
Soon the day had passed, and it was the day of the anniversary, and Isshin was being a goofball like usual, and Yuzu was finding it difficult to walk up the hill.

"It's so are to walk up, Karin!"

"Hah.. Not enough for me Yuzu!"

"Cmon Yuzu you can do it! Cmon let Daddy show you!"

"Look I'll even walk the whole way upside down with my hands!"

Karin then said to Yuzu, "Don't make eye contact, it only further motivates him!"

To everyone's surprise, Isshin Replied, "Not true, I don't need attention, I'm self motivated!!"

"THMP, THMP, THMP...!!!"

"Yuzu, quick Run!!"

However Isshin was too fast and successfully peeked at Yuzu's underwear, "Polkadot, Ehh...!"

And while he wasn't like looking forwards, "THWAK!!" Karin kicked him straight down the hill, and said, "You Despot, go vanish down in the depths of the planet!"

"Humph, Good riddance the pests are gone!"


Back To Ichigo:

"Hmm it's already so scorching, I guess it is after all June, Hmm but when I think about it, this day is completely the opposite of my mother's passing day as if the days are juxtapositions."

"Hey Yuzu, there seems to be another visitor here!"

"Huh, someone is coming to visit mom too, who is it?!"

"Maybe? It seems she's turning this way and she's smiling at us?!"

"Ichi-Nee is she a friend of yours?" Ichigo just nodded in response, before saying, "You guys go on ahead for me, she's a friend I need to talk to her about something... Bye!!"

While Ichigo was wondering what Rukia was here for, Karin began piecing things together, "Hmm she seems familiar and from the way Ichigo rushed to her, it seems they have some sort of relationship between themselves!"

"Could it be that he's... Yes he's already that age, it makes sense!"

"What, What Are you talking about. Come on what age are you saying I don't get it!"

"Heh heh heh, Lets give him some Space Yuzu, come on hurry up.. So she's our sister-in-law.."


"So what are you doing here, Rukia?"

"Well I'm actually quite curious over the matter of your mother, I want to see or visualise her way of death, and if a Hollow Of some sort killed her!"

"Hmm, when I think of it I feel I was walking with mum, but the next thing I see is her dead with blood splattered upon the ground, and I hate to say it but you might be right I think it was really a Hollow!"

"But enough of that, we have a day off so we might as well make it memorable so come and join my family in this event, what do you say!"

"... I. I, okay but I've never done this thing before, I hope your family won't mind in me taking part.."

"Oh just shush, they won't say anything instead they'll be happy I finally have a girlfriend, now come on grab my hand and follow me."

When she heard what Ichigo had to say, instantly her cheeks were flushed pink, as if in embarrassment and she started to fidget with her fingers signifying her awkwardness.

And to relieve the tension, Ichigo simply went in for a kiss on her cherry like lips, surprising the woman, and she couldn't fight back at his mindless aggression and in the end began to enjoy his furious assault on her body making her body feel more warm, and her pink flush deepened, making her look even more adorable.

Soon she began her own counterattack and started to twirl her tongue around his and in the end this simple kiss to relieve tension became a French kiss, that could possibly lead to consummation, who knows.

After a few minutes they broke apart with the both of them taking in the air around them with deep breaths.

And before Rukia could even recover he quickly grabbed her and put her near his chest and his head near her neck, after this he gave out a leap ascending midway into flight shocking Rukia but also annoying her as she felt trapped for air and that the fact was Ichigo was too fast.

Meaning she couldn't stabilise her condition, however when seeing this he speeded up even more to further annoy her.


"Hey it's time for the annual Kurosaki family Dominoes tournament, two hours of unbridled fun is about to, are you all ready cause I am, now let's go First is Me Vs Ichigo!"

"Also, Losers have to be the winners slaves for a month!!"


I can remember my memories of my mother, she was the center of our universe and loved us all, she always tried to protect us, i can remember the day she left this world.

It was raining and I was wearing my raincoat, that day and while walking home I saw a young girl about to commit suicide and to stop that I ran towards her without hesitation to stop her impending death.

The girl had black short hair, and back then I could differentiate between the living and the dead, and because of my recklessness my mother had died, I had torn up the Universe within my families hearts.

"Yuzu, stop crying, come on we're almost grownups you should be crying!"

After this Karin looked towards the nearby cliff and saw a young girl was there staring down at the city.

So she headed towards her in order to find out what she was doing, while going she saw that the person was not a person but a undead, and said, "hey there's a priest down there if you need them!"

However the girl turned around with a crooked smile, before saying, "Oh so you can not only see me but hear my voice as well, it seems I've come upon Reishi of good pedigree I can't wait to devour You!"

When Rukia and Ichigo saw this they immediately headed towards Karin leaving Yuzu behind with Isshin, and once there Ichigo neck chopped Karin from behind and layer her near the trees.

After this he immediately went into his Human-Shinigami Assimilation Form where while he's in human form and has his strength added to his Shinigami Reishi, and it means he's both spiritual and physical amplifying his power to the max.

It also means he doesn't need any soul to inhibit his body while he's a Shinigami.

And with one bound he made it to the Hollow site and saw that some humans were under attack, to prevent this he immediately launched a "... Airborne Getsuga... Tenshou!!"




And immediately the tentacles were sliced into disintegration. And when there Ichigo saw the face of this being, he remembered this was the girl he tried to save m, no not girl but rather Hollow, he had heard from Rukia that this was Kingfisher.

The Hollow Who outran the Soul Society for 54 years and the one who clearly killed his mother it all made sense now, "what a fool I was to try to save a being i didn't even know who had slighted me by killing my mother!!"

When he saw the Hollow becoming amused by his words he felt angry, angrier than ever before and his hands clenched onto his swords hilt, in extreme anger and fury, and slowly a Hollow like mask had covered his whole face, immediately multiplying his power to astronomical values.

"Hmm, one two three four, let's see who should I fit in my belly first I wonder, Hehehehe Hahahaa?!"

After this Ichigo's masks expression distorted into mad fury and with a single finger, he shot a blue ball of Reishi straight at Kingfisher who couldn't even move away from the attack due to how fast it was and:




The Hollow Who had forever haunted his mind had been wiped out completely and with that Ichigo's mental block had become nothing at all.

"Ichigo are you alright what happened, could it be that was Kingfisher, but what's that in your face I don't get it??!!"

After hearing this Ichigo broke off the mask from his face and put into his inventory for safe keeping.


After all that happened only Ichigo and Isshin were left at the Gravesite, and Isshin began to smoke as his wife had told him he looked quite cool smoking.

Anyway Isshin felt as if it was time to spread some words of advice to his son and so he did, "Ichigo... Live a long life. Go Bald and... Die after I do... And... If you can, Die Laughning, or else I won't be able to face your mother!"

After his words he made his way down the hill with Ichigo just staring at the tomb of his mother intensely trying to recollect his memories.

After a while Ichigo had decided it was time to head back to his own plane, the Dragon Verse.

Ichigo had then initiated the crossing portal system.

(Host are you ready to go,)

"I am now ready to go System"

3...2 ...1 "Swoosh" "Whoosh" "Crash"