Shane struggles

After a desperate call to his best friend, who refused to attend his explanation, Shane Ricardo did not have a choice but to wait. On that very night, when the encounter happened, Shane returned home late at night and couldn't find himself to retire in peace as he suffered the unexpected today.

When the next dawn lightened the sky, Shane did not feel stable and wanted to call off from work, but to his unfortunate, he had an important meeting to attend.

The entire day at work, he kept glancing at the phone, often checking if there is any contact from Lillian Grey. Staying true to his words, he did not reach out to her, letting her spend time in silence to figure out and calm down. However, when the sunset painted on the horizon and the darkness crept along the sky, Shane started to feel anxious and panicked for some unknown reason.

He decides to pay a visit to Lillian's place and carried along with him the spare key, which Lillian gave it to him long back.

Rushing after his day job to visit Lillian and beg for her to listen, Shane hurried hastily. He drove his car at a speed which he wishes to increase at great length but restrained from getting into accidents and focused on reaching the destination very soon.

On happen to reach Lillian's place, he waited outside for Lillian to answer the door, which in the end never happened, and Shane resorted to using his spare key to let himself inside the house.

Upon entering, it was still as dark, even more, blacked out as the night, Shane switched on the lights and to his astonishment, and his eyes perceived a scene that can grasp what went around.

Shane watched the scene unfold in front of him thoughtfully as he surmised that Lillian must have run away in a rush, for the home felt and looked deserted with no presence for a while. He then walked through the rooms and checked, hoping that Lillian would be playing the dead asleep game. However, nothing got found out.

Worrying on her honestly, Shane tried to call Lillian Grey and heard the phone buzzing sound come from the living room. It was Lillian's mobile, and Shane saw it down on the floor, crashed against the foot of the couch. Little cracks appeared on the screen, reflecting its owner's ire.

Shane picked it up and put it aside on the couch. He sat down to organize his thoughts that are going wild from the current happenings.


Cooling his head and calming his nerves, Shane took deep breaths as he wondered about Lillian's whereabouts. Only after several minutes, it struck him in his wilder thoughts about a place that Lillian would seek solace from the ongoing occurrence.

Picking out his mobile and dialing a number with slight confidence in after discovering the possibility of locating Lillian Grey, Shane exhales, holding on to the frail hope.

"Edwin?" he called out.

The person he reached out this time was none other than Lillian's father, Edwin Grey.

Greeting him with an effort which was too hard to work at that time, Shane spoke.

He addressed a few things which Edwin dotingly asked of Lillian's best friend, and after it got over, Shane asked if Lillian Grey is at his place, to which Edwin admits a positive response.

Edwin went on to inquire about Lillian's injury and tried to learn details from Shane. However, the best friend sided with Lillian and protected her encountering Giselle at an unexpected place and time. Edwin didn't force and let Shane do the talking, for it was him who called Edwin.

"How is she doing, Lillian?" Shane asked.

Edwin was quick to confirm his daughter's aching from the way Shane questioned. He answered that she is nothing but doing okay. Shane asked a few more questions regarding whether Lillian plans to return, and if so, when would she come back. He also added about Lillian Grey, leaving her mobile at home.

Shane sounded both like a concerned friend and a watchful boss. Edwin couldn't give an assured reply, and it made Shane go to silence.

"She hasn't spoken to me yet, Shane. I think I will leave her alone today to cool down and rest while I confront her tomorrow, then I will let you know the details. Until then, don't worry about her and take care of yourself. I know Lilly gives a lot of trouble to you-" Edwin expressed his plans.

"She is no trouble for me, Edwin. Lillian is my friend too. I only wanted her to be happy-"

By now, Shane paused and mused over his decision, considering if it is right or wrong.

As he did, the conversation hanged over in stillness.

Now, Edwin not only worried for his daughter but also Shane.

"Son, you are doing it again," Edwin said.

"I said I'll talk to her. She is not the type to hide for a long time, so don't worry. I'll try my best. Where are you, by the way?" Edwin asked, trying to occupy the speaker on the other end.

Shane responded that he stopped by at Lillian's place to see her.

Edwin hastily ordered Shane to return home and not get bothered by Lillian's disappearance.

The call ends with Edwin agreeing to keep in touch about Lillian with Shane Ricardo.

Respecting his words, Shane left the place after seizing Lillian's mobile, which could come in handy at the time, and also to inform the poor Jenna, if she calls for Lillian.


Later into that late night, Shane rested on his bed, thinking if bringing back Giselle this time was the right decision or not.

He did know that the two would collide at one point, but never thought it would happen very early. As he pondered alone, he receives a message from Edwin, informing about Lillian's intoxicated state.

Shane panicked after hearing the news. Edwin said that he would do the talk tomorrow and let him know what is going on!

Regardless, Shane felt that he needs to come up with a plan sooner, or he might lose the purpose of requesting Giselle back home.