Everyone's Christmas Morning - Part 7

Part 7 – Frank gets special treatment

Frank stood outside Lucy's apartment, sweating heavy droplets from head to toe as he hurried his way to meet her.

It's Christmas morning, and Lucy had no schedule planned for today. But, Frank received an alarming call from Lucy, requesting him to stop by if he could. Sensing the panic in her voice made Frank insecure. He left in a hurry to find Lucy, worrying if something terrible happened to her since this was her first contact since their parting from last night. Lucy never reached out to her manager after leaving the party. Instead, she spent a great time with Ivy at the park. When she reached home, Lucy went straight to bed and didn't bother informing Frank about it. As time passed, with no response from Lucy, Frank decided to retire from the party and went straight home.

Standing outside her apartment at the moment, he rang the doorbell, waiting for Lucy to answer it.

The door finally opened for Frank to find Lucy looking completely normal. There was nothing wrong with her visually.

"Frank! You're here already! Come on in," Lucy greeted jovially, allowing Frank to step inside her apartment.

The poor guy rushed to her place in distress, but there she was, looking completely fine and stable. Frank's eyes never left Lucy and observed her keenly. On the contrary to what he had assumed, she appears to be somehow glowing in her skin.

Lucy was happy. She hummed a song while moving around the place. She let Frank sit down first, allowing him to catch his running breaths.

Frank wiped out his sweats and soon calmed down. Yet, his eyes never left following Lucy. The more he watched her, the more his doubts arouse.

"Did something happen?" Frank inquired after noticing the change in her behavior.

"What? No- nothing happened!" Lucy casually answered.

"You're- strange!" Frank remarked.

"I know! Ah- I- am not sure- what you mean!"

"Crazy!" Frank remarked again with a skeptic glare.

"Stop! There's nothing crazy about me. So what's up?" Lucy asked to change the subject.

"Do you realize that it was you who called me?" Frank replied to continue glaring.

"Ah- I'm sorry! Well, I got you a present- wait here," Lucy said to step away. She entered one of the rooms and soon came out carrying a big present, wrapped in a glittered sheet.

"O- kay!" Frank replied in awe. It was not what he had expected, but still, it surprised him.

Not in the slightest possibility did he guess that Lucy would summon him over to give his Christmas present. Usually, he gets it after the day or sometimes even before Christmas, but never on the same day. Be it her working or not, it never happened.

"Here you go, Merry Christmas, Frank! Thank you be there for me always!" Lucy quoted before giving him the gift.

Frank stood up to accept the glittery box, which from his guess, weighed heavy.

"Can you open it here?" Lucy requested.

Frank eyed to ask again if she was sure about opening her gift right away. Lucy allowed, and Frank sat down to unwrap the box.

To his surprise, inside the big box was a bundle of items. Frank's eyes wandered to gawk at them in awe. He then looked up and thanked Lucy for such a thoughtful gift.

Lucy had bought several massaging machines for Frank to use. Due to their constant traveling, Frank complained about his sore muscles and how much he would love to get a massage. However, he never got one or even purchased one of those efficient machines available in the market. Lucy secretly noticed it to get him various massaging machines, focused on healing aches and soreness.

Frank's face fell on cloud nine as he reveled in getting a valuable present.

"Thank you, Lucy!"

"I hope you like it!"

"I do, very much!"

"I'm glad!"

"What's got into you? You could have given it tomorrow," Frank questioned.

"I could! But- I was- just- in a good mood, so-"

Lucy needn't say anymore as Frank stopped her. He positively suspects that the cause of this new change came from meeting Ivy last night. Although he had his share of concern with Lucy hanging out closely with the director of her first film, Frank couldn't help but favor seeing Lucy livelier. Secretly, Frank prayed for her to remain happy forever.

"I'm sorry to call you so suddenly! Did you eat?" Lucy asked, interrupting Frank's inner monologue.

"I had breakfast!"

"Okay! Then why don't we go out for lunch! My treat!" Lucy appealed.

Frank nodded and generously smiled for Lucy's recognition.