Going Home (2)

Cally was a very happy young woman with no serious concerns. She was sitting on her heels so she was more on an eye level to Jessie and Abby. "So which one of you is Jessie Miller?" "I pulled your stuff out of your car and put it in the BMW before I set your car to explode." Jessie and Abby were truly unable to follow the conversation that kept leaping around. Jessie was thinking briefly of her car. She had worked for four years to buy her precious car and this woman blew it up!

After a few moments Jessie raised her hand like a school kid. "I'm Jessie." She looked at her best friend in the whole world. "This is Abby Coleman."The two college seniors had grown up together in a small town in Nevada and decided to go to the same University. They even looked like sisters with light brown hair, blue eyes and a similar build, heavily fought for from their various athletic endeavors. "You blew up my car?"

"Well yeah! Duh! You have to be dead now." Cally smiled then shook her head sadly, " Look you can't be who you were. Everyone has to think you died here and in a way you did. Your families will mourn and so will you but werewolves are close to immortal. They can't know and you can have good lives but your old life has to have exploded down at the bar." "Look we don't have much time till dawn. This is a fairly desolate highway but not empty we have to go very soon. " Cally stood and looked at her new little wolves. "You look like you are from a horror movie. Once you change into your other form you'll be clean, you won't have any hurts and you will be able to put some thoughts away for a bit."

Jessie the more dominant of the two suddenly scooted back, "Wait how did we get out here? How did you set everything to blow up? How...?" Cally gave a brilliant smile and said," Hey I am the most awesomest wolf ever. I have super powers like---Ummm Wolverine? Supergirl? No no I can't fly. Ummm Oh OH I know Speedy Gonzales! Beep Beep zip tang!" Abby finally spoke in a tiny voice, " Jessie? is she crazy?" Cally stood straighter, " Hey now. I'm a brand new person. It's hard to member what needs remembering and forgetting everything else." "Oh let me ask you before you change. Am I pretty? I was mud ugly once. Can you imagine being ugly for centuries? I wore a veil for over a hundred years."

Jessie and Abby looked at each other, then the young woman before who had shining green eyes, clear complication and was dressed in tan slacks and a white blouse; together they said, "You're gorgeous!" Cally nodded happily "Awesome!" SHe quickly did a fist pump, "Now, I want you to close your eyes and clear your thoughts and try to imagine simply running down a long country road. I will do everything else." At a loss to do anything but follow Cally's orders, they complied. Once the girls appeared to be calm enough Cally reached out and touched both girls and gave a low humm. Very quickly the girls began their transformation. It would shock any other were's in the world at the speed of the change. It was practically painless and over in minutes. Before Cally stood two tawny colored wolves. They shook themselves like wet dogs and looked at each other then at their benefactress. "OK," Call walked to the car and opened the back door, "Hop in!" "We're rolling!"