
"Kara village. That was the name of the village that i used to live in. Well, i only stayed there for 6 months. Before living in the village, i lived in the forest for i don't even know how long. The people in the village said i look like a 15 year old boy so… maybe i've spent most of my life in the forest?"

"So... Iledoya. Do you even know who your parents are? No, wait. Do you even remember their faces?"

"Hmm... the thing is, I don't remember anything before I lived in the forest. So i don't know anything about them. Well, Serion said i can be called his child so i don't really feel like wanting to know more about my parents. He also taught me a lot about the plants in the forest. Which is why my life in village is mostly just gathering and tending the herbs. The elders did teach me how to make potions and medicine out of them which was quite fun." Iledoya replied to a deep voice.

Iledoya was a boy with black hair and has a 15 year old looking body. But the one speaking now was his soul, in a dark place that is only lit by the many blue souls flowing like a river above him and the blue glow coming from the pair of eyes in front of him.

"Now who is Serion?" Asked the voice. The voice sounded very deep and powerful. His face is pitch black like a bottomless hole even with his glowing eyes and his body seems to be shrouded in darkness like a cloak. He gave off a dark aura and is holding a black scythe which is even bigger than himself.

"A lion i think? But if i am not wrong, the village people call him the Wise Beast King of Alfer. Oh, Alfer is the name of the forest. Though, Serion prefer naming it with his name" Iledoya answered. "I guess that's all about me. Now it's your turn!"

"Hmph. There isn't much to talk about me. I am Death, or some do call me the Grim Reaper or the Reaper. All i do is stay here, in Death's plane, severing the connection between the soul of the dead and the mortal plane." Death introduced himself. "Usually i simply let my clones do the job and just monitor them. But this is a special case. Kukuku..."

"Well yeah i guess there really wasn't much you can talk about" said Iledoya with a bit of disappointment in his voice.

Before meeting Death, Iledoya was in the village brewing some potions. The potions he made was of very high quality that it is pretty much the source of the village's livelihood. He learned brewing on the second month he started living in the village, after he was found in the forest by village's hunters.

During the first month the villagers taught him the common human language and other stuff on how humans should live. It did surprised the villagers how fast he learnt how to speak the common language. When he saw the elders brewing some potions and medicine using herbs, he asked them to teach him. Which they gladly did.

Brewing potions required magic due to its magical effect, unlike medicines which were only used to cure illness. They were quite shocked seeing Iledoya capable of learning magic. But they were even more shocked seeing how effective his potions are. But the elders didn't told anyone about it.(I think this line will not be used tho?) The village would usually set up a caravan to a city to sell their harvest and maybe even some goods. So the elders tried selling Iledoya's potions too.

When his potions reached the city, at first people just thought it was a high quality potion. But one day a man who has lost an arm and half of his leg while hunting drank his potion. That, is when words start spreading around. His potion regrew the man's limbs and all his scars and wound was healed.

Word about his potion reached the capital. Hearing how potent the potions were, the King ordered the creator of the potion to be searched and summoned before him. It didn't took long before Iledoya was found and brought before the King, since his elders didn't try to sell the potions secretly. Before being brought before the King, the elders made sure to lecture him on the way to the capital about manners when talking to royalty.

The King then stated his desire with the potions. "I want every member of my army to be equipped with your potions. All the ingredients shall be provided by the country. What would you request in return?" Iledoya was instantly stunned hearing The King's wish. He thought about it for a moment before saying "Your Majesty, if it is not too much. I would like to request two things." "Speak." "Your Majesty, I would like to request that; Kara village to not (won't) have to pay taxes and… (kindly give me)  the most complete potion recipe book there is…" The King pondered for a moment before nodding and saying "Accepted."

The deal went smoothly but unbeknown to them, there was an enemy spy among the King's servants, present during the deal. The spy sent the intel along with a sample of the potion to an enemy country's capital. They soon believed that the potion is a threat. Since it just so happened that Kara village was located close to their border, they decided they would exterminate the source.

Days and months pass by. Aside from eating, sleeping, and the occasional bath, Iledoya spent his days brewing the healing potions and studying the potions in the recipe book he got from the King. With each passing day, Iledoya becomes more and more skilled in potion making that sometimes even famous alchemist comes to seek advice. But Iledoya isn't the only one making progress as the enemy's army is also getting closer and closer.

6 months since Iledoya has stayed in the village. It was night time and Iledoya was currently brewing some potions. When suddenly he heard a loud explosion. The enemy's army has arrived. When Iledoya was trying to run outside, the ground suddenly shook and the house he was in broke down. He was now stuck under the debris of the house. As he lies there under the debris, he can hear the screams of the villagers, the sounds of the ground shaking every now and then, and smell the scent of things burning. Soon, the debris was also burned and after a while got buried underground. The villagers was massacred. The villagers killed and the house burnt. To top it off, the whole village was buried underground.

Everything was black already to Iledoya after being burned with the debris. When his vision came back and he can start seeing things, Death was already in front of him. "An Immortal?" was the first thing Iledoya heard. And soon they started chatting away.

And that brings us back to the present.