Everyone's Christmas Morning - Part 6

Part 6 – Ivy and David's special brunch

Similar to last night, Ivy and David patrolled the streets in search of a destination. However, this time, it was David who dragged Ivy around the neighborhood.

Ivy gradually matched behind him to cross the cafes, restaurants, and even some well-known diners. She worriedly called for David to ask if he is sure to find this newly opened restaurant soon or not. Ivy was getting starved and weak. Also, with very little sleep, she couldn't stay on alert.

Ivy's pace slowed down to that of a snail's, following David.

David was busy checking out the directions and figuring out which path to choose to reach the new restaurant. He had seen its advertisements over the week. After noticing their special breakfast treat on Christmas morning, he decided already.

Dragging Ivy along with him, the two stepped out to enjoy a special Christmas breakfast together. Bethany and Parker haven't returned home since yesterday, and they all promised to meet for dinner. Since the two were fated to be alone on the holiday morning, David forced Ivy to accompany him.

After twenty minutes of going around the blocks and confusing with the directions, the two finally reach the spot. Newly opened, the restaurant's banner stood tall and broad to attract customers.

David and Ivy entered hurriedly. By now, their hunger grew supreme, and they were ready to devour the special menu.

David hastily placed the orders for both before returning to his seat.

While waiting for food to arrive, Ivy received a call from Bridgette. She glanced at David, who happens to look at the name that appeared on the screen.

"Go on! I'm not listening!" he declared to look away, leaning back into his seat to give space between them.

Ivy ignored his demeanor to answer the call.

Bridgette wanted to say her wishes and ask Ivy if she enjoyed the party. Ivy suffered no sense of suffocation like she did last night while saying her farewell to Bridgette. She admitted to having a great time at the party.

Ivy also mentions David's company with her right now, which made Bridgette extend her wishes to him as well.

Their conversation lasted only for a few minutes. Bridgette called Ivy while cooking breakfast for herself and Adrienne since he spent the night at her place. On the other hand, Ivy moaned to complain about David dragging her out to eat at a newly opened restaurant and how long it took for them to find it.

Bridgette chuckled.

Ivy felt much comfortable conversing with her friend than before. She wondered what bought this change and got immediately reminded of the time she spent with Lucy. It eventually made her blush. David certainly noticed it, but he didn't react much, keeping it to himself. He only pondered if it was because of Bridgette or not.

Ivy forced herself to ignore the images whirling inside her head, replaying the moments with Lucy. She pushed away from the thoughts deliberately to focus on Bridgette. But, no matter how hard Ivy tried, she couldn't help but relate to every little detail from last night. Ivy vaguely responded to her friend in the line. Luckily, to her aid, Bridgette also didn't extend their call.

"Alright! Have fun! I have to call Carmel and Sarah now," Bridgette informed before signing off.

Ivy remembered the girls to request Bridgette to convey her wishes. However, Bridgette declined.

"Do it yourself! They are your friends too. Call them and wish! Bye- Oh- tell David, I said hi! Talk to you later, Ivy- bye," Bridgette rushed her words, and soon the call ended.

Having finished her call finally, Ivy glanced at David to read his face.

David's eyes settled somewhere else, not paying a crumb of attention in front of him.

"Bridgette says, hi," she revealed to notice the waiter approaching them.

Soon, the food arrives at their table to relieve one another of their misery.

David watched Ivy silently started to eat her breakfast. He had been noticing her ever since she returned late last night. There was a change in her, but David wasn't sure if it was true. Nonetheless, he quietly felt glad that Ivy looked much better than before. She had a new glint in her face, new confidence, and a whole new enthusiasm in every movement. David was happy for his friend, and he began to eat the special brunch.