The Future Womaniser

The Next Day:

As the younger blonde had woken up he noticed his surroundings completely different, as the rooms were all tidy with not a single snack wrapper on the floor and no longer did it smell like feces, it smelt nice as it had a faint of smell of flowers.

As he turned his head he saw that he was on a bed that wasn't broken it was new and everything within his home was brand spanking new, whether it be the wardrobe or his counter tops in the kitchen, checking to see if indeed everything was new.

The first thing he checked was the wardrobe as he opened it and lo and behold it was filled with brand new clothes though he noted that the clothes were seemingly different as they were mostly Orange Gi's with a hint of blue under armour and the other clothes were casual tops and jeans with new shoes as well that resembled Goku's very own martial art boots.

Seeing such vibrant colours his mouth couldn't help but turn into a smile as his eyes widened up in excitement. "Huh, why is my house looking brand new, I've got brand new clothes as well could it be Jii-san."

"Nah it can't be him he never really visits... Could it be I have a mysterious guardian that's cool and will come train me."

Said the young boy as his eyes glowed with stars in them as his happiness was evident in his body actions. Quickly he took off the Kame-Style Gi that was a replica of Goku's and equipped it on before tying the laces of his boots, Goku did this as he didn't like that every adult wore sandals. He found it stupid as without armour it was an obvious weakness that someone could exploit by cutting off ones feet.

And for that purpose he gave the child his Boots but a size that would fit him. But it wasn't just Shoes and a Gi that Goku gifted him, no Goku also gave him a blue headband to match his blue under amour and overall the boy looked great in his martial clothing though instead of the Kame-Style Logo on it, Goku replaced it with the Kanji of Wukong-Style, as to establish a difference.

And last but not least was the blue gloves he had been gifted and they looked very awesome with Goku's special Kanji on it as to symbolise his student.


The boy had made his exit as he headed for the outside where he would interact with children his age but each time he moved to join a club the kids parents would call them back home and the children would then desert him as if he was the closest thing to a human plague.

"That's the Nine Tailed..."

"Hush you'll get arrested if you finish off that sentence son..."

"Hurry he'll kill us too..."

"Move he might here you..."

Seeing such scenes within his mind made me angry but I didn't do anything until I heard his request and so I watched as he got ignored and blanked by everyone around him until a little something happened.

"Hey you lot quit It!!"

Shouted the Gi wearing boy as he turned to a group of boys harassing a young child the same age as him, and for some reason he felt more energised more ready to fight more aggressive as he saw them beating the young girl up and it infuriated him.

"What, Where did that come from..."

"Huh, Who The Hell Are You!"

Asked the young child to the blonde as he stared at him angrily, the kid dared end his fun time beating up the clan heiress this kid deserved a bloody beating. The crowd around the boy also looked at the blonde as stared menacingly at the child staring bullets in him. As their scowls intensified by the second they then realised who the boy was.


"... Wait Kobi isn't he 'It', 'It' cursed child you know the Nine kid.." Whispered he to the aggressive boy behind him as to help him not suffer a beating.

But the boys words were to no avail as the child carried on with his talks, "Yeah... he is 'It' kid, the one who always paints the Hokage monuments and causes trouble for the shopkeepers."

"What're You doing here... 'It'."

The aggressive child said as he didn't even consider blondie to be human as he constantly referred to him as a 'It' not kid or human as if blondie was a monster meant to be put down for the safety of others.

But blondielocks didn't bother with the annoying kid

as he bent down and saw the girl was bruised on her face and arms as he put out a hand to help her up, "Are you okay Dattebayo."

Seeing the young sun kissed child as his spiky sun kissed hair waved wildly in front of her offering her a hand to stand up. Seeing this she became a little embarrassed and her cheeks turned red.

After looking at her wounds and obvious tear stains on her dress he could tell the beating he endured was severe as she couldn't even stand properly, and if memory serves him right he remembered that she was from his class called "Hi-Hinata..."

The girl perked up hearing this and nodded vigorously as if she wasn't injured as her cheeks grew redder by the second, seeing this he thought she wasn't feeling well so he grabbed her up and put her on his back as she couldn't stand properly.

He saw that the girl was surprised he helped her as he clenched his fists in anger witnessing the wounds dealt to her and looked as menacing as he could towards the bullies in front.

"Humph, I don't know that 'It' person is so speak clearly you bunch of sh*tbags. As your mere breath is disrupting my nose I suggest you lot take baths, after all you smell like you've peed yourselves to death. Uggghh go quick my nose will burn off due to you lots stench."


'Oh no, he did not just say that!'

Thought Menma, as his anger was no longer implosive but Explosive as with a quick punch on the kids stomach the child fell down as he began retching out greenish yellow vomit as a piece of fish was evident within the vomit.

Seeing this the arrogant child's friends saw the outcome and knew that that, "You-Your the one aren't you the Dem....!!"

"No I'm not the chosen one and I'm not 'That' , I have a name too ya know!"

"It's Uzumaki Menma, The Future Womaniser the future ladies man, the future Hokage of Handsomeness, I will catch em all.!!"



"Handsome Hokage!!"


Came the sound as the boys began laughing out loud hearing Menma's dreams as they fell down to their backs in laughter, as they carried on laughing at Menma as if the boy was crazy and the girl he was piggybacking began to stare at the child admirably as she witnessed the valiant figure defeat them through both actions and both words.

The girl remembered him this boy was the one who made many exploits within the village as on countless times escaped the Chunin and Jonin of the Hokage with seemingly no one his match in terms of speed. She had even wondered why he would do such crazy and dangerous things though she could never get the answer.