
[The next day]

"Okay. Let's review what I taught you all yesterday. All together now" Iledoya said to the subordinate bandits as they all reply; "Yes sir!"

"The Underground Union's Tenets!"

"One. Do good for the people and bring no trouble!"

" Two. Take not from the poor and only from the evil riches!"

"Three. Do everything in discreet."

"Four. When caught, prioritize your and your comrade's lives over any matter."

"Fifth. With these tenets in hand, we shall spread the word of the Underground Union!" The bandits shouted in union.

Iledoya nodded in approval "Remember the Ghost Thief technique set I have taught you and keep practicing it. And never break any of the rules! Now, spread the name of the Underground Union to every inch of the world! Become a new force that could rule the world from the shadows"

"Yes sir!" The bandits disappeared from the spot after listening to Iledoya's orders. Some disappeared to gather new recruits while some disappeared into the hideout to organize their stuff. After all, it would be the first base of the Underground Union

Since yesterday, Iledoya has been testing his knowledge on these bandits. To their leader, a spell; to the subordinates, the techniques of a skillful thief that was never known because he did his job skillfully and never got found. Though he later died after falling down the stairs in his house, never passing down his technique. Thus, the technique was lost, until Iledoya brought it back.

The techniques were of a set called Ghost Thief techniques set which consist of a movement technique and a hand technique that allows the user to move unnoticed like a ghost and to have hands that can steal things unhindered as if the hands can move through objects.

Before he taught them anything though, with a cauldron the bandits have robbed and a little bit of enforcement for them to gather the herbs, Iledoya made them some simple enlightening potion that made them realize their wrongdoing and decided to follow Iledoya to redeem themselves. With that, they are now willing to do good and listen to Iledoya's orders as he teaches them.

Before they left, Iledoya made several batches of the enlightening potion to give the bandits that went to expand the union. "In case some valuable recruits do not want to follow the rules" is what he said the potions were for.

After they left, Iledoya mumbled to himself "Bandits are now off the list… What else can be turned to good people? The thugs?" he didn't think about it anymore and will just wait until he sees another group of them.

Iledoya walked out of the bandit hideout as he thought to himself 'Thanks to the leader being my test subject, I'm now sure that 'it' will work. I wouldn't have to be afraid of me looking uncool'

"Sinov should be done by now with a whole day to prepare, right? Can't wait till tonight" With the thought of what is going to happen at night, Iledoya can't help but smile as hummed his way back to town.

Iledoya had to pay the entrance fee since his badge wasn't done yet. He still had some time before it was night so he decided he would wander around town. When he passed through alleyways, he would often find one of the subordinate bandits talking to some thugs. 'They work fast. That enlightening potion must have really enlightened them' he thought.

After wandering around, Iledoya suddenly remembered that he hasn't observed the bows he got from bandits. He decided to go to the Magic tools association to borrow a room and maybe purchase some tools.

The Magic tools association was at first a branch of the Mage guild that focuses on making magic tools. But when the Mage guild got disbanded, it become a standalone organization. With its magic tools being used all across the world, it become popular just like the Alchemy association and the Adventurer guild.

Arriving at the Magic tools association, Iledoya went straight to the receptionist "Hi, how much would a rune engraver cost?"

"Sir" After the receptionist said Sir, her voice started to change and sounded ancient. "it would cost 1 story." It was a voice Iledoya was familiar with.

"Death? is that you? How are you in the mortal plane?" Iledoya could see his surrounding started to turn black. As if it's turning into Death's plane.

"So what story are you going to tell me today, Iledoya? It's not everyday that i get to pull your soul while you're sleeping" The receptionist started to take on the form of Death as it asked Iledoya to tell a story.

"Death, what are you doing? What are you talking about?" Iledoya was bewildered. He doesn't know what is happening. But then he heard a voice saying "Death… Victus, he… he will..." Iledoya recognised the voice. It felt so familiar to him until he realized something.

It was his own voice.

Just as he wanted to continue listening...


"Sir, please stop telling me i would die" The female voice of the receptionist came back.

Everything went back to normal for Iledoya "Huh? What happened?"

"What happened?" The receptionist frowned. "You started calling me death repeatedly when I've only told you the price of the Low-engraving tool. Sir, if you only came here to tell jokes, i would have to ask you to leave."

Iledoya didn't understand what he saw. It felt familiar and unfamiliar at the same time. But he decided to just shrug it off. 'I was probably just imagining things' he thought. "Ah yes I'm sorry about that. Do you happen to have an Unbreakable engraver?"

Rune engravers have different qualities depending on the grade of magic it can withstand.

Low quality can at most engrave Advanced grade magic.

Medium quality can at most engrave with Great grade magic.

High quality can at most engrave with Grand grade magic.

Unbreakable quality can engrave with Absolute grade magic. Unlike the other ones however, an unbreakable engraver can engrave unlimited amount of Runes while the other would eventually break after 10 or more usage.

The receptionist didn't like how Iledoya called her death. But since he came as a customer, she had to answer him "Unfortunately we don't. But, I believe in Ruteshia, the city closest from here, should have one or two at the association."

"Is that so..." Iledoya was quite disappointed. He wanted to try engraving runes and since he had Absolute grade magic or maybe even higher, he wanted to be able to use it to make a rune. Since he can't get the tool, he decided "Then I'll just a borrow a room please. Do you have any available?"

"Yes we do. It would cost one silver coin a session."

"I'll take it."

"Then please follow me"

The receptionist lead Iledoya to a room with a table and a chair. It was a room where one can engrave Runes onto tools or weapons if they lack a room to do so. "Thank you for your help" after arriving at the room, Iledoya gave the receptionist the silver coin for payment.

Taking the bow out of his backpack, he placed it on the table and started studying the runes. After a while, he finally recognize the runes "Hmm… A strength rune to make it durable and a flex rune to make it more elastic. Simple enough."

"Haish… If only they had an Unbreakable engraver, I could add more runes to make the bow stronger… Then do the same to the rest of the bows in the Union" Iledoya felt a bit sad being unable to upgrade the bow in front of him. "Well, I guess it's already late now. Sinov must've been waiting for me. I guess I should go back now"

While walking back to Sinov's house, Iledoya started thinking 'Maybe I should put a forge in the backpack. Maybe a cauldron too. Oh so many knowledge of crafting and so many I wish I could try'

By the time Iledoya arrived at Sinov's house, the street lights have been placed down.

"Sinov, I'm back" Iledoya felt like he is starting to get used to seeing all the bunnies in the house. 'I should get a map tomorrow and leave soon. This town doesn't have much to offer' he thought,  trying to distract his mind from all the bunnies.

"Oh you're back, YAY!" Sinov excitedly said. "So what kind of plants did you go check outside of town?"

"Just some herbs to make potions." He shrugged off the question. "It's been a tiring day for me so I'll be heading back to my room". When Sinov heard that it was herbs for making potion that Iledoya went to look at, she was excited, wanting to hear about it. But since Iledoya didn't want to talk about it she only said "Ah okay…"

In his room, Iledoya used his magic sense to check the inside of the house and after sensing the room beneath him he thought 'Ah, it's been prepared. Hehe this is going to be a fun night'

A few hours after Iledoya entered his room, he heard Sinov outside of his room asking "Eh… Iledoya… Can I talk to you about something?"

"Sure, come in" Iledoya answered. Sinov entered the room. She was wearing some very revealing clothes as Iledoya could see her plump chest and all the curves of her body. The knowledge of the old man kicked in as he instinctively nodded as if in appreciation. 'Damn that old man' he thought

"I-It's like this… Can I ask you to do something for me tonight?" Sinov's face started turning red as she said that.

"Oh? And how can I help you?" Iledoya started smiling. He has been expecting this ever since he entered the house. No… maybe even when they first met.

"Can…" Sinov looked like she was hesitating. "Can you die for me?"






===[Extra Story]===

"Oh ye who have strayed from the path. Let me tell you, It is not too late! Join us! Redeem yourselves together with us, the Underground Union"

"Huh? What are ya' talkin' about?"

In the alleyway that Iledoya passed, one of the bandits-- No… one of the U.U member recruiter is currently trying to convince the local thug to join them.

"You know what I am talking about. You people have been extorting money from the locals, saying its protection fee, but LIES! Those are LIES you spoke of! What is there for the local to be protected other then from you?" As the U.U recruiter started speaking, his words seemed to contain wisdom.

As the thugs continued listening, their minds seemed to be affected. Hearing the words of the man in front of them, the thugs started to feel enlightened of their wrongdoing. They started feeling regret. When the U.U recruiter finished speaking, the thugs fall to their knees as tears started flowing down.

"No… How is it possible… How could we have been so blind for so long…" One of the thugs said.

"It is not too late. Join us, brother" The U.U recruiter offered his hand with a smile to the thug who has spoken. While looking at the man in front of him, the thug feel like he could see a halo of light around the man's head. He took the recruiter's hand and replied "Brother… Thank you…"

"No need for thanks, This is a small deal. As long as you understand brother." After saying that, the U.U recruiter told them about the tenets and the location of their first base. The now enlightened thugs which are now new U.U members, went to the base as they are very excited to start building the union.

With the thugs leaving to go to the base, the U.U recruiter continued to walk the streets of Egner to look for more brothers to join the Union.

===[End of Extra Story]===

[edited by ed]






"SPATIA. WHAT DID I TELL YOU?" Chronotia was very angry

"What's wrong?" Spatia felt like he has done nothing wrong.

"Don't play dumb. Because you started messing with the lost 'chapter', Iledoya saw a glimpse of that." Chronotia knew for a fact that Spatia actually knew where the lost chapter is. She just hoped that Spatia would play along and pretend it's actually lost.

"Okay, okay, fine. You got me. Yes, I messed with 'it' a little. But it's fine right? Iledoya just shrugged it off" Spatia confessed.

Chronotia could only sigh while shaking her head. "Spatia. Do you want to be hated by Iledoya?"

Hearing that, Spatia became speechless "..."

"Okay, I'll stop messing around…" With Chronotia's warning, Spatia decided to stop.