
The judge was filled with regret and shame. 'I-It can't be! There is no way a tier 12 potion can exist!' She wanted to deny the possibility that she has treated a tier 12 potion with disgust but she can't think of a way.

If it was a tier 11 she could say it was a stolen potion or the magic tool was broken. But neither can be the case for a tier 12. Before her mind could become crazy from the thought of handling a tier 12 potion with disgust, Iledoya casted "Soul magic: Soul shock"

Just like the name says, the spell shocked the soul of the judge and the two people who brought in the magic tool. They stood frozen for a moment before fainting from their soul being shocked. He walked towards the trio before touching each of their foreheads.

He used a Soul technique that allows him to extract knowledge from the souls. Iledoya created this technique himself by reversing how the Soul technique Death used on him, to share his knowledge. By adding more power into it, it can extract the knowledge permanently. In other words, he can make them forget that a tier 12 potion appeared here.

Soul magic is a Branch magic of the Death attribute. Iledoya didn't have many chances to test it in Death's plane since most of the spells targeted the souls to affect the body. Getting a chance to test his knowledge made him delighted.

He placed his potion in his backpack and with a smile, Iledoya turned to Sinov "You were still wondering how to repay me right? How about keeping everything you saw a secret?"

Sinov was still standing there with a blank bulging eyes and a mouth opened wide. She clearly hasn't recovered from the shock.


"Huh?... Ah yes yes i saw nothing, nothing at all" When she finally recovered from the shock, she instantly knew it wasn't a good idea to tell anyone. She smiled with a smile that made her look like a businessman that found a miraculously good deal. She didn't listen when Iledoya asked her to keep it a secret but it was her own decision to keep it a secret.

Hearing that Sinov would keep it a secret, Iledoya felt it was okay she didn't hear him "Well as long as you know." He looked outside the window, to the sun that is going down "It's about to get dark now. Does your offer of a place to stay still stands?" He asked

"Of course of course! Oh and you don't have to worry about it getting dark. In this day and age, which town or city wouldn't have street lights?"

"Street lights?" Iledoya is still used to the times before Runes were a thing. Now, Runes were used in many things and making the streets bright at night was one of them. "Haha of course the street lights would make it bright yes yes…" Even though Iledoya knew that street lights are now a thing, he often forgets such a thing because of how the knowledge is store in his mind.

The way Iledoya access his knowledge is similar to looking for a book in a library. If he doesn't try to think of them, it will be as if Iledoya never knew about them. He had the knowledge of street lights and even how to make them but his old ways of thinking made it took a while before it became a thought.

Sinov felt that it was strange how Iledoya spoke his last sentence. But she had other things to sort in her mind so she didn't care. After walking for a while, the sun has set and the street lights started to light the streets.

Since Egner is a small town, sadly, they don't have a way to make the lights 'automated' so that it lights up at night only. The current street lights needs to be placed before night and stored in the morning everyday.

While Iledoya was following Sinov to her house, he saw some workers bringing a cart full of the street lights and some workers placing the street lights. 'Must be a tough and tiring job' he thought.

Arriving in front of Sinov's house, Iledoya was quite surprised to see a normal wooden house made from planks. For an Alchemist that could make a tier 7 potion, Iledoya was expecting a more… 'suitable' house.

Sinov saw the look on Iledoya's face that seems to question reality. "Haha, have you not heard of the saying 'Don't judge a person by their clothes'? Don't assume the insides would look just as normal."

Iledoya was filled with expectation again. Sinov opened the door and beckoned for Iledoya to go in. When Sinov opened the door, before Iledoya even stepped inside, almost as if he was forced, he can't help but think 'What the fluff-'

Everything inside Sinov's house was one way or another, decorated with rabbit as the theme. The wall had paintings of fluffy adorable rabbits. The back of the door had a rabbit face painting. The chairs was crafted to have bunny ears. Some door knobs were even crafted to look like a rabbit's head! Normally this would have looked scary or creepy but somehow, all of the objects almost seem to exude cuteness.

Iledoya felt really surprised by this. "Can you not live without a seeing a rabbit in one day? Why are there so many rabbit decorations?" He asked Sinov as he takes a seat on bunny chair.

"A-Ahahaha… It's complicated. I just find them very cute" Sinov's face seem to turn red a little as she said that. She didn't mind how Iledoya instantly felt like he was at home. She served Iledoya a cup of tea in a bunny cup. The tea leaves were cut into the form of bunnies. Seeing even such details had a rabbit, Iledoya can't help but twitch a little.

"Ah, i also have some snacks. Let me get some" Sinov was about to leave to get the snacks when Iledoya suddenly stopped her.

"Are the snacks formed into rabbits too?"

"..." Sinov became speechless.

"Haaa so it is. It's not that i hate it but… It is unbelievable how detailed you are to make the interior be filled with rabbits." He shaked his head as he said that.

"Ha… haha… I see…"

They had an awkward silent snack together. Sinov broke the silence "Right, let me show you your room. The house came with 2 rooms you see, and I never use the other one."

Sinov brought Iledoya to his room and it was the only room without bunny furnitures. "Oh this is good enough. Thank you for letting me stay. I'll be spending the rest of the night in my room now so good night Sinov" Iledoya closed the door while smiling.

In his room, there was only a bed which is enough. He sat on it and started thinking about how the day went. 'Even though I already hold back, the potion actually still became a tier 12. With the gap tier 10 and tier 11 has, the gap of power between tier 11 and tier 12 should be greater right?'

Iledoya grew a bacon fruit and ate it before he continued thinking 'Oh would you look at that. It's almost time for me to use 'that'. I should go test it on the bandits first though, I wouldn't want it to go wrong. That would make me look uncool.'

While Iledoya was thinking on how he should test his knowledge on those bandits, Sinov was in another room. A room that was strangely, did not have any bunny furnitures. Instead, everything inside was red. Sinov was sitting in a red chair in that room reading an old weathered book. "This… everything I need is here? … YES! I should try to get that tomorrow to start it" became very excited.

The next day

"There is some plants I want to go check outside of town so I'll be going there. Depending on the situation, I might not be back until tomorrow." Iledoya said to Sinov as they eat bunny shaped food that Sinov made. It tasted pretty good actually. But then Iledoya twitched when he saw a bunny shaped grain of salt. 'Must be my imagination… there is no way that she would even shape the spices into rabbits' he thought

"Huh? Oh… Is that so…" Sinov had a look of sadness and disappointment.

"Oh yeah… I actually wanted to give this to you" Iledoya handed over his potion.

Sinov's look instantly changed to happiness "Really!? Thank you so much!" She reflexively pulled Iledoya and gave him a hug. "C-Can't…Breath" Iledoya tried to say. "O-Oh sorry" Sinov's face turned red as she let Iledoya go.

As if nothing happened, Iledoya just walked to the door and said "Well see you soon!" He walked away, heading towards the bandit hideout.

When Sinov saw Iledoya leave, she grinned and said "To think I didn't have to try to get it at all and it just came into my hands. The world must be with me to keep delivering what I need!"

At the bandit hideout, before Iledoya's arrival

"Leader, we've been stuck here for a full day! We can't stand it anymore leader. Please help us!"

"Yes leader, we can't eat nor drink. If we stay like this, we will die!"

"Leader help us!"

The bandits were still tangled by the plants Iledoya casted. The leader couldn't stand it anymore and he shouted "BE QUIET! IT'S BECAUSE YOU ALL WANTED THAT WOMAN THAT WE'RE STUCK HERE" In the leader's opinion, if his subordinates didn't caught Sinov, then they wouldn't have met Iledoya and they wouldn't be stuck here. "And besides… how am I supposed to help you all when I'm also stuck?"

"By becoming my test subjects." A voice answered the bandit leader's question. Of course it was the voice of the one who had tangled them all, Iledoya.

"What? What do you mean?" The bandit leader question.

"It's exactly like I said, become my test subject."

"…" The bandit was speechless for a while. He asked "What are you going to test on me?"

"Oh you don't have to know." Iledoya smiled. Smiling was one of the things Iledoya could still practice when he was a soul even if the soul didn't have muscles as it still did have a face. Due to that, whenever he smiled, it would look like a smile so full of kindness that could make spring come early, even when he is holding his Scythe and walked with it towards the bandit leader.

"W-What are you doing? No, NO, NOOO, DON'T K—" The bandit leader struggled for the last time.

"Well, let the test beg— Oh right" Iledoya turned to look towards the rest of the bandits. All the bandits shivered when Iledoya swept his gaze on them. "D-Don't kill us… We'll become your follower if you want to?" one of the bandits said sheepishly.

"Don't worry, I just wanted to give everyone food and water" after he said that, he infused Life magic into his tree and the four branches starting dropping fruits one after another. Iledoya controlled the plants so it won't tangle them around the arms as he distributed the fruits for everyone.

"At least as long as your leader can still withstand being my test subject, all of you will be safe" Iledoya said with his signature smile. The bandits were still gulping down the fruits but when they heard that, some of them shivered and some of them choked on their food.

With spare test subjects fed, Iledoya turned back towards the now dead bandit leader and sat in front of it. "Well… Should we begin?"






===[Extra Story]===

This is a spin-off actually… not extra story...

Arriving in front of Sinov's house, Iledoya was quite surprised to see a normal wooden house made from planks. For an Alchemist that could make a tier 7 potion, Iledoya was expecting a more… 'suitable' house.

Sinov opened the door and beckoned for Iledoya to go in. When Sinov opened the door, before Iledoya even stepped inside, almost as if he was forced, he can't help but think 'What kind of yandere place am I in now?'

Everything inside Sinov's house was one way or another, decorated with Iledoya as the theme. The wall had paintings of Iledoya. The back of the door had a Iledoya's face painting. The chairs was crafted to look like Iledoya on all fours. Some door knobs were even crafted to look like… 'Wow, Let's stop right there. Family-friendly, remember?' A voice from the heavens stop the narration. Wait whut?

Just as Iledoya was about to go back outside, Sinov stops him and said;" Where are you going, DARLING?"

===[End of Extra Story]===

[edited by ed]






"Hi, This is Chronotia speaking to you from a different timeline. During the making of this 'chapter' a war was going on in another 'chapter' but due to a sudden voice chanting 'Author Magic', It was lost in time..."

"And space" Spatia finished where Chronotia left off.

"But wait… What if Iledoya gets lost in time and space and somehow ends up into that 'chapter' that was supposed to be lost in time and space?" Spatia asked

Chronotia answered while emphasizing every word "Spatia. Don't. Even. Think. About. It."

"It's only a what if…"

"Spatia. The world in that 'chapter' almost ended trying to destroy the end. Don't. Let. Iledoya. Get. There."

"Geez, okay, okay, I get." While Spatia said that, in his heart he was saying 'But what if it's not lost and is actually in the 'Drafts', just waiting to get out there? Sorry Chronotia. I'm with Victus for this one'