Demonic Soul, Unleashed

"Clever. Anyone can cultivate their body, as long as their willing to endure the torturous pain." Sha Ku gave a nod of approval.

Yu Shi nodded as well, "My Uncle, Yu Gong is a body cultivator at the Silver Body Realm. With it, he's able to cultivate my Yu Clan's Poison Arts up to its fourth stage. He once regrew an arm straight in front of my eyes."

"Sounds like a good man." Sha Ku chuckled.

"Ha. Uncle Gong's a muscle head, peanuts for brains… but you are right, he's a good man. He helped raise me while my father was away." Yu Shi admitted, recalling the fond memories of his childhood and how his Uncle Gong had helped him comprehend his clan's famous Poison Arts.

"Do you want to go find the two pinecones we call friends then?" Sha Ku suggested, finding it awkward sitting here, making unsubstantiated small talk.

"Mmm." Yu Shi gave a nod and with a wave of his hand turning the purple pool back to the cool, clear drinking water that it was before.

"Do you know the way to Spirit Hall?" Sha Ku asked, slightly embarrassed.

"Follow me." Yu Shi beckoned Sha Ku with a wave.

The journey to Spirit Hall wasn't long with Yu Shi guiding them, unlike many others the young man of the Yu clan wasn't one to banter or bumble about senselessly when walking. He was a young man who could enjoy silence to it's fullest… hardly unsurprising seeing as he came from a line of killers for hire.

They followed the purple demonic staircase to the 'Bridge of Wailing,' an ancient structure that connected the Lower Demonic Peak to the central mountain – Spirit Mountain.

The 'Bridge of Wailing,' was only one of four cobblestone bridges that lead to Spirit Mountain. Each quarter of the sect had their own. Unlike the others though: Elemental Peaks 'Rainbow Road'; Vanquishing Peak's 'Crossing of Heroes'; and finally, Righteous Peak's 'Blindman's Folly', the Bridge of Wailing was crumbling, in a state of decay. Much like the peak, it connected.

As they crossed some of the paving slabs that they stepped on were even coming loose! Horrifyingly dropping shivering handfuls of old dusty cement down into the deep, bottomless chasm that it crossed!

"Damn, that's a long way to fall." Yan Huang stood on the bridge's edge, staring at the few hundred-meter drop. He felt like gulping to himself; if he had a real throat that is. When the old man was but a child, he'd been terrified at heights… even when he became an immortal, flying definitely wasn't one of his favourite things to do!

"Ignore it, you can do nothing about it." Sha Ku told Yan Huang with his divine sense, as they reached the other side of the bridge.

As they reached the other side, an older lad, sporting dark curly hair and sage green eyes stood there. He was tall, with broad shoulders; donning a five-coloured cloak. His didn't wear robes, no, instead he wore a top with ripped sleeves and a pair of shorts.

"Ahh, another pair of demonic dunces." The curly-haired fellow laughed; a vicious grin adorned his face.

The boy stood in front of the narrow exit of the bridge, his eyes keenly looking for trouble.

"Listen here, if you want to cross the bridge, you have to pay the toll!" He took a cockily wide stance, summoning a long maul from his interspatial ring, hanging it over his shoulder.

It was spiked, heavy and already had a fine layer of dried blood upon it.

"Toll? What toll? You're not even from demonic or one of the spirit peaks! Why would we pay a toll to you?" Yu Shi burst out, genuinely confused.

"There's always one who tries to fight back! Two thousand Spirit Stones! No more, no less!" the curly-haired boy demanded once again, his voice roaring this time!

Sha Ku's face shrivelled up at the price! Two thousand?! That could buy a few cultivation pills or even a lower-tier technique!

Just for crossing a bridge, it's disgusting!

"Sigh…" Yu Shi let out a long and exasperated sigh, "Fine, just take these."

He immediately took out two-thousand Spirit Stones from his ring, piling them up next to the arrogant boy.

The man smiled, "I, Ren Ji am a reasonable man." Said the man with curls.

"But, it's two thousand Spirit Stones each, idiot." Ren Ji's eyes gazed over at Sha Ku whose face had gone dark, his purple eyes started to become even more intense. His pupils once round went narrow like a cat's!

"The blood on your maul… where did the blood come from?" Sha Ku's voice was shaking in trepidation, as if in a state of flux.

"Oh this? Some mute refused to -"


Without a moment to spare as soon as the word's left his mouth Sha Ku kicked off!

"Shadowless Steps." He whispered to himself, vanishing from the besides Yu Shi.


Before an eye could blink Sha Ku had arrived beside Ren Ji's side, his fist cocked and loaded by his waist, ready to launch at a moment's notice.

"Void Breaking Fist!" Sha Ku screamed until his lungs were sore, driving his fist into Ren Ji's ear!


Like a boulder falling from the skies, Ren Ji's body hit the ground, blasting into the dust; scattering it everywhere.

Ren Ji lay on the floor, his eyes wide and disorientated.

"What did you do to them?!" Sha Ku screamed!

"What did you do?!"

The child lurched over Ren Ji, his hands clasped onto both sides of his face, his thumbs driving into the undersides of his eyes!

"Tell me!" Sha Ku raged on, emanating a deadly killing intent.

"Nothing!" Ren Ji whimpered!


Sha Ku lifted the sobbing teenager's head up by his hair and slammed it down into the mountain face with all his might!

"Tell me!"


He did it once more, blood started to pour from the back of Ren Ji's head.

"Tell me!"

"N…Nothing… I hit… the… the mute… they paid up… let me go or my… my brother…" Ren Ji managed to mumble out, unable to string a proper sentence together.

"Oh, your brother? Your brother? Very nice! How fucking wonderful! You can tell your brother he's a fucking piece of shit, who enables a piece of trash like you!" Sha Ku spat and raged, his eyes going manic and wild, the depths of the Heavenly Demon Soul were enraged!

His bright purple eyes seemed to want to lurch forward and beat Ren Ji to death themselves.





Like a maniac, Sha Ku slammed Ren Ji's head into the ground repeatedly, like some sort of psychopathic despot!