
"Since you can use Absolute Death magic, it would be a waste not teach you how to use it. As a friend of Death, you have to be a powerful being." Death said as he tapped Iledoya's forehead with his finger.

Iledoya could feel the knowledge and information about absolute death magic flowing into his mind. Soon, shock could be seen on his face. The more he browse through the knowledge, the more shocked he looked.

"This... Wouldn't these make me become something similar to you? Similar to Death, the Reaper of Souls?" He asked, not quite believing what he had just been given. "Of course it will!" Death energetically answered.

"Normally, no beings are supposed to be able reach Absolute grade for their magic. Only beings like me, are supposed to have them. But since you now have Absolute Death magic, of course you can become similar to me! Using that magic, you could become another Reaper! hehehe" Explained Death.

Hearing the confirmation, Iledoya's eye almost seem to sparkle. "So where should i start?" He asked excitedly. "For starters, try sensing the magic in your soul then try move it around. It shouldn't be hard for you since you have spent 6 months of your life brewing potions." Death Instructed.

Iledoya nodded and then closed his eyes, trying to sense his magic. A grey ball could soon be seen slowly appearing. "Hmm. Good. Now try moving some of your magic to your hands" Death had a look of interest to that grey ball. As that is the Immortal magic that should be a grade higher than his Death magic.

Iledoya continued. Soon, grey lines could be seen moving from the ball to his hands. "That's good enough. Normally you're now supposed to try making it flow out of your body. But since you're just a soul there shouldn't be a problem. Now the fun part. Create your weapon."

Iledoya became full of excitement as he raised his hand in front of him like a zombie and chanted "Absolute Death Magic: Reaper's Scythe, Create!" then the grey lines in his hand started to pour out of his hand. The grey lines looked like liquid metal being poured into a cast as it formed a dark grey scythe. Soon, the scythe was done and there he had in his hand, his very own scythe. Iledoya looked like a kid who got a teddy bear for christmas as he happily hugged his scythe. Though, when compared to Death's scythe, Iledoya's scythe just looked like a long farming  scythe with how simple it looked.

"Hahaha close enough." Death chuckled looking at the scythe. "You can mold it later on. Alright, before continuing with other spells, see if you can have your magic fill your whole soul. This should be harder since you also have to keep you scythe out now" and true enough, as soon as Iledoya tried it he could feel his scythe fading.

Death explained "It is easy for anyone who can use magic to single-task with magic like keeping the scythe. But to multi-task with magic is on a totally different level, even if it's just two like you did. And for us, it is important to be able to keep multiple spells running subconsciously. So good luck!"

Iledoya now felt sad since he can feel how hard it is. But with the knowledge Death gave him, he knew how important it is. "Alright! I'll do my best!" Iledoya motivated himself.

While Iledoya was training, Death was thinking to himself 'So this is what those beings call fun. Having someone to speak to is quite... fun' if Death had a face behind the darkness, right now he would be having the creepiest smile as someone who has never smiled before.

Many hours later, Iledoya's soul has turned grey from his magic filling his soul. "Well that was the warm up. Now then, the real multi-tasking training should begin. You are to make as many magic balls as possible float around you while your scythe should float just behind you unmoving. Let me give you a demonstration." Death then floated his scythe behind him and pitch black balls soon started appearing around him. Their numbers keep increasing. Until suddenly they disappeared.

"I understand." Iledoya said. He tried making the balls... 1... 2... when he tried making the third one, it suddenly vanished before it formed. Death interrupted "Every time you fail one, start over from zero again. And don't stop making them until i tell you to stop"

Iledoya became flabbergasted. "So for example if i fail on the 21st, i have recreate 20 again?" "Yes." Iledoya asked and Death answered straightforwardly.

And so, time passed by as all Iledoya did was train and chat with Death.


After who knows how much time has passed, Iledoya was floating around trying to create another ball. It vanished before it was formed. "Ah... That was the 603rd ball..." Many grey balls could be seen floating around him and his scythe now looked more befitting of a reaper, floating behind him. Occasionally, he would mold it to make it look better when he gets inspired.

After failing so much, he seems used to it. In an instant all the grey balls vanished. A bit slower than the speed the balls vanished, 100... 200... as more appeared, they started appearing slower and slower... Even though they started appearing slower, in one minute, he was able to recreate 602 balls. Just when he was about to continue, he heard Death "Well... 600 should be enough."

When Iledoya heard that, he couldn't hold in his excitement "YES! FINALLY! So what's next?" Death thought to himself '10 would've been enough but... it should be okay to have him make over 100' then said "Now you would have to create your own plane[1]!"

"YOOHOO!" Iledoya was brimming with excitement. "Can i start now?" He asked. Death answered "Go ahead. Just make sure to come back".

And so Iledoya casted "Absolute Death Magic: Death's Void Creation"

[edited by Ed]