Head Principal's final verdict

Upon returning from his conference, the school's head principal heard about Lia and Luther's little brawl. He investigated the fight and what went around the school prior to the incident. Mrs. Beth assisted in this assignment to keep it unbiased. Soon, it became evident that Lia was treated as special by a few staff members while also becoming a victim of the bullying. Lillian's name also got thrown into the investigation to establish what caused all the triggers to set off.

Lia's friends sided with her by admitting Luther's endless teasing. Andy burst about how the boys would constantly try to make fun of Lia in the classroom. After going through every detail, gossip, and chaos during his absence, the head principal finally made his decision. He had called Luther's father to visit him at school. And when the parent came alone as requested, the headmaster spoke to him. He confronted Luther's behavior with his classmate Lia and even bought his friends to speak out about what they've been doing. Having placed such heavy accusation for targeting a classmate, the headmaster declared how Mrs. Beth ended up giving a straightforward penalty. If it were for him to decide, he would have brutally disciplined Luther.

Bullying of any sort was banned at his school. Even if it had happened in the past, the current head principal wanted to make sure that none of his students should ever get targeted. Running the facility with such a strong sense of justice while having to hear that a student got bullied because of her parent's sexuality made the principal angry. Despite his efforts to get back at Lillian for her comment, Luther's father's endless struggle failed to impress the authority. His intention to get Lia expelled from the school wasn't encouraged even for one second upon learning the truth. The headmaster strictly warned Luther's father to advise his son as the little boy's behavior would be monitored keenly hereafter. In case he tries to bully Lia again, Luther might need to find another school pretty soon. Hearing the principal's final verdict, Luther's dad couldn't help but give up his evil scheme.

Thus, Lia's suspension successfully ended at last, and the little girl was informed to return to the school without a worry.


The first weekend at Lillian's flew fast as Giselle got accustomed to living in a new place. Lillian's condo was luxuries compared to her previous apartment in Brooklyn. Everything was fine except for the fact that this modern condominium came with just two rooms. Also, Lia refused to ask for a room for herself since each of those was large enough for a family to rent. The little girl strictly chose to sleep together. In the end, Lillian's room turned into everyone's bedroom as the three slept together every night. The second room upstairs was originally meant to be Lillian's office, also called Gill's Chambers. The Gill's Chambers has now turned to Gill's Chambers and storage. All of Giselle and Lia's stuff ended up getting stockpiled in the room.

Along with Giselle now, living became more fun and livelier for Lillian to even think of her past. Before, she would know how time passed in this abode. Lillian did her work, read endlessly, went out on dates or traveled aimlessly. No matter what she did, it had forever felt lifeless. Thankfully, when Lucy entered her life, she learned to look at having fun again. However, fate had shut that door soon to open an old wound again. This time, Lillian had second chance to make things right without having to get heartbroken all over. Despite having a few bumpers, she ended up with Giselle, and Lia was more to love and look forward.

Now, there was no need to return to a lonesome dwelling or stack alcohol to hide her despair.

Giselle had a few days off from work, which she spent entirely at home, remaking all the old rules of living carefree. Lillian agreed to every single one of them without hesitation. More than just having Giselle at her place, it was still hard to believe that she was actually there. Lillian Grey had to pinch herself several times a day only to realize that this was not a dream but a reality for her.

Unlike fiction, it wasn't all romantic as soon as Giselle returned from her book tour. When Lillian Grey thought that the weekend flew fast, she meant it. Following their visit with Luther and his mom on Friday, Giselle had to meet Mrs. Beth. Plus, she also took Lia to visit her parents later that day. With them rushing here and there, Lillian and Giselle had no time to spare for themselves. Monday arrived brightly, but Lia was still at home since she got suspended for two days without the weekend included.

Tuesday dawned, and Lia returned to school. Giselle resumed her routine, dropping her daughter like usual. Lillian offered to continue it like before. However, Giselle politely refused. It wasn't that Giselle didn't like Lillian dropping Lia off or picking her up after school. Since they just had to overcome the recent event, Giselle purposefully requested Lillian to let her take over. Besides, now that they were living together, Giselle was glad to feel relieved that Lillian was there any time.

Thus, Giselle dropped Lia off at school, and the little girl returned after her two days of suspension.

Not just Lia but Luther, too, returned as well.

The past incident with Lia breaking Luther's nose with her lunchbox was enough to shut anyone trying to pick a fight with her. No one dared to approach the little girl and were still cautious of her return. Lia's friends rejoiced to see their friend again, and there was nothing to stop them from having merriment together like old days.

Lia's first day after suspension went fast as school life was once again quiet and peaceful. No one disturbed her. However, Lia did notice how even the staff were aware of her little outburst. Some advised the young girl, while some didn't bother at all. Ms. Evelyn greeted Lia like usual. She wanted to ask about Lillian like usual but stopped herself from doing so. Aside from the staff and a few of her classmates, nobody willingly approached Lia anymore. The little girl saw the new reality awaiting and frankly thought she could get used to this soon.

The first day of Lia's return, Giselle was asked to meet with the head principal after school. Upon her visit, he apologized to her for the teacher's blindness. They weren't able to notice Lia's suffering, thereby flaming the bullying to the point where it had gotten out of hand. Still, the principal spoke to Lia and counseled her to be more honest in future. He instructed that any student facing bullying should come up to the faculty to inform. Only that way, the adults can know if it is required to intrude since kids normally fight for anything and everything. Lia apologized to the headmaster and also promised to report in the future.


The following day was much serene than the past few days. Lillian woke up after Giselle while the little girl still slept soundly.

The two quietly left and came downstairs. While Giselle got ready for the day, Lillian made coffee. As soon as Giselle joined, the two shared a moment alone. Giselle's return bought light to the place all day. The drapes weren't blocking them anymore. The great view of the city's spectacle, along with coffee in hand, it was a perfect morning to wake up to.

It felt perfect to both.

"I would kiss you right now, but I haven't brushed yet!" Lillian casually remarked while sipping her black decaf.

Giselle rolled her eyes. While Lillian resisted herself, Giselle didn't. She leaned closer to kiss Lillian. It was a pleasant surprise, but Lillian felt sly.

Once their sweet little kiss was over, she thanked Giselle for letting her know that it was okay to kiss any time. Lillian put her cup away to indulge in another kiss. She savored the refreshing taste of coffee and mint together. The eager hands had longed for more, and Lillian felt the sudden urge to hold Giselle.

"No-! Lilli-"

Giselle flinched as Lillian's hands grazed her back. And her kiss deepened. With every touch of her body, Giselle blushed. It didn't take long for her to give up and return the love. She had only taken a few sips while clumsily placing the cup nearby. Giselle was confused, just as aroused as Lillian. She had to stop her a moment before joining.

"Why are you so eager today?" Giselle cupped Lillian's face with her hands, preventing her from kissing endlessly.

"Why not?"


"Ssh… let's just make out before Lia wakes up."


Lillian didn't let Giselle speak another word as she closed the drapes in a hurry to rush upstairs. Gill's chambers and storage have become the couple's make-out place since Lia didn't really enjoy visiting this room by herself. The morning sun was still young and glowing. Lillian took Giselle upstairs to her office, and amidst the boxes piled up there, she had made a fort in a little corner, all secluded and comfy. Lillian even managed to steal some blankets from her closet and bought them here.

Falling into the comfort, the two giggled and blushed like they'd been struck by cupid's arrow. This eternal flame that lasted for years even though they were apart was beginning to seethe with desire. Feeling young at heart like they did back in high school, and with all this smouldering love, Lillian pulled Giselle closer to her. They shared another kiss, gently, loving, and tender. By now, Lillian had fallen for these slow sincere kisses with Giselle. She loved them. They were sweet to savor and kindled her affection even more.

Little by little, the two little souls grew deep and desperate. The moments when their lips split were a burden to bear. They kissed again, more ardently as every part of them yearned for each other. Lillian hurried as she attempted to undress Giselle. They kept kissing like there was no tomorrow until Giselle heard a little ring from a distance.

It started faintly, and within seconds, the sound had reached every corner of the house.

Lia's alarm went off loudly from the other end of the hallway, killing the tender moment between Giselle and Lillian.

Giselle was half-naked as she blinked in awe. Lillian finally took notice of the disturbance. All that excitement had plunged to a great disappointment.

Giselle sure noticed that despair was taking over Lillian Grey. She dressed up again quickly.

"I'm free today, so let's continue this after I drop Lia at school!" Giselle closely whispered to Lillian.

Lillian quietly sat like a child as she heard a promising proposition. And within a few seconds, she sprang up to compose herself.

"I'll go wake up Lia!" Lillian announced as she hurried out of the room before the little girl got scared from waking up to an empty home.