Home For Infinite Losers

'This is bad I'm already out of breath'

*Huff *Puff, "Mmm... Well you smell nice"

At this moment Rukia glances behind herself and saw a gigantic skeletal monster the Hollow had appeared behind her, 'Sh*t' was all she thought of at this moment.

"... Mmm Well... You smell like Lunch, oh well time to eat your SOUL!!!"


With that said the Hollow with hair from both ends of his head smacked Rukia backwards injuring her instantly, and to stop this flinging attack Rukia used her knees as a brake and skimmed them.


After that she managed to get up on her legs, "WHOOMP!!!" And lauched herself straight towards the Hollow trying to attack him.

"Hmm... Still Alive? You're tougher than you look!!"

"And you can see me... What Are You... Tell me Little Girl??"

The Hollow issued out his questions as he looked towards the sky and unbeknownst to him was " !!! 💥" Rukia had used her knee and smashed the Hollows chin causing it to flinch.

The woman didn't stop there and then latched onto its arms before saying, "... The mask of blood and flesh, all things of the Universe fly, that which names it all!!"

"... Truth and Temperance... Slight claw at the dream wall which brooks no sin, Hado Number 33: Sôka-Tsui- Pale Fire Crash Unleash!!!"

The woman then jumped away and aimed dead on the back of the Hollow before launching out her "Sôka-Tsui"


After attacking the Hollow began to form great gusts of smoke covering everything directly, after seeing the smoke Rukia thought, 'I've done it, I've gained my powers once again'


"WHAT?!!?" Rukia's eyes widened in surprise as the attack didn't leave the desired effect she wanted rather it didn't affect the Hollow at all.

Soon the smoke cleared and the Hollows face came into view with smoke from each side of his lower mouth and his lips which were widened out, "CHOMPP!!" The Hollow tried to chomp Rukia to death but he failed as she dodged quickly enough.

"Whoa..!!?" 'This no he's not hurt at all'

" Heh, Heh, I know that spell... That's Hado the Shinigami's techniques!! So that's what you were, but unfortunately it had no effect on me it had no bite at all, your weak prey ready to satisfy my hunger!!"

" Ohh a tender little Shinigami... Ohh you smell delicious. I swear this brings back memories, I've already ate two Shinigami trying to Konso that foolish boy, Mighty Good Eating Too!"

"Nope, Not On My Watch... Raaargh!!" Chad was the one who attacked the Hollow and sent him flying, you see he couldn't see the monster. But he knew it was nearby as Yuich the Parakeet told him and he saw that Rukia was staring north of him meaning that was the monster and so he leaped forward hoping to strike it down.

"...Sh*t that kids too powerful to think he managed to hurt me!" With that said the Hollow opened out its wings trying to fly up and then attack Chad, but Chad didn't see anything affirming the Hollow That Chad couldn't see him.

"Hahhahaha... Now try to hit me!!! Well Tough Guy Now What??" Chad however didn't move as he couldn't hear its voice only then did Rukia say something, "Hurry move out the way he's airborne above you!!"

With that outburst from Rukia the towering human giant said to Rukia, "Hey new girl you can, see the ghost?" However before Rukia could reply Chad had left her line of sight and went near a Energy Pole connecting houses near the area to the internet as well as subscriptions to Tv.



He grabbed the wooden pole of electricity with a tight bear hug and lifted it from the ground shocking the Hollow as well as Rukia, 'I swear these humans are surprisingly strong but then again he's closely related to Ichigo I should of expected that.'


The Hollow became surprised by this as Chad lifted the wooden pole from the ground and started to swing the pole around in efforts of attacking the Hollow accidentally.

After this Rukia said, "Quickly- Slam it straight in front of you Chad" Chad then released the huge and heavy monster upon the Hollow hitting the Hollows side and one of its wings causing it to fall down straight away.




The Hollow had slammed straight to the ground causing an "oof" and "Krakoom" sound upon the ground. "Give up now, Another Shinigami will soon come here to finish you off, also don't add to your troublesome fate I'd hate for you to have a painful Konso!!"

"Heh Heh Heh... Don't you see, Don't you Get It, aren't you a tidbit curious as to how I consumed two Shinigami's" Rukia's expression upon her face was just a big question mark she didn't get what it was saying.

"... Whoosh!!!"

Ichigo had just arrived and saw countless bat like things in the air he could feel a Hollows Reishi signature from them and so he quickly disposed of them in a jiffy.

Before the Hollow saw Ichigo it said, "Heh see, that's why you Shinigami's... Keep Getting MUNCHED!!!" And in its mind it linked telepathically to its bats for them to launch their acids upon the youngster and the elder, but what, nothing happened not even the "Plup, Plup" sound or the "Flutter, Flutter"

This caused him to question whether someone had disposed of them honestly that couldn't be the case it didn't make sense

Soon Ichigo landed in between the Hollow and Rukia with Chad behind her with his solid wooden pole ready to attack. "... Huh Ichigo!!???" Rukia stuttered our shocked that he arrived so soon.

But Ichigo didn't reply and said to her, " Look at you, Your a Bloody mess, You said You wouldn't take unnecessary risks" while he was talking to Rukia his face was backwards to the Hollow and it was getting a bit annoyed.

"Hey you gonna sit up or what you two lovebirds can do this elsewhere where in a battle to think that I a Hollow would ever say that in my lifetime I'm shocked!"

"Your right Hollow sorry about that I'll begin my introduction then, I'm Ichigo Kurosaki: AKA the Substitute Shinigami, and if you want to play Tag then I'm "It!"

After this the Hollow didn't even wait and attacked directly at Ichigo but Ichigo responded with, "Your too slow" and the. Arrived at the Hollows back and slashed downwards "SLASHHH!!!" Instantly cutting through the Bat like Hollow.


After the attack smoke had gathered after Ichigo's "slash" and the Hollow had stood up again this time smirking a bit, when Ichigo saw this he said, "Wanker... You made Karin Cry and Injured her... You terrorised my friends and You attacked a defenceless woman!!"

"Hollow, your simply a 4-Star Wanker!!" After hearing this the Hollow began smirking even more before he said, "Thanks.. Now this Wanker is going to... EAT YOU!!"

"Chad take that Parakeet and hide it somewhere also Ichigo is fighting the Demon Ghost"


Back To The Fight:

"I want to ask you did you kill his parents!"

Ichigo said this with a stern look.

And the Hollow replied saying, "Yeah Back when I was still alive I was a serial killer and his mom was my last kill I can still remember it I stabbed her 12 times yet she still survived and saved her son from me."

"Hah and that well I tricked him saying I could revive his mother as long as he can hide from me for 3 months, obviously I can't do that or else I would of ate the woman again I swear she would taste good if I roasted her with salt and pepper with some other spices aaah I get chills thinking about it I mean what a sight it would be absolutely beautiful!!"

After hearing this Ichigo got triggered because he too had lost his mother and this sh*tbag was talking about the kids mom as if she was steak he was beyond just angry he was ultra angry.

Ichigo then used Instant Transmission to teleport behind the Hollow and stabbed its right thigh to prevent it from moving and then ripped out the Bat Hollows tongue causing blood to ooze out its mouth.

"This must be what your victims felt right, desperation pain and horror, now you can feel this did you ever think of this day Demon"

After a while of this the Hollow ripped off its right thigh to escape with his wings but unfortunately it's fate was sealed right then and there and "Boom!!" "SLASH!!!" The Hollow was cut in two and was sucked into a skeletal fate presumably the gateway to "HFIL" commonly known as Hell.

When Ichigo saw this play out he asked Rukia about it, "Well you see when fighting a Hollow your Zanpakutó cleans off the sins a soul committed as a Hollow, but those who committed heinous crime while human get sent to the "Home For Infinite Losers" AKA Hell.