Going Home

Jessie and Abby regained consciousness on the side of the road. They didn't exactly wake up because they did not so much fall asleep. Their heighten awareness, terror, injuries and torture of the past couple of days could only keep them awake and aware so long. After the woman , Becca had walked out of the demolished bar they had simply passed out. Similar to extinguishing a match; they were burnt out.

Instinctively they both came to with a jerk of fear and looked up into a lively pair of hazel eyes framed by long honey blonde hair. Currently those smiling eye were more green than brown. It was a beautiful face belonging to what appeared to be a young twenty year old girl. She looked as if she was filled with a kind of laughter, squatted before them. "Hey! sleepy heads to time to wake up. We have places to go, people to see things to blow up!" Just then a couple kilometers down the road there was a massive explosion!

"Haha! I've still got it! Perfect timing. Happy dance!" The beautiful girl jumped up and proceeded to do her version of a happy dance in the middle of the road. Jessie and Abby were too shocked to be terrified. Who was this girl? How did they get here? What was blowing up? Too many thoughts chasing after each other in their minds made speech impossible. Suddenly the girl stopped her happy dance and looked at them, "Wait for it! Daisy chain is coming!" A minute passed and the girl started to look flustered. Then a series of smaller but still very impressive explosions followed. Boom! Boom! Boom! again and again. "BOOYAH! WEEE. da da dee da dah! " "I impress myself!"

Jessie finally pulled herself together enough to ask, "What is happening?' She was surprised to hear her voice. It was rough and coarse. She hadn't spoken in days other than screaming. The beautiful girl before them stopped her dizzying twirling and squatted down before them again. "My name is Cally. I will be taking care of you for a while." Her eyes had gone from merriment to all seriousness in a split second. " You surely have realized already you can never go home again. You can't see your friends and family. This is the toughest part of new transformations. You have to let go of the people you love. Oh, you can check up on them and in twenty to thirty years you can actually meet them again for the first time." Abby had silent tears tracking down her face as she looked at Jessie, " What are we going to do?"

Cally reached out and patted her on the head, "Hey now, you have me! I am going to take care of you for as long as you need me. I am the greatest werewolf trainer, leader and all around wonderful person that ever lived!" Jessie and Abby looked at each other "....." Cally continued without a trace of modesty, " I am going to help you change. I know this is really scary. Becoming is difficult for all werewolves the first time. But I can help you with the change. This will help you PHYSICALLY recover from all your recent injuries. It will also help you mentally to some extent because the new wolf part of you won't care so much about what happened to the human part of you."

Jessie mustered her thought and spoke for the both of them, "What are you going to do with us?" They had almost accepted soon after walking into that bar that they were never going home. "How will we live?" Cally stood and looked at her beautiful fire as more explosions happened down the road. "The fire got to the extra fuel tanks out back." " We are going to Clan Home. You could say it is the base for all were wolves everywhere. A Lot of my things are there. You will be safe with me and I can help you learn and recover yourselves." this was said as the girl Cally stared at the fire. Abby thought Cally looked sad for a moment.

Cally turned and said, "I saved a BMW and my bike. After you change you can ride in the back of the beemer until we get to Clan Home." Cally pointed to a expensive silver colored BMW M760i with gold trim pulling a U-haul trailer with a Black V-rod Harley Davidson on board. Unsurprisingly, the girls sitting on the ground had no idea how much those two items were worth!