
"Oh yeah, what did you mean by me being an Immortal?" Iledoya asked. "If i'm supposed to be immortal, how did i end up here?" Death simply answered "It's because you're not the type of immortal that 'cannot die'. Instead, you're the type that can die, but your body would keep coming back to life."

"..." Iledoya became speechless. "And the reason i'm still here?" "That… your body is most definitely buried underground now. Because of that, your body cannot come back to life. Also, your magic is preventing me from severing your soul's connection to the mortal plane. So until your body comes back to life… your soul is probably stuck here."

"..." Iledoya was speechless once again. He suddenly realised something. "Wait... my magic? Doesn't that mean that my magic…" "Is either on par with mine or stronger than mine. Yes. Possibly because your magic is of absolute grade, just like mine" Death cutted him off.

"..." It was silent for a while

"Umm... I... I actually know nothing about magic... aside from using them in potion brewing... What do you mean by absolute grade?"

"..." It was Death's turn to be speechless this time. "Fine. I'll explain to you the basic Magic Knowledge. Magic is the energy that fuels spells and can be found anywhere. But some places or some things can have more magic or less magic than others. Beings can use magic to cast spells and the humans call these people 'Mages' "

Death started explaining. He looked at Iledoya and saw that he was paying close attention so he continued "There are many attributes of magic but they can be mainly categorised into 4 categories, which are 'Basic Attributes', 'Unique Attributes', 'Fundamental Attributes', and... 'Mutated Attributes'.

'Basic Attributes' consists of Fire, Water, Earth, and Wind. These are the most common attributes that beings tend to have.

'Unique Attributes' consist of magic that is not commonly found. Light, Dark, Lightning, Wood, and various other attributes fall under this category.

'Fundamental Attributes' are attributes that are possibly the most rarest and most powerful. Space magic, Time magic, Life magic, and the attribute that i possess; Death magic.

'Mutated Attributes' are... quite peculiar. They are attributes that are the results of 2 attributes somehow combining and creating an even more powerful attribute. For instance, there was someone who possessed Magma magic which fall into this category. The Magma attribute came from the combination of Fire and Earth attribute. Because of this, that person was able to cast Fire magic, Earth magic, and Magma magic.

Though beings with dual attributes can be found, it does not mean they will be able to cast a mutated attribute spell. Even if they were to succeed, they would find harder to cast and significantly weaker than those who possess the mutated attribute.

Do you understand that?" Death asked as he paused. Iledoya nodded with a solemn face. He asked "Are you... able to see my attribute?" and Death answered "Mutated attribute. I'll tell you more about your attribute after i explain about the grades" Iledoya can only hold in his curiosity and excitement.

Death continued "The Magic one own is graded by how powerful they are to effect its surrounding. Frow the lowest the grades are Basic magic, Advanced magic, High magic, Great magic, Grand magic, and Absolute magic. My Death magic is of course, Absolute grade. Spells are graded the same. Mages are graded by the grade of their Magic and are named Basic mage, Advanced mage, and so on.

Let's say a fireball and a waterball were to collide. if the fireball had a higher grade than the waterball the fireball would only be extinguished partially and can still contain little damage. That is in the case where both have the same amount and only different grades. And... This is only true for Magic with grades from Basic to Grand.

Absolute grade magic is different. Let's say you make a fireball of the Absolute grade. Even if you dropped it in the ocean, it will only be extinguished when you run out of magic or you call it back.

You should also know that normally, no other beings are supposed to be able to have Absolute grade magic in the Fundamental Attribute category.

The grade of magic can also effect what a mutated attribute can be. That Magma mage i mentioned earlier? The Fire and Earth magic that combined were both of Great grade. If they were of Basic grade, who knows. Maybe it would have just turned into Flaming Rocks attribute or something.

and that's the basic knowledge of magic. Do you understand what I have said?" Death finished his short lecture and asked Iledoya. Iledoya hurriedly nodded and urged Death "Now tell me about my attribute! Please please please!"

"Ugh, fine. Your Mutated attribute is from... Absolute Life magic and... Absolute Death magic." Death answered. Iledoya instantly looked flabbergasted.

Iledoya already knew he had Absolute grade magic since he heard Death said it to him before he started explaining. But he didn't think he would have attributes from the Fundamentals! He had the same grade of magic of Death himself! "I-Isn't that... V-Very a-awesome?" He is so shocked from the revelation, that he stuttered when asking.

"Yes. Very. No other beings are supposed to have an Absolute grade Fundamental Attribute, yet you have a Mutated Attribute of two of them. That should be your very own attribute that no else should have. How about naming it?"

"I get to name it!? Yes! Hmm..." Iledoya pondered for a while before saying "Since this is attribute is what makes me immortal, then it should be called the Immortal Attribute! And with that, i should be an Immortal Mage right? hehe..."

"But the Immortal mage is stucked in Death's plane. So what was the point? Hahaha" Death laughed at Iledoya.

"Then... How about for starters, this Immortal Mage becomes your friend?" With a smile Iledoya looked at Death in the eye.

"Haha... huh?" Death was still laughing when Iledoya asked that. Iledoya continued "Well you don't have anyone else to talk to here right? Since all you do is just cut souls and float around, have you ever felt something was fun?"

"I... Alright. Iledoya, you are now Death's First Friend!"

"And Death, you are the Immortal Mage's First Friend!"

"Hahahaha..." They were both happily laughing before Death suddenly said "But as you are now, you are not on the level a friend of Death should be!"

"huh?" Those words stunned Iledoya