Shadow Moon and Black Sun

So Black Sun and Shadow Moon were the

Saiyans of legend also known as Yin and Yang

(Yin = Shadow Moon, exclusive weapon is the Satan Slasher(Like a Blood Red Lightsabre in the form of a Nobles Sword), Yang = Black Sun, exclusive weapon is the Revol-cane(Like A silver Light sabre that is extremely powerful and sharp) the thing is to use these weapons they have to manifest their inner Sun or Moon Qi to condense the Qi into their Swords.

They also have plenty of other abilities such as:


Black Sun/ Shadow Moon is able to enter anyone's subconscious.

•Multi-Zen Eye

Black Sun/ Shadow Moon can see through anything at all as well as through illusions, etc

•Monster Creating Ability

Black Sun/ Shadow Moon is able to create monsters from the the soil.

•Time/Space Transport

Black Sun/ Shadow Moon can create light energy which lets them transport anyone or them anywhere they want.

•Rider Punch/ Rider Kick

Black Sun/ Shadow Moon can Amplify their strength by 100x times whilst already amplified, example Goku is on Super Saiyan 4 (25,000x Multiplier) 20x Kaio-Ken with Dragon Fist (10x multiplier to strength) now imagine timing this by another 100x.

•Liquid Form

Black Sun can turn his body into that of a liquid and all attacks are immune in this mode

Talk about Op.

•Shadow Form

Shadow Moon can turn his body into that of an Actual Shadow and all attacks are immune in this state.

•Sun's Ray's Amplification

Black Sun can take in the Sun's Infrared Radiation and convert it into Thermal energy which he can then use to instantly heal himself or amplify his strength by 10x Multiplier (Permanently as long as there's a Sun close by, the more nearer the higher the multiplier)

•Moon's Ray's Amplification

Other than using the Moon for Blutz Waves Black Sun can't do anything else with it, however, Shadow Moon can take in the Moon's Zeno Radiation and convert it into Blutz Energy which he can then use to instantly heal himself or amplify his strength by 10x Multiplier (Permanently as long as there's a Moon Close by the more nearer the higher the Multiplier)

These abilities are just the tip of the iceberg of the true abilities. Goku for the past few days always felt something wrong and decided to check his stats, he did and saw he had a new bloodline called the Millennium King (Black Sun) and then saw all his new Over Powered abilities, he then saw the Name, Shadow Moon meaning Shadow Moon is likely his rival, not Vegetables but who could be Shadow Moon coming from what I felt a few days ago I can teleport to the place where I feel I am being led to but who could it be.

Before Goku teleported to the location he quickly went through his new abilities and found he was 10x stronger due to his ability "Sun's Ray's Amplification" he then condensed his Sun Qi or let's call it the real name his Yang Qi into his Sword of Destiny the Revol-Cane when he did he felt he could pull his sword from anywhere of his body and decided to pull it out through his stomach and mysteriously the Sword came out from there it was a Pure Silver Color with a mini Red Roulette on the handle of the sword.

The Sword felt like it had immense power just holding it and I wanted to test my new Sun Amplification ability so I turned off my molecular regeneration and anything else except for my Sun Ray's Amplification I grabbed the Revol-Cane tightly as I for dear life stabbed and cut off my hand completely no drop of Blood went through (I don't bleed either way Majin Buu Hax) the whole hand was turned into cinders or ashes gone with the wind as they say and instantly my hand and any damage I inflicted on my self-was automatically healed instantaneously.

After experiencing the ability to become a liquid substance which felt amazing as I could do whatever and attack but no one would be able to attack back or do anything for that matter it was amazing this ability and the thing is could form myself into tentacles and whatnot with my shape-shifting power.

I soon teleported to Planet Bebit (Rigor's adopted homeworld) and when I arrived I saw quite a few soldiers or something wearing some kind of dark undershirt and when I used my Multi-Zen Eye I saw that the undershirt was actually covering all vital parts of the body as well as being incredibly sturdy and durable it was truly high tech I need to get me one of them "Kai-Style: Magic Materialisation" "Zingo" I had just made my undershirt and Doji the same material as Planet Bebits soldiers armor.

Rigor's Strength is absolutely powerful as he is universal in just his base not mentioning his Super Saiyan Transformations his unique abilities are:

•Final Revenge Cannon: Rigor's most powerful beam attack, charged in a manner similar to the Kamehameha yet shot from only one hand. This technique was apparently taught to Rigor by his mother, as it was her favorite technique. Rigor only uses this technique in his Super Saiyan 5 form, just the sheer force of this attack is great enough to obliterate a galaxy if not controlled properly.

•Adaptive Strength: As a result of repeatedly becoming injured and healed day after day for years on Planet Kureon, Rigor's zenkai trigger was apparently "broken", and he now demonstrates the ability to increase his strength over the course of a battle. While fighting a stronger opponent and incurring injuries, Rigor's body instinctively reacts and increases his strength and fighting abilities exponentially. The longer a fight drags on, the more powerful Rigor can become. However, this evergrowing strength has the potential to severely damage his body with overwhelming power.

•Rigor's Zenkai = is significantly greater than normal Saiyans. His power increases far more than normal, even after injuries that are not life threatening, and to an even greater degree with severe injuries..

Rigor obtained the Super Saiyan form early in his life. However, Rigor never obtained the 2nd and 3rd Super Saiyan states. Instead, Rigor's True Super Saiyan is at maximized power output, its strength was equivalent to a Super Saiyan 3 (400x Multiplier). Later in life, he obtained the Super Saiyan 4 form in its evolved state. Due to his blood ties with the original Super Saiyan and a drastically higher S-Cell count, his forms are much more powerful than a standard Super Saiyan.

Rigor is rarely seen using his other transformations other than Super Saiyan 4 and 5 as he likes to call the other forms, "Those other transformations are obsolete"

However his Super Saipan 5 is extremely strong defeating even Beerus like a child but slightly losing to Whis in a even battle.

There are Drawbacks to the form however,

Once using too much power one will lose sanity and become a crazed beast, you see you need to Master the Form properly.

Soon Goku teleported to Rigor using the strange bond connecting the two and appeared in front of him and saw his appearance which looked drastically like That of Vegeta's but much taller version with eye bags indicating he was an insomniac, wearing a more run down version of Planet Bebit's Soldiers armor but if one looked closely they would see the Material was actually a hundred times stronger than the soldiers.

When Goku had teleported to Planet Bebit Rigor immediately felt him arrive and he was thinking would this 'Black Sun be an enemy or an ally, Vegeta's already dead giving me no purpose in life what should I do'

"Who are you, you look quite like a Saiyan mind you, but they were all destroyed by Frieza how could you still be alive, answer me now!!"

Goku then quickly replied trying to calm him down as if they did something like Power up they would destroy the Microcosm (3 Universes in one) and this would draw the attention of the Grand Priest, etc.

"Whoa Big guy chill out, I'll explain so basically I and a friend of mine are the last survivors of the Saiyan Race, but I heard that Prince Vegeta was still alive working for Frieza Clan, Wait you look a lot like Vegeta may I ask if you are Vegeta"

"The names Rigor and who are you calling big guy your taller and muscular than me by a hundred times, man what type of Anabolic steroids did you take they look like their worth the gain and because Saiyan's grow no hair other than their eyebrows and hair on top of their head you'll never lose your hair when taking steroids interesting right"

"Anyway I can feel you are the Black Sun do you understand what I'm saying the victor between us will become the Millennium King as in the Gorgom Prophecy it says,

"The Victor will be the Millennium King with a fusion of both the Moon and Sun Qi"

Goku then replied, thinking about the Super Saiyan God Technique, "Maybe it wants us to take one another's Qi and absorb it for some mutation to occur" While this was Happening Goku Copied Rigor's Zenkai Ability: Which he changed its name to Limitless: the ability to increase his strength over the course of a battle. While fighting a stronger opponent and incurring injuries, Goku's body instinctively reacts and increases his strength and fighting abilities exponentially. The longer a fight drags on, the more powerful Goku can become.