
Just outside of Ruteshia, Nicholas has brought out the carriage again and the horses has been placed back.

"Thank you for your escort. Shall we head to the Adventurer guild to turn in the quest?" With that said, Kirigya and the rest walked to Ruteshia. Instead of showing their badges to enter, Kirigya instead showed the quest scroll, which has the list of names in the party.

Entering the city of Ruteshia, Iledoya cannot help but be amazed. If he had to choose a word to describe the place it would be… Colorful. In fact, even from afar he was already amazed by how colorful the city was. It wasn't just the city but it's surrounding as well. Mountains, forests, and rivers surrounding Ruteshia made it look like a city that came out of a painting.

If Gilrad was called the town of crafts then it won't be wrong to say Ruteshia would be the city of aesthetics. As a matter of fact, while Gilrad is known to make the best of weapons or tools, Rutehshia is famous for making them look cool. This is mainly because Ruteshia is the main source for resources like gems or dyes which attracts the artisans that excels in engraving, painting, and the likes to gather like moths to a light. And ever since Runes were invented, engravers made Ruteshia one of the centers for Rune engraving.

Outside the Adventurer guild, after Kirigya finish confirming the completion of the quest.

"Here are your payment. Once again, I thank you for your help" Kirigya said as he gave everyone their payment.

"This…" As she looked at the pay amount, Geronya cannot help but sheepishly ask "Eh… isn't 2 gold coins… a little too much?" in fact, 2 gold coins was actually way over the promised amount. It would be around ten times the promised amount.

In response to that, Kirigya simply smiled and said "This is my way of expressing my goodwill" while giving a slight bow in Iledoya and Nicholas' direction. Noticing that, Hiruta and Geronya twitched in understanding. To be entrusted with the transportation of the Fox family's treasures, Kirigya must've hold a certain standing in the family. Anyone who has a standing in an influential family like the Fox family would definitely be happy if they gain the backing of such powerful figures like Iledoya and Nicholas. No wait. Especially if they're like Iledoya and Nicholas.

While Iledoya does have a good amount of gold coins from Serion, he doesn't mind getting a few more. "Thank you" Iledoya respectfully said. "Well then, we'll be going now". With that, Iledoya waved goodbye to the party and walked away with Nicholas.

After making sure that they're out of sight, Geronya asked quietly "That 'thing' that Nicholas used to kill the Calamity rank Monster. It has to be a weapon right? What's even the point of just calling it a 'thing'?" Hiruta simply nodded in agreement.

But then Kirigya reminded them "Because he said it wasn't completed and it didn't show its complete power that time" despite being the one to say it, Kirigya can't help but shudder together with the other two.

Hiruta also reminded them "Iledoya… Crazy Immortal"


"W-well… we'll be going too Sir Kirigya. It was an honour working for you" Geronya said in an attempt to not have their spirit crushed. "Likewise."

And so the trip to Ruteshia party has now been disbanded.

Back to Nicholas and Iledoya

"What!? You want to get an Unbreakable engraver? But why?" After walking away, Nicholas found out that Iledoya also wants to go to the Magic Tools association. Though it was for different reasons. Nicholas wants to go there to have his 'thing' engraved with certain runes. But if Iledoya could actually engrave runes, then he might reconsider.

"Would you believe me if i said my magic's grade is of Absolute grade?" Iledoya nonchalantly asked.

Nicholas shuddered. As a mage, of course he knows the grades of magic. While the Grand grade magic and Absolute grade magic sounds like it is only a grade away, but to upgrade one's magic from Grand to Absolute grade, some would say is akin to climbing the heavens. Actually, after reaching Higher grade, upgrading one's magic grade gets exponentially difficult and to get from the Grand grade to Absolute grade, some would say is totally impossible. Which is why if someone actually has Absolute grade magic, it wouldn't be a surprise if some Kings would pay them with respect just to have them back a kingdom.

Nicholas finds it quite hard to believe. If Iledoya said he had Grand grade magic, he might instantly believe him but Absolute grade magic? "I… I find it quite hard to believe…"

Shaking his head, Iledoya then said "Then you absolutely won't believe me when I say my Immortal magic is a grade above Absolute"

"What? Immortal magic? A grade above Absolute?" This time Nicholas went into a daze. He actually forgot that he once shot Iledoya's face into bits! It was only after Iledoya mentioned 'Immortal magic' that he remembered that. Snapping out of the daze he asked once again "Can you tell me more about your magic?"

Iledoya who was walking in front, without even looking back, and without a shred of doubt, answered "Sure, but you will have to also talk about the world you came from"

"Eh?" Nicholas blinked a few times. "EEEEEEEEEEEEHHHHH!!!????" he screamed in a low voice close to Iledoya's ear. "H-How… No… When did you?" How could Nicholas not be surprised? He was quite sure that no one should know that secret of him…

"Oh, I was right? Then you really do have a lot to tell me, otherworlder Nyikelaos" Iledoya turned around as he said that, showing Nicholas his smug expression.

'I'VE BEEN HAD!' Nicholas thought to himself. "... Fine, but you will also have to tell me about your immortality, okay?"

"Sure, I don't mind. I want some of it to be a legend anyway..."


Arriving at the Magic Tools association, Iledoya can't help but notice that the receptionist momentarily had a bewildered expression which then changed into a shocked expression before her face showed a calm, smiling face once again. Arriving at the receptionist, he asked "Hi, I would like to purchase an Unbreakable engraver. May I know how much it may cost?"

"Certainly Sir F-- *cough* Sir… It would cost 1,000 gold coins, Sir"

*cough* This was the first time Iledoya ever spurted blood from his mouth. While Serion did give him a lot of gold coins from selling the remains of Veria, he wasn't sure it would be enough."U-Umm… Please let me count my money" Iledoya said. After that, he pulled Nicholas towards him and whispers "Hey umm… Can I borrow some money? You must have some money right, after working as a baker?"

After counting how much money he and Nicholas had, Iledoya was devastated. As he finds a corner to sit down and express his sadness, he keeps muttering "one gold coin away… one gold coin… ahahaha, one gold coin away…"

Nicholas and even the receptionist also cannot help but feel bad for Iledoya. The receptionist can't help but approach the Iledoya who was sitting in of the corners of the room while hugging his knees and say "Umm.. Sir F-- *cough* Sir Iledoya, if you really do… need, an Unbreakable engraver, how about participating in the Ruteshia Battle Tournament?"

Hearing that, Iledoya's eyes lit up. Even the corner that seem to also darken with his mood seem to give off rainbows in happiness "A battle tournament where I can get an Unbreakable engraver? Tell me about it!" Iledoya being too overwhelmed, forgot to question why the receptionist knew his name.

"Certainly" the receptionist walked back to behind the counter and grabbed a leaflet. "No one knows how, but treasures very often ends up in Ruteshia. These treasures can be anything from weapons, magical paintings, magical tools like the Unbreakable engraver you're looking for or…" the receptionist handed over the leaflet to Iledoya and when he saw the list of prizes, he can't help but twitch heavily when he sees the number one item.

"A grade 11 Healing potion" the receptionist continued "Somehow, a grade 11 Healing potion has ended up in Ruteshia, and this potion was not stolen from the Alchemy association. A grade 11 Healing potion that is not a part of the 49 that the association keeps. Because of this, it's been said that this year's tournament will have the most participants compared to the last time. They even say that the association wouldn't hesitate to offer a large amount of money to whoever wins the potion"

Iledoya continued to read the leaflet while the receptionist was talking. He was definitely surprised once he found out that one of the 14 of the missing potions from the batch would actually make things hard for him.

As he continued to look at the list "The Egg, Might Sword of Gratrosa, Breezing Table Set of Dranky, Unbreakable Engraver, Invisibility Cloak of John Ce-- Oh there's the engraver!" It took a few seconds for Iledoya to realize what he just read before his mouth began twitching again. He showed the list of prizes to Nicholas and he too, can't help but follow suit.

Unlike other tournaments, the Ruteshia Battle Tournament had a peculiar reward system. While normally the one who wins the tournament get a certain prize, this tournament does things differently.

From the long list of prizes that contains many treasures, those who take first place may pick 3 out of the list, second place can pick 2, and third place can choose only one. Of course priority is given to the first place and one who gets second and third must choose after the one who takes first.

Finally done reading through the list, Iledoya asked the receptionist "Where can I go register for the tournament?"

"Just follow the map behind the leaflet" the receptionist answered with a smile.

No longer having a purpose to stay there, Iledoya and Nicholas left the Magic Tools association. "Will you participate too Nicholas?" Iledoya was currently very happy. After getting a cauldron from Gilrad, all he needs now would be the engraver to start mad testing a lot of stuff. "No I won't. There's nothing I need from that list except you getting that engraver. After all, I would prefer if no else knew about that 'thing' I'm making…"

As they chat and walked towards the registration area, Iledoya suddenly bumped into someone by the shoulders. "O-Oh, I-I'm sorry, I'm in a rush. Please forgive me!" from the voice, Iledoya could tell it was a girl that shouldn't be that much older than hi--… Shouldn't be older than 20 years old despite the height difference. Though Iledoya couldn't see her face and she was wearing a cloak that covered her whole body, Iledoya couldn't help but give her a peculiar amazed look that Nicholas seem to notice.

"What's wrong? Is there something up with her?" Nicholas probed. During the short time he has known Iledoya, he has never seen him made such a look.

"Nyikelaos, you know how I can tell someone's magic attribute from the color of magic that seeps out of one body right?"

"Uh huh, yep, You've told me about it"

"That girl's magic… It had... the colors of the rainbow…"






Back when Nicholas and Iledoya was fighting the serpent…

"..." From the moment Nicholas took out his 'thing' till the lake and serpent vanishing leaving only a crater, Spatia and Chronotia remained speechless.

After a while Chronotia asked "You still think it was an interesting idea to bring him here?"

"Yep" Spatia answered without a moment of delay.

"Haa... "

[edited by ed]

[Bakpao's Thought (yeah couldn't fit this in the author's thought)]

Unlike the Travel Log part, I actually have a few ideas for Ruteshia. So... maybe, just maybe, I could upload more like in the early days...

I have zero confidence in making a fight scene(which I learned from experience{back when Iledoya was still in the forest}) so... I don't think the tournament part would be epic...