
Tony looked at himself in the mirror. After staring at his reflection for a very long time, he said

"Is it a Lucid Dream? But Why am I not able to wake up? There's no way that I transmigrated in the body of a fictional character such as Tony Stark and even consumed his soul…..But, The Theory of Everything...If we believe the Theory of Infinite Universes, then it is indeed possible that the Marvel universe exist in the Multiverse. But how did I transmigrate? I am about 80% sure that I died from the Tsar Bomba and there is almost no proof of this being a lucid dream while my body is going through some weird sleep paralysis."

Anthony was making all kinds of hypothesis of how it all happened.

He was sure that he died from that hydrogen bomb but the next second he opened his eyes, he was sitting on a chair as some foreign memories assaulted his brain.

He immediately controlled those memories with the help of his AI chip which also transmigrated with his soul and slowly absorbed everything.

After he had seen all the memories, and a weird pain which almost broke his soul, his AI chip's notification brought him to his senses.

It told him that his appearance in this world will change many things due to a butterfly effect.

After he came back to reality, he saw General Ross, who he knew from the foreign memories shaking him erratically and calling him 'Stark'.

The first reflex of Anthony at such a confusing situation was to handle it normally and figure everything out later.

General Ross told him that he suddenly fell unconscious while he was giving suggestions for the sokovia accords and after about ten seconds, he gained his consciousness back.

'From the looks of it, It seems that this is Marvel Cinematic universe, and If I really have transmigrated, then it is going to get pretty interesting.

The reason I dropped the comics was because Iron man had a lot of potential yet he never actually explored it due to his hypocritical morals.

He could've recreated his father's serum which turned the limpy Steve Rogers into Captain America, but he never did.

He could've researched Pepper after she was injected with the extremis but it was poorly modified and ultimately purged by an alien cyber virus.

He wasted many things such as Vibranium, Adamantium, Infinity Stones.

That Symbiote Armour also had a lot more potential.

Hmm….Now if this really is the reality then I have enough time and resources to do a lot of things…..'

Anthony had a smile on his face. A real and genuine smile which he never thought would appear on his lips.

'Jarvis, overtake this world's Jarvis. Learn everything that it knows and completely take over it. As soon as you succeed, start creeping inside of all the systems connected to the internet.'

Commanded Anthony, who has now assumed the identity of Anthony Edward "Tony" Stark, or simply Tony Stark.

As Tony was communicating with Jarvis in his lab, Pepper suddenly came from behind and gave him a back hug.

"General …...Ross called me and told me that you….that you have a radiation poisoning…" Said Pepper while almost crying.

'sigh...Will have to go with her shit now. But she is important as she handles all the meetings and businesses while I save the world…..but now I will sit home and invent as I might destroy this world myself….Well, I can act a little lovey-dovey to manipulate her.' thought Tony in his mind as he got out of her embrace and simply kissed the crying Pepper on her tender lips.


[Completely Absorbed the AI named 'Jarvis' of this world]

[AI will shut down for the upgrade now….]

[Shutting down in 10….9…...8…...7]


Tony handled the crying pepper and took her to his room by picking her up in princess style.

He knew how to handle people and to completely subdue Pepper, he has to show her that he is completely honest and genuine about her.

Pepper was surprised with Tony's sudden actions as she demanded to know what he was doing but Tony just meaningfully looked at her and placed her on his bed and started kissing her again.

His kisses weren't filled with lust but were very light and filled with love.

He caressed her hairs as he started undoing her shirt while she too started to undo his pants in the heat of the moment.

Tony made love to Pepper all night long as he made sure to satisfy her at least three times while he slowly and slowly slipped the words such as "I Love you" and "I missed you" in between of the very slow and fluffy love making of theirs.

After he had done that, he slowly told her more lies about how she shouldn't worry about him that much and that he just fainted for 10 seconds because of overwork.

Pepper clearly didn't believe him and thought that he really had a Plutonium poisoning but chose to ignore it since he was so genuine to her.

Today was indeed the best day of her life as Tony had never shown so much love to her before and thinking about it again, she just gave him a peck on his cheek before leaving for a boards meeting the next morning.

'Finally…' thought Tony as he saw Pepper off at the gates of Stark Tower.

'Jarvis? Have you Upgraded?' Asked Tony in his Mind

[*Ding* Yes Sir, I indeed have upgraded]

'Hmm, So, what are the new changes? Tell me?' Asked Tony as he made his way towards his lab.

[My Processing Speed has upgraded, Memory is increased, gained an improved self-learning algorithm and learnt a lot about this world.]

'Good. Have you infected the internet?'

[Yes Sir, I am hacking all the systems connected to Internet]

'Very well, Now trace Hank Pym, Scott Lang, James Howlett, Erik Magnus Lehnsherr and Charles Xavier'

[Very Well Sir]

After giving Jarvis his orders, Tony himself started to work on some things.

'Two Infinity Stones are still on earth. The Mind Stone with Vision and The Time Stone with Dr. Strange. Dr. Strange's Teleportation Mystic arts is a huge asset too and so is vision's entire body. Let's first get the Nanoparticles and try crafting them with programming. I'm way ahead of Marvel's Comic-Verse in Marvel's Cinematic Universe. This is going to get messy. In about a month, Civil War will happen and that will be my best shot at Vision and Antman. I also have to talk to Peter.

I also need to find out about Thanos. If this Thanos is from the Comic Verse then everyone is fucked. King Thanos is a god whose lover is the primordial entity of Death itself. They even have a fucking child together.

So Many variables. I don't like it. Don't like it one bit.'

[*Ding* Found Hank Pym, Scott Lang, James Howlett, Erik Magnus Lehnsherr and Charles Xavier]

'Already? That's fine. Let's start with James Howlett, our very own Wolverine. He has the lowest risk factor. All brawn and no brain. The rest are cunning...Well Except for Scott Lang anyways.

Put a bounty on his head. $3 Million would do. And if anyone can do it silently, then they'll get $4 Million.'

[Very Well Sir]

'Also, Have you hacked into Wakanda?'

[No Sir, That place has its own AI which is preventing the Hack. It will take time]

'No Problem. Present Howard Stark's research on Captain's Serum. You can find it in the S.H.I.E.L.D's database. Also, Tony at least must have collected some extremis while he cured Pepper, find out about that too.'

[Task Initiated…..]

After about Half an Hour, Jarvis presented the research papers of both Extremis and Super-Soldier Serum to Tony who then immediately started working on them. Jarvis was also making custom nanoparticles in another lab and soon Tony lost the track of time.