King Kai of the North Sector

After healing King Kai and fixing his car he forgave me and then told me what I'm here for I told him I was here to train and learn the Genkidama (Spirit Bomb) to which he replied , "Tell me a joke to learn my skills if they are good I will teach you" I didn't bother and let the others try to learn the Genkidama because I was going to copy it and done I'd copied it and decided to lay down on the grass and let the others ask and tell their jokes to learn the Spirit Bomb.

First up was Piccolo, "Cough..cough... where do put Vegeta after you kill him?" King Kai was dumbfounded, how could you kill a Vegetable, but then thought what do you with leftover Vegetables, "Wait I know in the Frieza

Am I right" Piccolo was shocked did King Kai read his mind or something, "Cough"..."Your Right now can I learn your techniques King Kai" King Kai then said, "Wait you all didn't come here to be the Funniest people in the universe, but become stronger fighters, I see"

Then he started to stroke his chin, "I can teach you all but I want to know exactly why you wish to train under me"

At this point Goku who was in a deep sleep interjected saying, "We wish to wipe out the tyrants known as the Frieza Clan, not the race but the Frieza Clan Mutants, The Infamously known Cold Family, you get it were gonna wipe them out Ice Cold" all he was met with was blank faces staring on the ground not knowing how to reply, King Kai was the exception saying , "Are you sure you don't want to be a comedian cause you can make big pounds with that talent of yours"

2 Hours had Passed and Yamcha was last his Joke was, "where does Krillin back up his data?" King Kai said "Oh obviously a Scouter"

Yamcha then says, "You're wrong he stores his data on a.... Destructo Disk, you get it hahaha, wait I got another one you ready, What did Krilln say when he was caught having sex? ...Don't worry she's 18"

Krillin was angry beyond comprehension thinking , 'How did I become this wastes friend I now feel ashamed being his friend, I'd rather say Master Roshi is my master than say I know Yamcha, this Piece Of Sh** needs a beating, just you wait Yamcha, just you wait"

The Z-Fighters were all feeling ashamed and Gohan was still wondering what Trunks meant

"What kind of computer does Gohan use ... A V-DELL" he was thinking 'I've heard of Dell that's some old company in the ancient times but what's a V-Dell.

Either way Goku had taught everyone on Earth how to use Kaio-Ken they all mastered it up to the 10th level (Not including Gohan and Trunks, Goku) the only thing Left was to master the Spirit Bomb. It took about 4 Days before they all mastered the Spirit Bomb

Yamcha had made a breakthrough in his move Spirit Ball (Sokidan) and managed to put the power of a Spirit Bomb into a hand sized Spirit Ball without having to charge it for a long time calling it a Chou-Genkidama-Dan(Super Spirit Bomb Ball), the Power within was amazing as it fused all the surrounding nature Qi and the users own Qi together which could also be amplified by using the Kaio-Ken technique,example, 10x Chou-Genkidama-Dan.

We soon teleported back home as we had learnt what we needed. The Z-Fighters has headed their own ways Krillin had returned to Krill-Island, Tenshinhan had returned to Ten-Island, Yamcha had returned to his Wolf-Fang Sect, Piccolo had returned to the Lookout and Goku and the little ones had returned home to Mount Paozu.

It had been a while since their return and Goku could feel someone collecting the Dragon Balls again, soon he arrived and saw it was Kochin, Dr Wheelo's Assistant it seems the Movies Of Dragon Ball Z had suddenly been incorporated into this new alternate timeline, is it because I changed canon too much regardless I found Kochin and Destroyed him as well as the Tsumisumbri Mountains where Dr Wheelo was kept, as Dr Wheelo was one of the Cleverest beings in the Dragon Verse who knows what he would have done if he was revived back.

If I remember correctly after this was the Tree Of Might and then Lord Slug, I wonder what would happen if I absorbed Turles I'm not sure how he's related to me, is he my brother a doppelgänger or what would have happened if Goku Remained Kakkarot.

After that Piccolo Could absorb Slug and increase his power dramatically, I could do the same but to any being, I never really tried this ability out.

While thinking all the movies would be somehow incorporated I headed over to Dr Gero's Mountain Base were Android 16, 17, 18, 19, 20(Gero) and Cell (Larvae State) were located it seems that Cell did not get my Blood due To The Majin Buu Bloodline not bleeding and not needing to do what Humans do, in essence the best Bloodline in the Dragon Verse if not for the Saiyan's Plot-armor.

Due to this all Cell had was Yamcha, Tien, Piccolo and Krillin's DNA so far meaning he could go SSJ and could Regenerate that's about it nothing else at all. I soon landed down and broke down the doors easily and entered, what was inside was numerous machines producing some kind of data about Battle Power and trying to calculate my own Battle Power Dr Gero hadn't yet converted himself and his frail body couldn't really sustain himself much as I could see he was using some machinery to move about on his legs.

When Gero saw me, he was shocked as he never would have thought to meet the reason he dedicated his life to kill that was Son Goku.

"Wait what are you doing here Son Goku how did you find out about th.... argh let go of my neck You crude Monkey aargh..."

"Gero weren't you the one who alongside Dr Flappe made The androids but when Flappe left you decided to create your own not androids but Cyborgs with Biological Foundations"

Gero was petrified when he heard Goku and started to sweat rapidly, his heart beat rose up dramatically and he started to shake somewhat, "I..III....wait how do you know all of this who told you wait no, one except me knows about this project meaning I told you or somehow but forgot or You came from the Fu..t..." Before Gero could finish Goku had cut him off with a Purple Qi-Blade going straight through Gero's heart killing him instantly, "I'm sorry but You know too much"

Goku then went to the Android Pods and Saw all three 16, 17, 18, He then went towards Eighteen's Pod and opened it up (on his way here he wished for the Artificial Humans to have no destructive or harmful things in their bodies that could affect others) he saw her beautiful face as if carved to perfection her nice Melons and Peach that looked simply Perfect and her short golden blonde hair that looked amazing.

She soon opened her eyes wearily what she saw in front of her was a male Adonis simply stunning causing her to blush momentarily he had Jet-Black crablike hair sticking out and looked to be about in his early 20's he was donning a Black Doji with a Kame sign on it with a Black after shirt up to his hands under his Doji highlighting his muscle mass that seemed perfect yet unreal she hadn't realised she was staring at him for too long before he made a "Cough...Cough" sound immediately bringing her back to reality while also causing her face to blush like a tomatoes.

Soon she cleared her throat and asked , "Umm who are you and what are you doing here don't you know this is Dr Gero's Laboratory" while saying this her fingers were fiddling savour with each other and her head was looking down on the floor as of too embarrassed to look up.

The Man in Black then said, "I indeed know that this is Dr Gero's Laboratory, you see I came here to finally defeat my old enemy The Red Ribbon Army once and for all but I happened to chance upon a beauty like yourself that I had to stop and come over to you" she started to blush even more and said, "oh stop it your flattering me a bit too much, your not quite bad either, I mean your really handsome, ugh what am I saying, I thank you for saving me and getting me out of this wretched Prison in the most literal sense"

She seemed to have gotten some shyness removed and gave me a light peck on my right cheek, "That's my gift to you for saving me" after this she seemed to become quiet again fiddling around with her hands.

After this Goku awakened 17 and grabbed 16's pod to see if Bulma could Reprogram him so he wouldn't want to kill me, I soon went down into the basement and assimilated with Cell increasing my power by 5 times. Meaning now with 1 punch I could destroy 5 Universes.