Travel Log 2

As the group of five stop by a lake to refill their water, Nicholas and Iledoya searched for a place a distant away from the other three. Since Iledoya is the only one with magic for a ride, only his ride didn't need to stop and take a break.

"I wonder what they do everytime they go" Geronya asked as she looked at the two figures moving away. Kirigya heard her and said with his fox-like smile "Well I believe Hiruta might know". Hiruta who was currently filling his water bottle suddenly shivered. "I-I don't know."

Truth is, after seeing how brutally Iledoya killed Poreis, while he did begin being fearful of Iledoya, he also became fascinated and intrigued with him. Everyday, Nicholas and Iledoya would go somewhere quite far and one time, Hiruta decided to follow silently. But that's all that Hiruta remembered. Everytime he tries to recall what happened, his mind would go blank and he will shiver in fear for a moment. Since then, Hiruta no longer dared to follow them.

"Heeeee now I kind of want to know more" Geronya said while grinning. She chased after the duo while keeping safe distance to not get spotted. Hiruta stood up, wanting to stop her but was stopped by Kirigya who had not his fox-like smile, but a smile filled with pity. "Let her be. Let her satisfy her curiosity". What Hiruta and Geronya didn't know, was that Kirigya also did the same before Hiruta, and so he too feels the dread from trying to remember.

Geronya followed the duo as they entered a small patch of open land in the middle of the forest. Geronya stayed a certain distance away so the duo won't find her. But due to that, she also couldn't hear them talk. Suddenly, she saw Nicholas taking out two strange looking objects. It looked like a letter 8 with a stick popping out of it with 4 strings on it and the other was a long stick with strings attached. Then she saw Iledoya trying to make similar objects using his grey magic.

Geronya was intrigued, so she continued watching. As Iledoya placed the object closer to his neck in a strange pose, she tried to came closer so she could listen.


Geronya blacked out. By the time she woke up, she found herself laying down by the lake. "W-What happened?" she asked. Close by, Hiruta heard her waking up. "We carried you here" he said. Kirigya also heard her and continued "You didn't came back after a while so we knew you must've passed out already" He approached Geronya, placed a hand on her shoulder, and said "Let's not probe any further on what they're doing, okay?" Geronya only nodded in response.

Back to Iledoya and Nicholas, before Geronya was carried back.

"Gosh dang it Iledoya, you did it again" Nicholas said while covering his ears. "If not for the sliver of your magic you gave me, I'm a hundred percent sure that I would be unconscious this instant"

"Oh come on, it can't be that bad" Iledoya refuted

"Do you even hear what you're saying Iledoya? Better yet, do you even hear what sound you make with that thing?"

"Hey I tried hard making this thing. Do you even know how hard it is to not only make the object with magic but to also give it texture? It's already amazing that it could make sounds!"

"Fine. Then keep practicing! With how bad that thing sounds, I would prefer to call it a weapon instead of a violin!"

As Nicholas has promised, he is teaching Iledoya to play the violin. At first, Iledoya used Nicholas' violin to practice but then Iledoya suddenly got the idea to try making the violin out of his magic.

Of course at first it didn't work. Which Nicholas pointed out, was because the sound produced from the violin came from the vibration of the strings which vibrates because there is friction between the string and the bow and "Well it's complicated. Let me teach you a little physics" so Nicholas taught Iledoya some physics. Since then, Iledoya practiced to do exactly that.

"That's too high!"

"Too low, move it higher a bit!"

"Gosh dang it Iledoya, you're way off!"

So everyday, even during the trip, the duo would take some time alone so Iledoya could learn the violin.

But unknown to them, the others was currently facing a problem.

"A monster at such a place… How unlucky…" Kirigya said as he observed the creature that had appeared before them. While the three was waiting for Iledoya and Nicholas to finish their business, they were suddenly attacked by a monster from the lake. It was a blue serpent. Its body was so thick that 3 people together might not be able to fully hug it. And just it's body part that was sticking out of the water was already 10 meters.


As the blue serpent screeched, it opened its mouth wide and shot out a pillar of water towards them. With their ability, it wasn't too hard to dodge it but it still shocked them greatly seeing the damage from that blast of water. All that's left from where they stood was a crater.

Hiruta used his agility and speed to quickly rushed towards the serpent. With his speed and his wind magic, walking on water was a simple feat for him. Seeing Hiruta approaching it at a fast speed, the serpent tried to attack him with its tail to which Hiruta easily dodged by moving from side to side.

Despite being able to dodge its attacks, when Hiruta finally reached the serpent and landed an attack, to his horror, his staff couldn't penetrate the hard scales of the serpent. He instantly ran back to the others while dodging more of the serpent's tail attack.

Once back on land, he could see that the serpent seem irritated with his speed. "Be careful Hiruta. If my assumption is correct, it should be a just be a Calamity rank Monster!" Geronya shouted with a dark face. After all, a Calamity rank Monster is one of the peak ranks of Monsters, second only to Behemoth Monsters. With them only being C-rank Adventurers and a Great Fire mage at most, the chances are very small to escape alive.

Hearing Geronya's assumption, even Hiruta's face also darkened. After all, he was the one who had just faced the serpent faced on so he knows just how hard its defense was.

Kirigya took a step forward. Blue patterns starts to appear on his neck, as if it's crawling towards his head. At the same time, the blue serpent as if taking a deep breath, is preparing its next attack. Anyone who has even a little knowledge on Beasts or Monsters can tell that the serpent is preparing a breath attack.

But just as he was about to make his move, two people suddenly appear in front of him.

"Ooohh Nyikelaos, this is a perfect test subject to test 'that' out" of course the one who appeared in full grey carrying a bag with tree on it is none other than Iledoya.

Poking his ear around, Nicholas replied "I'm sorry what did you say? Your awful playing is still buzzing in my ears"




Continuing on their travel, Hiruta, Geronya, and Kirigya now has an even deeper impression of Nicholas and Iledoya. No matter if it's Iledoya's mysterious power he showed during the second day or 'that' thing Nicholas brought out to instantly kill a Calamity rank serpent, they hope to never ever have to clash against them.

[edited and reviewed by ed?]