What's this a little bug cleaning its neck for me to slice off

After the night had passed it was soon morning, as Issei and Rias had awoken from their slumber, with Rias pleading for "Mou~~just five minutes...darling."

As Issei tried to go but he was stuck as Rias held tightly on him not letting him out of her grasp as if afraid he'd never return again.

"*Sigh, fine just five more minutes..."

Complying with Rias, he then shut his eyes as he waited for the five minutes to pass, which wouldn't be that long anyway.

-Five Minutes Later:-

Issei's eyes immediately snapped open as he noticed that Rias was still asleep like a kitten upon his chest, he couldn't bear to let her down.

And so he waited another few minutes as she held on tightly to his chest not letting go, her beautiful face was calm and peaceful as she let out melodious breaths of air.

And unknowingly he had been looking at her exquisite face looking through every detail as he remembered he'd marked her as his own.

She had distinct red hair, a bountiful chest and an hourglass figure, as her jade like skin shone to ones eyes, the shape of her face was sharp just as her pointy nose, with her smooth and light scarlet brows.

-Thirty Minutes Later:-

"Darling why are you looking at my face so intently."

Asked Rias as she opened her cerulean blue eyes as they glowed while asking Issei.

With no hesitation or backtracking, Issei answered with a simply yet beautiful reply, his stone hearted face broke into a grin as he answered.

"~Your Breathtaking to the eyes my love..."

Such a simple and sound reply said by Issei as he formed an ambiguous grin caused Rias who at such close proximity with him to blush up to her ears in a scarlet frenzy.

Seemingly dazed by his answer she too looked at his face as she placed her delicate little fingers upon his chest slowly walking up to his face as she carved each area with her care.

"No your... Breathtaking~~"

And slowly she too began to look him in the eyes as soon the two lovebirds entered the same wavelength sending loving messages seemingly from their eyes to each other.

Until Issei took the initiative and pecked her rose red delicate little lips as he soon came back for more and like starved animals the two began to kiss more frequently for extended periods of time.

"~~Oh Issei... Aah Darling... More..."

Over and over they shared kisses, as both Issei and Rias felt something warm coursing through their veins warming their bodies up as they snuggled in the blanket tightly holding onto each other. Seemingly never letting go

And just as they were about to engage in springtime activities, a thunderous sound rang throughout the whole room as Issei's phone broke off their steamy hot flames of war.


Was the sound as Issei's alarm clock went off in the middle of their biology lesson. Seemingly annoyed by this the two wanted to carry on but knew it wasn't wise to as they'd miss class if they did so.

And now turning back to each other with a dive his mouth reached hers as he began to devour her tongue whole but soon it ended with both sides sighing.

It was time for school and not love making now. So the two both got off the settee as they headed to the showers to clean themselves up and get changed soon after.

-15 Minutes Later:-

The two were ready as they hopped from building to building in order to not be late for school.

And this day was frequently talked about as when the two headed over each house a figure had seen them and believed it to be the work of ghosts and so he took a quick picture to get the evidence.

But all that appeared was two red blurs heading through the sky, and since that day it was then called The Day Of The 'Bloody Blurs'.

Nonetheless the two managed to head into school as the two split up and headed their separate ways, as they moved into their classes.

On the way Issei was greeted countless times by his classmates as he had now turned into a nice guy and not some pervert, and due to his higher academic ability he was even more well liked as he helped his fellow students in achieving success.

Going through the motions soon the day had ended as Issei made his way home, Rias was staying back as she had business left to do about the occult club so Issei made his way home.

And on his way home he passed the church where he'd met Asia as he'd wanted to catch up with her and see if all was well.

But when he arrived in the area it reeked of blood and soon he entered the domain as soon he passed through a translucent wall of sorts.

Once there all sounds stopped, feeling weary about the atmosphere he placed his foot further forward as he could feel that the church's domain was giving him a 30% Stat Decrease, meaning he was weakened by 30 percent.

But he shrugged it off as he used Pump Up to multiply his power by two whilst also pumping up his body outwards causing him to bulk up not too much but just the right amount.

As this caused a swift blade of wind to scatter from him cutting through several pillars in front.

And with some good ole telekinesis he opened up the church door, and once in he saw that there was no one within it, other than a piano of sorts constantly chiming a tune.

A snappy one at that and going two steps forward soon the tune began to become louder and as if someone had placed their fingers hard upon the keys.

A sinister sound was heard, feeling the shift in tone Issei put his guard up as the winds began to increase and it's power sliced at him from each direction not harming him at all, but instead ripping off of his clothes exposing his bulky body causing even Arnold Schwarzenegger to vomit blood in comparison.

"Come out and face me like a warrior, instead of being an impudent coward who openly dares to waste my time."

Echoed Issei's voice as it ripped through each corner of the church.

But instead of appearing the wind slices began to increase in strength causing Issei to dodge constantly, knowing that there was an enemy around him Issei didn't hold back as he countered with a trick learnt from the Daimao himself.


This instantly pushed back the foe as his form appeared, seemingly a priest as he was garbed in priest clothing.

Spitting blood from his mouth the man got up as he hatefully stared at Issei with vengeance in his eyes before he roared loudly at Issei.

"Hahahaha, you think that hurts well guess what it doesn't, you've come to save that b*tch Asia right!"

Saying this his face ironically morphed into a devils as he grinned with a hint of the devil in his eyes.

"That b*tch might as well just die for helping you devils..."

But this sentence struck a nerve with Issei as he roared back pushing the priest backwards whilst causing his limbs to disintegrate into dust due to the amount of decibel's contained within his voice.

"Shut the F*CK up... Now tell Me where Asia Is!!"

"Damn, I'm f*cking crippled now... piece of sh*t I'll never tell you!!"

Spouted the priest who was half-step into his coffin as he defied the Monkey King.

This caused Issei's face to turn stiff as stopped replying to the provocative priest.

"Hahahaha, see that your scared you can't fight me your just a stray, Hahahaha look at your face your angry what are you going to do... Oh SH*T!!"

"What's this a little bug cleaning its neck for me to slice off!"

As the fiend continued to provoke Issei he soon realised his death was near as he spouted "Oh SH*T" as his last words before he died with an unsatisfactory face as he wondered just truly how he died.

After his decapitated head fell to the floor with a thud like a water fountain his blood began spurting out at high pressure.

And soon the head rolled near Issei's foot as he merely walked over it slamming it into an explosion as the head boomed like a watermelon being smashed open.

Seemingly having had enough blood for today he dusted himself off as he wiped the dirty liquid off of his boots.

"Hmph such filth dares spout feces at me... It's only fitting I crush his big head into a thousand pieces."