My fruits...

When Fen heard the sound, he thought it was an enemy attack.

"A-Ahaha… Looks like my stomach is empty now ahaha" Iledoya said while awkwardly laughing. He walked off the platform and headed towards Serion.

Everyone calmed down when they heard Iledoya said that. Understanding what is happening, Serion nodded and said "Wait for a while, the fruits will be here any moment." After which, he whispered into the ears of Blaine and Blaise using Wind magic saying "Don't tell anyone what you saw"

Blaise and Blaine understood what Serion meant, and knowing that Serion wants to keep it a secret, they only replied with a nod. They then vanished into the shadow.

Serion was satisfied with their reply. Even though these two attendants of his act childish sometimes, but when it comes to their duty, they are very smart.

Suddenly remembering something, Serion asked Iledoya "So how was the fight?"

"I've come to realize that fighting wasn't my thing. But I still find it quite dull"

"Do you want to fight something stronger?"

Iledoya's body jolted when he heard that. "Who?"

"We have some guests from afar with not so good intentions" Serion answered while looking at sky.


A roar sounded from the sky. From afar, all the Beasts could see something flying closer. There was many of them and they came flying from many directions. As they got closer, one of the Beast finally realized what those were and shouted "Monsters!"

When Iledoya heard the word "Monsters", he trembled.

Monsters are Savage Beasts that after ranking up, took the wrong turn and didn't acquire Intelligence. Their body also contain magic but instead of getting Intelligence, most of the magic are only used for strengthening their physical powers. As a result, they only have little amount of magic in their body because most are transformed into strength. This also makes them have way shorter lifespan compared to Beasts. They are ranked as follows:

Magical rank equivalent - Brute Monster - Lifespan around 100 years

Mythical rank equivalent - Vicious Monster - Lifespan around 100 years

Legendary rank equivalent - Calamity Monster - Lifespan around 150 years

Guardian rank equivalent - Behemoth Monster - Lifespan around 200 years

But for a Savage Beast to become a monster, it is not something natural. The easiest way this could happen, would be a curse in which when the Savage Beasts absorbs magic, none would be used to develop intelligence. The other way, would be under a forced transformation by a Behemoth Monster.

A Behemoth Monster, The Guardian Beast equivalent, are able to instill hostility into Beasts. Once a monster reaches the Behemoth rank, only then would they have to intelligence, but one filled with nothing but hostility towards others. With this, they are able to affect the other Beasts into becoming Monsters, creating a pack of them, where the Behemoth would be the leader.

Out of the many monsters that were flying towards the plain, one of them was immensely huge. While the others looked like a dot from afar, this one looked like a brick flying in sky.

"Wyverns" Serion said. The monsters were now just flying in circles above the plain where all the Beasts were, allowing to see what they are. The largest one was hovering over the platform, looking at the direction of Serion

"SERION, TODAY… TODAY THE GREAT ALFER FOREST WOULD BE MINE!" The humongous Monster's voice traveled throughout the forest. The ground slightly trembled to its voice.

A frown has now appeared on Serion's face. "Veria, I wouldn't let you take over my forest. You've failed 50 years ago, and you will fail again"

While the others was preparing to confront the enemy, Iledoya noticed that the limbed tree was approaching, bringing fruits to him. As the first food he had tasted in 10,000 years, Iledoya has strangely come to like the fruits, making it his favorite food. He became delighted and smiled, waiting for it come bring him the fruits.

The tree came from behind the giant wyvern, as if not knowing the danger the wyvern pose.

"HA. HAHAHA. DO YOU THINK I WILL DO THE SAME MISTAKE AGAIN?" Veria landed on the platform glaring right at Serion. Not caring about its surrounding at all, it crushed the tree that was bringing Iledoya's fruit with it's tail.

Seeing that, Iledoya's smile froze. He was very hungry. And his favorite food was crushed in front of him. His face darkened. He clenched his fist.

Serion was about to reply to Veria when he noticed the trembling Iledoya. Instead of replying to Veria, he looked towards Iledoya and asked "Are you scared?"

Iledoya did not respond to Serion, instead he said "Serion. I want to fight something stronger. I can kill that creature right?" the smile on his face was now replaced by a frown.

Serion was quite shocked to hear Iledoya saying he wants to kill. But remembering that it was Veria he said he wanted to kill, Serion answered "Go ahead"

"HOW DARE YOU IGNORE ME BEAST" Veria was infuriated by how they ignored him. 'That little boy said he wanted to kill me, a Behemoth Monster?' He became more infuriated with that thought.

Without saying anything else, Iledoya walked towards the wyvern. The sky started to turn dark while the Beasts realized that they are starting to feel tenser with each step Iledoya took. The smaller wyverns in the sky also stopped flying around and just hovered on the spot.

When Iledoya was already standing in front of Veria, the Wyvern of the Behemoth rank, Veria felt that it was feeling hard to breath.

"YOU… DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT I AM!?" Veria forced himself to look powerful. He doesn't know why, but he also finds himself very tense.

"You squashed my fruits…" Iledoya said softly, ignoring Veria's complain.


"My fruits…"

"HUMAN, THIS IS YOUR LAST CHA-" Veria was cut off by Iledoya

"HOW DARE YOU SQUASH MY FRUITS!!" Iledoya exploded with black magic forming into a hand that caught Veria by the neck. It then formed a head, then a body, then another hand that also hold Veria by the neck. Iledoya formed something that looked a skeleton wearing a cloak similar to Death's, while it's hollow eyes were burning with grey fire.

"I'LL STRANGLE YOU, I'LL STRANGLE YOU, DIE, DIE, DIE!! DIE A SLOW DEATH!!" the reaper-like skeleton that Iledoya formed was hundreds of meter tall. It choked Veria by the neck, making him hang hundreds meter off the ground.

Another two reaper like skeleton appeared from the ground. It ripped off Veria's wings and tails. It then started squashing the tail into meat paste.

"ARGH… COUGH… AAAHH" Veria tried to struggle free, but the grip of the grey skeleton hands was so strong, he can't even talk nor breath. He could only squirm as Iledoya choked him stronger and stronger.



Veria's body dropped on the ground with a loud boom. Lifeless and headless. All the Beasts shivered when they saw that. Even Serion shivered a little. Even though he was strong, but to use only magic control to physically decapitate a Behemoth Monster wasn't something he can do.

The giant soon dispersed and everyone felt their tense fading away. The sky also brighten a little bit.

"A-A-Ahahaha… Sorry… I guess i really do have a hard time thinking clear when i'm hungry…" A loud grumble followed along after he said that…

This time, Serion didn't even have to order anybody before one of the Beast instantly said "Someone get some fruits NOW! QUICKLY!"

Serion and Iledoya twitched when they saw how scared the Beasts was.They were so scared that they actually forgot there were still some lower ranked Monster Wyverns flying above them all. Serion was a bit concerned about how casually Iledoya gruesomely killed Veria. He then remembered that Iledoya saying something about Veria squashing his fruit. 'If it wasn't because that Veria only had evil intentions for my forest, I would have mourned for him'



"I know you have seen many sorts of death. But killing isn't something common here, especially the way you did it. This time, I'll let it slide because Veria is an evil Monster. But next time if you have to kill, do not make it so gruesome. Others would think you are a psychopath."

Iledoya fell a little embarrassed hearing the point Serion reprimanded him "O-okay… I'll try my best"

Meanwhile, When the wyverns saw their leader dead, they instantly lost all coordination and just flew around randomly, not knowing what to do.

Serion smirked "Iledoya, you were expecting something like this in a battle between Legendary Beasts right?" After he said that, he stood up, looked at the sky, and chanted "Grand Light Magic: Starry Sky"

After which, all the Wyverns became covered in light and then they all shoot towards a point in the sky directly above Serion, converging into a big ball of light. Once all the Wyvern were converged, the ball of light exploded, filling the sky with small dots of light, making it look like the sky was full of stars.

Iledoya knows that spell from various souls of Light mages and seeing Serion cast it, he was happy. "Yeah, kinda did hope a spell like that would be used…"

"Well you ended the fight too quickly. Your moves are so powerful, once you make a move, none of your opponents are able to retaliate. Think about it"

Iledoya thought about it and Serion was right! When he was fighting the Viper, Blaise and Blaine, and Veria, once he made a move it will be an instant win for him. "..." he became speechless to this revelation.

"So I guess me always thinking what to do during a fight is a good thing if i want a fun and cool fight?"

"As long as you're not facing an opponent of equal powers, yes, just keep thinking. They will keep showing you those flashy moves you want."

"I see… I'll keep that in mind!"

"Umm… Iledoya, your fruits has arrived" An armadillo-like Beast called him from behind. Behind it, was a basket full of Iledoya's favorite fruits. Iledoya thanked the Beasts "Thank you for your help!"

"No, no, it is only natural that we help." the Beasts replied with a forced smile.

Serion looked towards Veria's corpse and said "I'll continue with my business now. Just continue wander around the forest" He continued "Fen, you should be Iledoya's guide. Just continue what you have been doing"

Serion suddenly vanished along with Veria's corpse. 'Light magic to become invisible, Wind magic to lift the corpse and to be traceless. Yeah that's cool too' Iledoya thought when Serion vanished.

Fen was still shocked from being called out by His Majesty causing him to stagger towards Iledoya. "S-So… W-Where d-do you wa-want to g-go next?" Fen said while stuttering.

"Hmm… I subconsciously did it when i wanted to strangle Veria, so i want to try it again… Is there anywhere that has a lot dying plants?" Iledoya asked Fen.

"Y-yes… I'll take you there, hop on" Fen answered


Meanwhile, in a tall tower between mountains far away, there was a woman sitting on a chair reading a book while humming a happy tune in a vast hall. The hall looked like a throne room but the woman was the only one in the tower. But then she heard a voice


"SWEET MOTHER OF CUPCAKES, WHO'S THERE" the woman called Eleanor shouted. She was happily enjoying her book while happily singing a tune, but someone called her name. She knew for a fact that she was the only one in her tower so no one should've called out her name.

"Apologies for my rudeness, startling you. I'm speaking to you through wind magic so you won't detect my presence, but you should have detected something else in front of you"

She nodded "What do you want? Why have you disturbed me?" She asked.

"I believe you are a Space mage correct?"

Hearing that the mysterious voice knows that she is a Space mage, she was startled. "So I guess you want me to make something? I don't do stuff for free" She answered confidently

"Yes, I understand. The thing in front of you is just a part of what it come from"

Some meat paste appeared in the hall. Eleanor walked up to it to analyze it and was shocked "This is… meat paste? No, it's meat paste of a Wyvern! And judging from the magic and it's firmness, it didn't become a Guardian Beast instead it's a Behemoth Monster! This could go for millions of gold! Where did you get this?"

"I'm sorry, but i cannot tell you where I got it."

Eleanor frowned for a moment. She touched her head with her index finger thinking for a moment. "Alright, tell me your conditions."

"A magic backpack. As a Space mage, you should know I'm not asking for an ordinary magic backpack right?"

"Sigh… fine… A void backpack, I will make it for you. But what about the material? I'll be frank, if you have the other parts of the Wyvern, the skin on it's abdomen would be good material. And once I'm done, will you come to get it or should I deliver it?"

"Oh? The abdomen part would be good? Alright. My attendant would come and deliver it. He would also be the one to pick it up"

Eleanor thought to herself 'I should lock that door more often. Heck, why do I even need it. Haish... That was a clever way of using Light and Wind magic though'

After waiting for a while, a black dot on the ground entered through the bottom of the door which then expanded and covered the entire floor of the hall in black.

'Shadow magic, a Branch of Grand Dark Magic!' Eleanor thought

Then, two black panthers appeared from the floor. With chains in their mouth, they dragged the corpse of a tailless and headless wyvern.

"Legendary Midnight Panthers… and two of them!" Eleanor was shocked seeing them. But when she saw the corpse of the Wyvern, she understood who they were. "So you are two are the servants of the one that wanted me to make a Void Backpack?" while at the same time she thought 'Their master is either a powerful Beast tamer, or a Guardian Beast! If it's the latter, that would explain why it would use Wind magic to communicate.'

The two panthers answered "Yes. His Majesty entrusted us to deliver the corpse here so you can use it to craft the backpack." One of them then said "I would also be the one to take it back to His Majesty when you're done"

The other panther said "The meat paste over there is made from its tail. Consider it the down payment. His Majesty said if you need more, as long as you split the sale 50-50 with us, you can sell the wings too"

The other one then said again "Oh, and I'll be staying here in the shadows when you're done"

Hearing the extra details about extra money, Eleanor became excited "Don't worry, I will get it done. May I know the name of His Majesty?"

The two panthers look at each other. Eleanor could hear them whisper 'Wow His Majesty was right… there was a chance she would ask.' 'That's what you would expect of His Majesty' 'So only His Majesty's name right?' 'yep'

The panthers then stared at Eleanor and said at the same time "His Majesty's name is Serion!"







-----[Bonus Story]-----

It is unknown to the races, what happens to the soul of Beasts and Monsters when they die. Some people say that Beasts and Monsters does not have souls. Some say that the souls instantly fades away. Some also say when they die, their souls go to Victus, the Avatar of Life instead... But Iledoya knows the truth…


Somewhere in Death's plane, there is a special place where souls of Beasts and Monsters arrive. They have their own river of souls, so they do not mix with the souls of the races.

Currently in that special area...

"PUHAHAHAHAHAHA HE SQUASHED ILEDOYA'S FRUIT AHAHAHAHA" Death was laughing hysterically "Oh poor soul.. he didn't even know why he died"

Death, was clearly having a good time…


-----[End of Bonus Story]-----

[edited by ed]