Meeting Peter Parker

Tony spent an entire week in his lab researching and recreating the Super-Soldier Serum with the added modifications from the extremis virus.

Because he was an earth shattering genius on his own planet, and after being merged with another earth-shattering super genius from the Marvel world, he became extremely sharp. The things he was having problems with on earth automatically got solved in his mind as he was working in his lab.

Together with Jarvis, who was too, an upgraded AI, now comparable to Ultron but without self-awareness, Tony recreated the serum with ease.

"I need to test it first." Thought Tony as he picked up the amber colored serum in a glass vial.

Being a superhero who also has influence in the political spectrum of the nation grants someone an immense amount of power which no man should have, but Tony was exactly so. He had the ability to get away with almost any crime and he used this ability of his to kidnap a homeless couple from the streets.

He first used his serum on the Man but he immediately exploded. Blood and muscle tissues were everywhere in the lab and brain matter was smeared on the sealing.

After making Jarvis clean all that up, he modified the Serum and again tested it on the woman who was screaming and praying with all her might so that someone could save her from this monster that everyone calls a hero.

Tony turned a deaf ear to all that and simply injected her with the amber colored serum.

At first, there were no reactions but soon the woman started to buff up and scream uncontrollably!

She broke away from the metal strappings on the surgical bed and dashed towards Tony in absolute rage and hatred as her hair caught fire.

'Check Vitals' Commanded Tony in his mind as he saw the woman rush towards him.

[Vitals have increased. Aging has stopped, The Serum is a success.] Replied Jarvis faithfully.





A week had passed, Tony, now a little taller with noticeably younger face and a lean body which packed explosive power was looking at a small mountain of nanoparticles in front of him. He gave a mental command and all the particles immediately gathered to create a watch, then a face and then they changed into a repulsor.

"Perfect" Remarked Tony as he saw his creation with a shine in his jet black pupils.

He willed it and all the particles started to integrate with a much slimmer arc reactor that he had created and after all the particles had merged with the reactor, he took it and slapped it on his shirt

"Well, Time to meet Spiderman." He said as he donned a black coat over his shirt and walked towards his garage in the Stark tower while wearing sunglasses.




Peter was coming home from his college when he saw a Black muscle car parked outside of his house.

"Huh? Wow...Whose Car is this? Do we have guests?"

Peter went and opened the door to his house and as soon as he entered, he heard a very famous voice coming from his living room which instantly froze him.

He quickly brushed off the stupor and made his way towards the living room and what he saw again froze him.




"Aha, I have to say May that these might be the best bacon I've ever tasted" Said Tony as he ate a bacon while sitting in Peter's living room."

"Ah come on Dr. Stark, I'm sure you've tasted much better things than this" replied May with a slight giggle at her unexpected charming guest.

"Ah Hello there Peter" greeted Tony as he looked towards the stunned teenager.

"Ah….Hello...A..Peter, I'm Peter Parker"

"I know Kid, Tony by the way. Tony Stark"

"What happened Peter, are you alright?" questioned May as she saw her nephew behaving weirdly.

"Oh he's alright, He must be excited about the scholarship which I approved for his work on gene reforming." Interrupted Tony as he gave a wink to Peter.

Peter wasn't stupid enough to not understand what was going on and agreed to what Tony had said.

After explaining May about something that even he didn't know, Tony and Peter went to Peter's room.

"So you live here? Hmm, Where is your lab?" Asked Tony as he looked around the messy room.

"What...Lab Mr. Stark…I mean Dr. Stark?"

"Ah you can simply call me Sir. I don't place any value on doctorates. And I'm here because of this"

Tony flipped out a transparent glass the size of a mobile from his pocket and suddenly some videos of a clumsy Spiderman with a hoodie trying to help people started to project from it.


"Seriously boy, at least make a good suit." Said Tony while placing his hands on Peter's shoulder as he started to walk out of the house.

Peter was sweating all over as he didn't know what to do.

He couldn't even think properly when Tony said something which made him stunned again.

"Do you want to be an avenger, kid?"

"Wha-...Me? Yes! Yes Sir, Thank You so much sir."

Tony smiled at the excited Peter Parker as he brought him to his car and they both sat in it.

"So Sir….What will I do? Will there be some money involved because you know I need to make a new suit...oh wait, Aunt May, what will she think? How will I convince her?"

Peter started to panic soon enough while Tony just took out a bag and handed it over to him

"This is your suit kid. Now listen what you have to do."






Tony explained to Peter about the things he has to do after the sokovia accords gets approved and he also threw the "Great power, Great responsibility speech" in there.

Needless to say that Peter was very impressed and emotional at this generosity of one of the most famous genius of their world.

As Tony was going in his car, he thought about the infinity stones and how to acquire them.

He thought about how to get the soul stone as even if he could travel to space, he can never get his hands on the souls stone as that needed a sacrifice and Tony had no one he loved. How could he? He was a misanthrope and his thought process was much more scary than Thanos.

[Successfully hacked into Wakanda's mainframe]

"Huh? Good! Wakanda is a very important place. Many key events will happen their. Jarvis, Locate their vibranium mine and tell me how much they have? Also copy all their research in your database, I need to study about crafting nanoparticles from vibranium. That process should be much more complex."

[Initiating Task…..]

Tony reached the Stark tower, and started to get used to his new strength. The Extremis-Serum that he created from the Extremis virus and Super-Soldier Serum had made his body strong, flexible and extremely quick. His aging had stopped making him an immortal, he had now full control over every part of his body, such as he could stop his own heart at will, secrete hormones, control metabolism, blood pressure and just about everything.

His heat tolerance had also reached on another level as extremis could even resurrect him from a near death situation.




"Tomorrow is the meeting in the S.H.I.E.L.D's headquarter about the sokovia accords. Hmm, I could kill Bucky in a rage at the reason of him killing my parents, and then it'll be far easy to go about my plan.

But…..*sigh…*...It's very risky. I don't want to repeat the same mistake as my last life and alert them about my threat level."

[Assassination of James Howlett failed. X-Men have assembled to find out the person responsible for Wolverine's bounty.]
