.

Lillian remembered getting back home somehow fortunately and faintly saw his father's face – it was old and posed a few wrinkles cursing his handsome face, yet still, he appeared so in front of her eyes.

Having dropped at Edwin's embrace, Lillian got reminded of a few voices that kept repeating her getting heavily intoxicated with alcohol, to the point of getting into accidents if not seen.

Lillian remembered her father helping her to get to the room while she kept talking rubbish in her drunk humor. After getting tucked in bed, Edwin left after a few words of goodnight.

What happened next?

Lillian woke up feeling paralyzed completely, for she didn't feel her body at first for mere seconds. It seemed like riding one of those deadly roller coasters in the theme park, only this ride felt like reliving her entire life at once, which wasn't a pleasant adventure.

Sauntering around the room and sensing the reality, the present time, Lillian inhaled and exhaled for fresh air, still passing through the lattice.

There was no clock in the room as it was not getting utilized for quite a few years, and only having a guest at the moment, Lillian sought after her mobile. Even though it resembled her room, it was not in actuality.

She knew her father moved to another place over the years. He settled himself in his wife's hometown, the place where Lillian's mother got raised. He knew Lillian was getting on to the track of becoming an author. And so, he decided to say goodbye to the old house where he lived with his daughter and relocated to another roof where he can feel spiritually connected with his beloved late wife.

Before Edwin, the house was used by his mother-in-law, who died later peacefully, in her sleep. It was indeed in her will that this house would go to Edwin after her demise. When Edwin heard the news, it both broke his heart for having to lose another family member.

Lillian knew about the place since she paid a few visits while growing up with her father.

Being in such a place, Lillian felt as if she was with her mother religiously. Every turn she took inside the house, she sensed her mother, if she were still alive. To the living Grey's, it was like a home, where the woman connected to both was born and raised.

It was a safe shelter.


Edwin lived here in peace and having to receive a surprise guest, who happens to be her beloved daughter, he rejoiced. However, soon to taint those satisfied smiles was Lillian's rash behavior of getting inebriated.

Having recollected from down the memory lane, Lillian appeared devastated and utterly ashamed.



Having recollected all of the last night events, Lillian froze to her feet, not knowing how to take the next step, feeling extremely anxious to face her father.

To interrupt her sole solace, Edwin knocked on the door and called for Lillian Grey. His voice showed no trace of anger or suspicion. It sounded the usual way of his summoning.

Lillian responded vaguely by masking her voice to make it seem like she just woke up from her sleep.

Edwin returned by telling her to take it easy and slow and come down for breakfast to cure the hangover with his special soup.

Lillian faltered as she agreed, still playing the 'just woke up princess from her slumber.'

With that, Edwin retreated, and Lillian expired in silence.


It is still fresh in the morning, and the calming atmosphere got meddled by Lillian's footsteps as she descended the stairs in a slow yet light fashion.

Edwin recognized, and without delay, he went to the kitchen and began plating her the breakfast hangover cure soup.

Lillian appeared in front of her father. She looked still in a daze from partying last night. Edwin did not inquire and continued to plate her meal on the table.

Lillian acted a bit alien to mind his response, but having received no surmise, she let her guard down as well as her seat down.

Edwin quickly placed in front of her, the Asian hangover soup known for its remarkable healing power to cure any tipsy mood.

As Lillian thanked for the meal and with a smile when sipped the healthy broth, Edwin began talking.

"So, what happened?" he asked with no sense of creating pressure.

Just when Lillian thought she let her guard down, Edwin hit her with a straight boundary. She hesitates and delays as she ate.

Watching her squirm and struggle mutely, Edwin sighed.

"Alright, finish your food, and if you want to, you can talk to me. If not, then I hope you don't repeat the same mistake as you did last night. Whatever happened, don't punish yourself for it," he advised as he left, and Lillian was left alone to ponder on his wise words.

Fortunately, before he could vanish from her presence, Lillian opened her mouth after biting her lower lip in anguish.

"Dad, its Giselle. I finally saw her," Lillian muttered enough to let her voice reach her listener.

"I know. I heard you sob last night while calling her name repeatedly," Edwin replied.

His voice was delicate yet concerned. Lillian battled against the tiring tears.

"No need to speak at once, Lilly. First, cure your hangover, and then we can talk for long hours. I'll be in the living room. Call me if you need anything," Edwin spoke and then left the spot.

He knew her getting worked up with fighting her tears, and so, Edwin chose to suspend the confrontation for a while.

Meanwhile, Lillian Grey continued eating, feeling a bit less burdened from sharing it with her trusted source. However, she cannot feel satisfied or grateful, for this is no joke, or she is not anymore a student to play and fight.

Lillian wondered about the consequences of Giselle's return and the chances of their encounters in the future.

She prayed.