The Yu Clan

The midday sun had started to lower by the time Sha Ku had awoken. He rubbed his eyes and stood to his feet; tubbing his neck he spoke, "I really need to get some furniture in here… a bed at least."

He stretched his arms wide open and yawned.

"You also need to get rid of all this junk." Yan Huang pointed to the dissected and butchered remains of the Eight-Tailed Serpent.

"Yeah, I really do." Sha Ku said, rubbing his eyes.

"I wonder if I could get someone to deliver it? Perhaps another Soul Slave is in order." Sha Ku thought out-loud.

"You can create Soul Slaves?" Yan Huang asked with some scepticism.

"Yes, now that I'm at the Adept Soul Stage I'll be able to create a Coloured Star Soul Slave as well. The only trouble with that is, well suppressing them." Sha Ku admitted.

"Something tells me you wouldn't have much of a problem defeating a Coloured Star practitioner." Yan Huang said, his face had a look of sarcastic wit upon it.

"Well, you're right about that. Given that he's a poor-quality Coloured Star Realm cultivator. The Star Realms really are the true basis of ascension for most cultivators. If a Red or Yellow Stared cultivator attacks me, I should be able to finish them off no problem." Sha Ku explained.

"And above that?" Yan Huang queried.

"Well, Blue; I'd survive. Violet, I could put up a struggle… Golden, I'd die." Sha Ku answered Yan Huang.

"A Golden Star Cultivator could kill you?" Yan Huang was shocked, knowing Sha Ku's regenerative abilities.

"Well… yes. If he was clever, he'd destroy my head, then burn my body until only the bones remain. But I'd appear to have been killed in any case. Just like with that strange woman who took my head." Sha Ku gave a sigh, not knowing her identity or who she worked for.

Although the current him wasn't ready for such an insurmountable challenge.

"I wonder how my sisters and brother are doing?" Sha Ku wondered to himself.

As he left the room, going to find the sun in the sky, getting ready to go for its slumber.

The courtyard wasn't empty, no. There were three people; Song Ping and one of his many underlings, and yes, his underlings still obeyed him.

The man may be missing an eye and a leg, but like a savage pirate with an eye-patch and a wooden peg-leg, he refused to give up! And to admit anyone could beat him? Preposterous!

He'd be torn apart by dogs, devour by beasts and be foul on the forest floor before he dared to admit defeat!

His tyrannical nature was unbending!

If he had to be felt together by stitches for the entirety of his existence, just so long as he didn't have to admit his inferiority; he'd be happy. Never give in. Never surrender!

"Grrrr." Song Ping growled the moment he noticed Sha Ku, who in his own way had a deep admiration for his rival… if you could call him that.

And the feeling was reciprocal from Sha Ku, who also had a sense of respect for Song Ping. If he wasn't mistaken, Song Ping was on the precipice of touching upon two Dao's – The Dao of Tyranny and the Dao of Relentlessness!

Both of these Dao's were strong in their own respective manner and took a vast amount of time to fully comprehend, but with Song Ping's unyielding nature, as long as he didn't become the proverbial young master threatening those whom could crush him with the utmost ease; the boy should develop into quite a talent in the future!

Of course, Sha Ku would neither help him nor view him as his rival. The only being he'd thought of a rival since he arrived on this plane would be perhaps Feng Qiang, or the Wen Emperor himself. Of course, neither of these individuals yet realised that a shark had entered their quiet midday pond… and it was hungry for blood…

The third person in the courtyard was, of course, Yu Shi, he sat there, looking at the fountain with a broken edge as the water had turned from the cool calm blue into a vile purple, the same colour of his hair.

"A Poison Art, a deadly one at that." Sha Ku said from behind him, putting his hand on Yu Shi's shoulder.

"Mmm." The boy gave off a nod, looking deep in the tepid pool of purple.

"Your family practices the Poison Arts?" Sha Ku asked him, trying to analyse the poison's characteristics.

"Only the direct male line." Yu Shi responded, "For some reason the first-born male of every generation is born with an immutable resistance to the deadliest of toxins. We're required to learn our clan's secret Poison Arts from the age of three."

Sha Ku gave a nod, "Only the direct males learn it." Sha Ku pondered, wondering about the genetic mutations possible to achieve such a thing. Unfortunately, selective breeding was never his forte.

"Well, anyone can learn it," Yu Shi corrected him, "In fact, my clan encourages it. It's just if one goes past the initial stages, they have a one-in-five chance of death. Then it multiplies by five for every stage after that."

"Interesting, your Yu Clan must have some influence then?" Sha Ku questioned.

"Some, we're an old clan. My ancestors founded the Unholy Viper Sect, but it fell in years far gone. Only a few remnants remain. Although my father and grandfather are often called upon by the Capital for certain favours, often to do with poison… if you understand what I'm saying." Yu Shi tried to explain without giving too much of his family's 'shady' business away.

Sha Ku gave a surprised nod, and gentle hum to boot. He never expected Yu Shi to be a poison cultivator, he was quiet, yes, but that was only one of the similarities. If he'd had to guess he would have predicted something along the line of Ghostly Arts, or perhaps Wind Arts.

Nonetheless, Sha Ku digressed, wondering where his fellow disciples were," If I'm not mistaken Bing Yuanshan, and Song Yi were out here earlier, where did they go?" Sha Ku looked about around the courtyard, surprised not to see them.

"They went to the Spirit Hall. Bing Yuanshan wants Song Yi to get a Body Scripture, he believes that he'll regrow his tongue and be far better suited to the Body rather than Qi cultivation." Yu Shi explained to Sha Ku.

"Clever. Anyone can cultivate their body, as long as their willing to endure enough pain." Sha Ku gave a nod of approval.