10,000 Years

10,000 years soon passed by in the mortal world. A lot of things has happened and being able to absorb the knowledge of the souls that he sever, Iledoya is aware of most of them.

Iledoya has made a lot of progress in his magic and skills. He decided he would absorb all the knowledge of every soul he severed. And so, he had acquired lot of skills and know a lot of magic theories.

Magic theories are something that people just assumed possible so they did research and training trying to see if they were right. Most of these magic theories are hard to try because it requires high level of magic control. Iledoya would often go to his Immortal's plane, where he tried and practiced many of these magic theories.

As a result, in his Immortal's plane, many stuff could now be found from the many theories he has tried. One can find stuff like clothes, fabric, armor, weapons, furnitures. There was even a small forest. But they were all grey.

These were from him trying a magic theory about forming magic into objects which is quite similar to the the magic theory of forming magic into clothes that he got from thousand of years ago.

But these objects are different from his Scythe though. All these objects did not have special properties like the Scythe that is capable of severing souls since his Scythe is formed from a spell.

But with these objects being formed from magic, Immortal magic to make it better, they are definitely special when compared to normal objects. However, since back in the mortal plane making objects using magic was still a theory and there is nothing to test them on, Iledoya hasn't find out what makes them special.

His Scythe now also looks very befitting of a Reaper of Souls. When compared to Death's Scythe, Iledoya's scythe may look better with the glowing and Runes that are on it. After practicing a lot, he can now summon and unsummon his Scythe with a wave of his hand.

Runes was a new thing he learned. It was something that the humans developed and didn't exist when he was still alive. With the runes, it is possible for him to give magical effects to objects. Plus, it also looks cool.

Other than that, He also has knowledge on a lot of attributes and various magic technique and spells. Death was kind enough to make sure that the powerful-looking souls are to be severed by Iledoya. That's how he got a lot of his astonishing knowledge and stories to tell Death.

He was also able to get some Life magic knowledge. Though he couldn't get any knowledge for Absolute Life magic, he still practiced Life magic since he could use it.

Right now he was currently chatting with Death. Around them, countless grey magic balls seem to be orbiting around either them or one another. If seen from above, it would almost look like a galaxy. And actually, this is what Iledoya tried to do when he found astrology theories.

"So how many does that make?" Death asked as he looked around him. He never thought that Iledoya would keep practicing in making those magic balls. Though, he was partly to be blamed for that.

Previously, the magic balls would just float in place around them. But at some point, Iledoya has also made with various sizes and orbit each other looking like a solar system. And then he would make these 'solar systems' and other larger magic balls orbit around him, making his surrounding almost look like a galaxy.

"Let me see… With this one, it should be 2,108,000 stars. Each with random amount of planets and each amount of planet may or may not have a moon. Quite a good amount if I say so myself" Iledoya answered with pride.

Ever since he started moving them to look like a galaxy, he started calling them by what astronomical object they present. Back in the mortal plane they also practiced moving the magic balls around to train their magic control. But they didn't do it like Iledoya, who made them follow a certain orbit.

"Out of all the souls that i severed, the one who was able to make the most magic balls was only able to make 21. Was it really necessary for me to be able to make 600 magic balls back then?" This was something Iledoya wanted know because to him, all the souls had weak magic control since Death gave him a standard of 600 before.

"O-Of course! It's that hard to make a plane." There was no way that Death was going to admit that he just wanted to see Iledoya make as much as he can, and that being able to make 10 was already enough to keep a plane up and running.

"Huh… I see…" Iledoya trusted Death, so he just believed him. "Oh yeah, let me tell you the story of this one soul. Because he was bored with how boring the world was, he wanted to create demons and become something he called a Demon Lord!" and so Iledoya started telling that man's story.

"... and just as he wanted to start a ritual, he died... from the cuteness of a bunny that got lost in his castle! HAHAHA! He hasn't seen anything cute in so many years because of his Demon research, that he died from the cuteness of a bunny! Haa… poor man…" Iledoya and Death laughed. Ridiculous deaths has become something they like to joke about.

While they were still laughing, a grey line appeared out of nowhere and wrapped around Iledoya's soul like a thread. "Huh? What's this?" Iledoya was perplexed. From the looks of it, he assumed that it is Immortal magic.

"So someone or something has finally done it." Death said, looking at what is happening in front of him. He can sense that the grey line is connected to outside of his plane.

"Death, do you know what is happening?"

"Somehow, your body is no longer buried underground. Your body has come back to life. So now, it's pulling back your soul from this place."

"What? Really?" Iledoya was so used to being a soul here, he had almost forgot that he had an undying body back in the mortal plane. "Will i still be able to come back?"

"Hahaha of course you can. Even though you will have a body, you can still use that technique i imparted to you to send your soul here. Now since you're going back, let me tell you something. Your plane is also capable of receiving souls like my plane. The only difference is, the being must have died in a certain range of you. So if you kill someone, their soul will go to your plane instead of mine."

"Why would i want the souls to go to my plane?"

"Did you forget you can get the knowledge of souls by severing them?"

"Oh right… How did i forget..."

Death said to Iledoya "When you have a great story, come back to tell me. I will high expectations"

And with a smile on Iledoya's face as the last thing Death saw from him, Iledoya was pulled from Death's plane and vanished.

Like thousands of years ago when Iledoya first vanished into his own plane, the thought came back to Death 'Back to the lonely days of seeing nothing but darkness and severing souls'. By now, Death has truly felt Iledoya as a friend.

[edited by ed]