Sparring with Blaise and Blaine

Iledoya knew whose voice that was. And sure enough, when he turned around he saw Serion sitting behind him towering over all Beasts in the area. Somehow, even when their King is sitting behind them, none of the Beast in the plain notice His presence.

"Why are you here?"

"My business happened to be nearby"

"Such a coincidence huh.." Iledoya's mouth was twitching as he said this

"So do you want to try and fight them while they're not holding back?" Serion reminded Iledoya of his offer.

While they were chatting, Fen seem to not hear them at all. He was focused on the panthers who has begin fighting again.

"Before that, why did no one here seem to notice their King arriving?" Iledoya noticed how no one, even Fen who he is still sitting on, realised that their King is behind them.

"I have both Wind and Light attribute. With Light magic i can become invisible and with Wind magic i can redirect our sound and my scent somewhere else." Serion explained.

"Makes sense" Iledoya nodded to the explanation. "So how are you going to help me fight them without them holding back?"

"I'll just put you three into a cage." Serion answered nonchalantly. He made it sound like it was as easy as flipping one's hand.

"Well then… anytime you can make it happen. Or can you do it now?" Iledoya asked

"Then I shall set you up now." After Serion said that, he turned his head to the platform and without raising his voice he said "Blaise. Blaine."

Even though Serion did not raised his voice when he said those two words, his voice traveled into the hearing organ of every Beast present. When Blaise and Blaine heard his voice, they instantly stopped moving.

It took a while for the Beasts to find the source of the voice but once they found it, those who were close instantly back away before kneeling. Those who had found the source of the voice instantly knelt down to its direction and one by one, voices could be heard saying

"Your Majesty..."

"Your Majesty."

"Your Majesty!"

When Fen realized that he was standing in front of His Majesty, he instantly jumped away to kneel far away before saying "Your Majesty!" causing Iledoya to fall in front of Serion.

With an area cleared in front of Serion, Blaine and Blaise appeared in that cleared out area and knelt down there "Long Live Your Majesty! Forgive us for not realizing your presence to welcome you" Blaine and Blaise said at the same time but this time, they did not pester the other for saying the same thing.

"All of you, rise" Serion said. All the Beasts rise up, and Iledoya could see the respect all the Beasts had towards Serion just from their faces. He was very impressed with that. From their respect, came loyalty. With their unwavering loyalty, the respect they had for Serion must be immense. Even Blaise and Blaine that was fighting moments ago act like nothing has ever happened after Serion revealed himself.

"Let me introduce to you all, this is my boy, Iledoya" Serion stated.

"Hello…" Iledoya waved his hand to his surrounding.

All the Beasts was shocked. 'His Majesty raised a human boy?' when Fen heard that he instantly felt relieved 'It was a good thing i treated him with respect. If i didn't..' Fen shivered with that thought.

"Even though none of you might have seen him before, but i have raised him up for 15 years." there's is a tinge of pride in his voice when Serion said that.

"Now then… Blaine, Blaise, Iledoya here wants to spar with you two without any restraint. I will set you all up so both of you wouldn't need to hold back. Both of you wouldn't be able to kill him anyway." Serion ended his sentence with a smile.

If it wasn't because he was a Divine White Lion, that smile would've looked evil.

"As you wish!" the panthers said at the same time. They jumped to the platform and waited for Serion and Iledoya.

When the Beasts understood that Serion would be taking action, they opened up a path for Him and Iledoya. And with that, Serion majestically walked towards the platform while Iledoya followed from behind. He hasn't got time to train his body so he couldn't jump all the way to the platform like the panthers.

10 meters away from the platform, Serion stopped and sat down, then he shot a glance toward Iledoya signalling him to go on the platform.

From afar, the platform didn't look big to Iledoya but once he was on top of it, he realized how wide it was. With the sides being 100 meters, he wondered why it look small from afar but then he remembered that Serion's the one who created the platform.

'His mastery of Light magic is too amazing! To use light to change how things are seen, not many of those Light mages tried to do this!' Iledoya can't help but be amazed by Serion again and again.

Seeing that they are ready on the platform, Serion tapped the ground with his paw while chanting "Absolute Light Magic: Prison of Light, Absolute Light Magic: Defensive Barrier"

After that, a cage appeared surrounding the platform covering even the sky and once it was done, the gaps were filled with a yellow but transparent barrier.

"It's made from Absolute Light Magic. Unless you two suddenly comprehend an Absolute Dark spell on par with this one, you wouldn't be able to destroy it." Serion said to the two panthers.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Blaise and Blaine thanked Serion formally. They don't even care that they are in sync now. While Iledoya just casually said "Thanks!"

Though none of the Beasts would dare to get angry at Iledoya for speaking so casually. They understood that Serion treated Iledoya like a son and it should be normal for them to speak casually.

On the platform, Iledoya was the one to say "Let's begin"

Hearing Iledoya's words,a huge black magic circle that covered all the grounds inside the cage instantly appeared, which was followed by Blaise and Blaine chanting "Double Grand Dark Magic: Midnight Domain"

The magic circle glowed a dark glow and suddenly, the whole cage was now filled with darkness. Now, only Serion is the one outside who could know what is happening inside the cage.

When the whole cage was filled with darkness, Iledoya understood something 'I am definitely not good with battles' After he said begin, all Iledoya has been doing was thinking what to do next. When the darkness appeared, he still did not know what to do. 'AAAHH… I'll just test the things i came up with' Iledoya mentally screamed inside.

He close his eyes knowing he won't be able to use it and instead switched to just sensing magic. By sensing magic, he is able to sense things containing magic around him, including the panthers that are dashing his way. 'Wait what, they're even faster now!'

With his control over magic, he controlled his clothes that are made out of magic and flew up. 'Oh this could work. This way, I can fly around' as he flew up he heard a loud boom. With his magic sense, he saw the platform where he stood now had a deep hole in it with Blaise standing in the middle of it.

'That's very strong! And that wasn't even a spell'. Still thinking what to do, Iledoya heard Blaise chanting "Grand Dark Magic: Dark Beam" and while Blaise was chanting that, Iledoya got pulled down by a dark tentacle down to the ground and once he landed, he felt the beam hit his body.


Previously, when Blaise and Blaine was holding back, the dark beam was already powerful as it created a loud boom when it hit the platform, creating a gust of wind. This beam however, was incredibly powerful, that there is nothing left of what it touched. This time, due to Serion's cage, all the Beasts outside can only hear a louder boom and that's all.

Serion, who could sense what is happening inside almost wanted to jump in and stop the beam.

Right now, all that's left from where Iledoya landed on the ground was a deep circular 10 meter hole and a bit of Iledoya's finger.

Iledoya died again.

But this time, Iledoya found himself in his Immortal's plane instead of Death's plane. "I see… While Blaise dashed in to try and attack me, Blaine went somewhere to do a sneak attack. After Blaise attacked me, he just stayed there and casted a Dark Beam to hit a certain spot and Blaine who was hiding only had to create a dark tentacle to pull me to where the Dark Beam is!

Then the reason i couldn't sense the magic circle and the tentacle, it should be because the Midnight Domain! Because the Midnight Domain is filled with Dark Magic, not to mention it is doubled since they both casted it into a Double magic, the only thing i would have been able to notice would be the concentrated Dark Beam! So the magic circle must have been directly above me for so it will instantly hit me. That's pretty cool!"

Iledoya stayed a few seconds in his plane before the grey line to pull him back appeared. "Well it's my turn now. Hehehe, this is a good time to see others react to my capabilities!" He said as his soul was being pulled back.

In the few seconds he was in his plane, Blaise and Blaine was panicking. "Did we kill him? No, no, no… There's no way His Majesty wouldn't have let that happen right?" Blaine said while panicking "But there's only his finger ther- huh?"

While they were panicking, the finger started to float and from it, like a blooming flower or an exploding firework; organs, blood, skin, immediately grew from that little bit of finger forming a body, and once the body formed clothes immediately covered it.

Iledoya was back again.

"I-I don't believe it" the panthers had their mouth agape and their eyes bulging. It was just a moment ago that they were afraid that they accidently killed him, but then his whole body regenerated from that little bit of finger he had left.

"Oh hi! I'm back. That was really cool what you two did there!" Iledoya could sense where they were, and so he said that in their direction.

"Now let me show what else i can do with my magic" he floated up again and then with magic, he encased himself in a box and created a body-shaped form with the box by creating four limbs, two for each arms and legs.

"Isn't this cool!? It's like a golem, but I am in it! Hehe" after he said that, he controlled the grey golem-formed magic around him and charged towards Blaine and Blaise.

Meanwhile, Serion was scared during the short moment Iledoya's body didn't start regenerating. Thoughts like 'Maybe I should kill those two to avenge him' had almost crossed his mind, but when he saw that Iledoya's body almost instantly formed back again, he instantly felt relieved. 'Immortal indeed…'

Back inside the cage, When the panthers saw Iledoya charging at them, they instantly recovered from their shock as they dashed behind Iledoya trying to bite through the shoulder part of the golem.

Iledoya smirked seeing what they planned to do. He just let them do what they want to try.

Blaise and Blaine each targeted the left and right shoulder. They covered their fangs with Dark magic and bite through the golem's shoulder. They were pleased to see their magic being able to bite through Iledoya's magic.

"Hehe, so you thought you bit through?" Iledoya smirked, as he turned around inside his box to look at two panthers.

Hearing Iledoya's words and his expression, they tried to pull back but they couldn't! Iledoya was able to hold on their fangs with his magic, and in that instant, he wrapped his magic around their heads making them stuck on to the golem.

'We got trapped!'

Blaise and Blaine wanted to voice it out but their mouth was stuck unable to move.

"Too late to regret now!" As Iledoya said that, he controlled his golem-formed magic and slammed it's back to the ground, pressuring the panthers to the ground.

Even though they are Legendary Beasts, they couldn't stand the pressure that Iledoya is putting on with his magic. 'This boy's magic control is insane! He is actually able to physically pressure us with his magic!' the panthers thought.

Iledoya soften his magic that is around their mouth and asked, "So do I win?" He asked the panthers in front of him with a smile.

"Yes, Yes, You win! Please let us go"

"You definitely have won, please stop putting on pressure!"

Iledoya happily disperse his golem. The panthers got up and after which, they also dispersed their Midnight Domain.

When they dispersed their Midnight Domain, Serion also dispersed his cage and said while laughing to the sky "Hahaha, Iledoya has won!"

As the crowd heard Serion's announcement, they couldn't help but think on how a boy, a mere human boy had won against 2 of those monstrous legendary beasts. While still holding their thought, They heard a large growling sound.

'An enemy attack!?'

[edited by ed]