Immortal's Plane and Severing Souls

The grey magic in Iledoya flooded out of his soul creating a sphere around him. The sphere seems to get denser and denser making it even appear solid. Iledoya is now inside that sphere hoping nothing will go wrong.

In front of Death, the sphere started to shrink. It became smaller and smaller until it appears to only be a dot then vanished. "Hmm... I did impart to him how to transfer his soul here... He would come back once is done looking around in his plane... right?" He said to himself.

It was in preparation for making Iledoya's plane that Death instructed Iledoya to train in multi-tasking magic. Because once he created it, it would be bad if he doesn't keep it running and accidentally makes it vanish.

Death looked around his black plane and a thought went through his mind 'I never thought that I, Death, would ever feel what it is like to be lonely'

Meanwhile, Iledoya has just came back to his senses. "It... It worked! HOORAY!" Iledoya was excited. He floated around his plane wanting to know more about it.

Unlike Death's plane which was black, Iledoya's plane was grey. And Iledoya seem to be able to see a grey horizon too. Seeing that there was a horizon, only then that he realized that his plane also had a ground, unlike Death's which was like a bottomless void.

"I wonder if it would be possible to bring objects here" Iledoya spoke to himself. While thinking about that, he realized that he now knows how to enter this plane whenever he wants to. 'Well at least i know how to come back'

As he continued looking around he could feel that the space around him is full of Immortal magic. 'There is nothing much to see here. I should just go back'

With that said, he used the technique that Death gave him to go to his plane. Iledoya could then feel his soul being sucked into a void and like water going down the drain, his soul vanished.

He appeared back in Death's plane and Death seemed to have been expecting him. "So how was your plane?"

Iledoya described to to Death what he observed from his plane. How it was different from Death's plane.

Death felt it made sense. "Then it's just like in the case of your scythe. Even if the spell is of Death attribute, when you use it, it becomes an Immortal attribute instead. Since your plane is different, how about calling it Immortal's plane?"

Iledoya now understood why his plane was different and he also liked the idea of giving it a different name. He then asked "Yeah let's go with that name. So what is the purpose of having a plane?"

But Death shaked his head "If your plane was of the Death attribute, i could say that it's purpose is to be where souls without a body will naturally go. But since it is of Immortal attribute, i do not know."

That made Iledoya feel down. As if cheering himself up, he said "Okay. That just means that I, as the only Immortal Mage would not only have to work hard, I would have to do research myself" feeling himself cheered up, a smile appeared on his face.

Death also felt quite happy for him. "Alright. You should be able to use all other Death magic easily and you can browse through them in your mind. You can try them out yourself when you feel like it. So here is the last lesson i would teach you, 'Branch magic & Magic Techniques"

Iledoya become quiet and paid close attention to Death as he started to explain "For any other beings, when their magic is of Higher grade, their attribute is capable of taking other forms. These other forms fall into Branch Magic.

For example, Higher Water magic could become either Ice magic, mist magic, or so on. Higher Fire magic could become Heat magic or Sun magic.

Not all magic may have a branch magic though. Most of those magic are in the Unique Attribute category.

Magic in the Fundamental Attributes can only use Branch Magic when they are of Grand grade.

I already imparted to you all the Branch magic of Death magic. Right?" Death asked for confirmation. Iledoya nodded. Death then continued "Now for Techniques.

Most spells require chanting to be casted. But once you are able to use them without chanting, they become a Technique. Though not all Technique are derived some spells.

Most Techniques are ways to control magic in a certain way to achieve something. For example, if i were to make a ball of Death magic, it will be a Technique which i can call Death-ball

And that's it. These can be considered Advanced Knowledge in Magic. But since you already master them, I had to make sure you at least know what you mastered"

Iledoya did wonder why there was stuff that wasn't called Death Magic in the knowledge that Death imparted him. Now he knows what they are.

"With that said, since you are in Death's plane, and you have the Scythe... How about severing some souls?" Death offered.

"Huh? Severing souls? Am i okay to do that?" Iledoya asked. After all, that is something Death is supposed to do, not a soul from the mortal plane.

"It would be fine. As long as you sever it here and using your scythe, it would work out. Once you sever it's connection to the mortal plane, the soul would just go to the blue river above us." Death explained.

Hearing that, Iledoya accepted "Okay then! I always to try using my scythe too!"

With that said, Death waved his hand and a green soul appeared. Death told Iledoya "Even though your scythe is of Immortal attribute, it should still have the property of severing a soul's connection. Go test it out."

Iledoya nodded and slashed the soul. When he slashed the soul, the place where he slashed became blue. Soon, the blue spread out and the floated up as it entered the river above.

But then Iledoya's mind jolted. Knowledge suddenly started flowing into his head. And he realized that, it came from the soul he severed!

He asked Death "Death, when you sever a soul do you also absorb its knowledge?" and Death said "Yes, i get the knowledge of how they die, where they died, and the attribute of their magic. That's how i knew your body is buried underground since the souls of the villagers also came here. You should know that already, why did you ask?"

Iledoya told him "Well... it's because i also got knowledge on magic that it knew..."

Death was stunned. Another soul appeared. "Try again and see if you can absorb knowledge other than magic"

Iledoya slashed the newly appeared soul, desiring to be able to have all of its knowledge. His mind jolted again but this time not only magic. Farming, Blacksmithing, History, all of them flowed into his head. He also found out from the year the soul's body died, that he has been stuck here for 200 years.

"It worked." Iledoya was stunned and he looked at Death hoping he could maybe explain what is happening.

Death thought about it for a moment before saying "This is just my guess, but it is probably one of the effects of your scythe being Immortal attribute. I can't think of any other reason"

"I guess you're right." Iledoya also finds that answer logical. He smiled. A thought came through his mind. "You don't mind if i keep severing souls here right?" he asked Death.

"Sure. you won't have much to here otherwise" Death answered. Seemingly able to know what he thought.

"Hehe thanks! With that i should become the Immortal Mage with the knowledge of anything! Hahaha!" Iledoya said with a laugh.

And so, his days are filled with severing souls. Every now and then he would feel like making those balls of magic out of habit to train himself. From a theory a soul had, he also practiced forming his magic into a string and controlling them. He did this in his plane since it is filled with Immortal magic. In theory, he would be able to make clothings out of his magic.

And soon time passed by with Iledoya's only activity which are severing souls, chatting with Death, and practicing various things.

[edited by ed]