The God of Wakanda

After Shuri exited the room, Tony created a virtual image in the security cameras which were now showing Tony sleeping peacefully.

'Well, Let's go exploring.' Thought Tony after waiting for an hour as he headed towards the door which opened automatically as he came near it and once he exited the room, he was wearing a nanosuit which came out of nowhere.

'Jarvis, Show me the Map of this place and highlight the Vibranium storage unit.'

[Affirmative, Sir]

As Tony went towards the said Vibranium storage, 3 heat signals immediately showed up on his map making him come to a stop.

'Only 3? That's Vibranium you are guarding idiots.'

Tony located all three of them and Jarvis immediately presented 10 different ways for Tony to sneak in and out without alerting them. Although he could kill or waste them and get the vibranium silently but then he will instantly turn into a suspect as it would be too much of a coincidence that this happened on the same day as he regained his consciousness.

Jarvis had already hacked into Wakandian servers so theoretically, the entirety of Wakanda was in his control.

As Tony went inside the Storage Unit, all the traps disabled themselves and Jarvis doctored the security feed so that Tony won't show up in it.

"That's a lot of Vibranium" Remarked Tony as he walked inside and saw rows and rows of shelves with extracted Vibranium inside them.

Tony was extremely tempted to take all of it but he didn't came here for this. He saw his map and went deep inside the unit. After walking a little, as he was about to walk up to a specific wall, the wall said automatically opened to reveal an underground stairway which Tony took with a smirk as his feets never came to a stop.

"The secret…..The treasured secret of T'Caka which no one knows about...which even he couldn't decode…" murmured Tony as the smirk never left his face.

After descending down the stairs, Tony came across some physical traps which he avoided with ease and kept walking.

[HIgh Energy Radiation Detected! Mutation Possible at Longer Exposure.]

Warned Jarvis as Tony came to a stop. Before Tony, there was a large meteoroid of unknown origin which had black liquid all around it.

"Incredible. Legendary…..Jarvis, This is the meteoroid's core, right?"

[Yes Sir, Centuries ago, this meteoroid struck wakanda changing the topography of this place. It's radiation was also the cause of Heart-Shaped herb and the pieces which were broken due to the impact were harvested and became what is known as vibranium. But for centuries, no one has been able to harvest this mineral which is the core of that meteoroid. It is unbreakable and strongest material known.]

Suddenly Tony's blood started to race and the core in front of him started to pulsate and before he could do anything, he was transported to some different place.

'Jarvis! JARVIS!' Probably it was the first time after coming to this world when Tony felt that he bit more than he could chew. He looked around and found that he was in a similar place as ancient egypt and soon realized what it meant.

"Bast, The God of Wakanda. Am I right?" Shouted Tony while looking around the place.

"So is this Heliopolis? I gotta say that it is kind of amazing." Continued Tony when suddenly a dust cloud started to form over an egyption pyramid.

"Preparing for a grand entry I see?"



*Human…..Just who are you? And how do you know so much?* came an extremely loud and eerie voice.

'Of course I know about you, you stupid cat. You are not even a full divinity! You just boss around here because you will die out there!' Thought Tony as he looked towards The Panther God who was slowly making its way out from the dust storm. He was extremely pissed at this giant cat as it and other Ennead acted like gods on earth .

"I am Tony Stark. I went to egypt and their I found scriptures telling me about the Ruler of the Lower egypt. I was fascinated by you and researched about you which led me here, wakanda." Said Tony in a worshipping voice.

He bowed down to the great god while Bast herself had a very complicated expression as she wasn't able to check Tony's soul. Add to that Tony was not a normal human either! Apart from the Heart-Shaped herb, he already had abnormal levels of strength and soul force as he was not bothered by the souls in her realm.

"I see that you have great potential Human, apart from that I can see in the memories of T'Chaka that you have risked your life countless times to save Humanity. So tell me, what do you want? Apart from the powers of Black Panther and the Ability to withdraw memories and experience of past Black panthers, you can ask me anything." Replied Bast as she judged Tony worthy for bestowal of her powers as Tony had done more for the humanity than any other Black Panther.

"I don't need anything great god. I didn't even thought that I could ever meet you. I'd be just happy if I could talk to you." Answered Tony.

Bast was flabbergasted at Tony's response. She tried to read his face and tried to find malice in his eyes but he seemed extremely genuine.

"Hahahahaha….." Bast started laughing a hearty laughter as she looked at this puny human infront of her. The first human ever who was this selfless!

After staring at Tony for a while, Bast said

"The Heart-Shaped herb that you ate helps you connect with me. Whoever ingest it gets judged by me and if I find them worthy, I bestow them with different powers but if I reject them, then their souls get trapped in a limbo. I see that you already have powers beyond any human so my powers won't be of any use to you but since I am also seeing that you use Iron as an armour, I will grant you the power to connect with Vibranium. This will also help you to absorb and weaponize any kind of energy thrown at you.

Tony reacted as If all of that didn't matter to him and just stared at this Giant White Panther. Noticing Tony's stare, Bast questioned.

"What's the matter? Aren't you happy with the powers?"

"I am just thinking that all your worshippers got you entirely wrong. You were portrayed as a Savage Black Panther King but in reality you are just a Sweet White Panther Queen." Replied Tony as he took a step towards the panther god in an attempt to touch it.

"Oh! No, they didn't got me wrong, Tony. I don't have a gender. I am a divinity and can turn to either gender at will."




After chatting with Bast for some time, she teleported him back in front of the meteoroid. Tony saw that it will be morning soon and hence he immediately took some part of the core from the meteoroid's core and went back to his room.



Approximately 2 hours later, A knock came on his door, following which Shuri entered the room and said with a sweet smile

"Rise and shine Handsome"

She then came near him and poured a cold glass of water straight at his face.

"Rrghhahhhh" Reacted Tony in a very childish way which greatly amused Shuri

"What are you giggling about? What way it is to wake a guest up? And what rise and shine? It's only 4 a.m." Yelled Tony while pointing at the wall clock as if he felt betrayed.

"Aww...Did I ruined your dream? I'm sorry. But you need to get ready. Father will see you at 5 on the training field." replied Shuri with a cuckle.

It took Tony about half an hour before he finally got up and went to bath after much nagging from Shuri. He only acted like this so he could be more open and act normal with Shuri.

After Tony had took a quick shower, He wore some traditional wakandian clothes which Shuri got him from her brother.

Needless to say Tony was rocking the black loose shirt which was without a collar and had a black long scarf wrapped around his neck while he wore simple black colored loose lower made of silk.

Shuri was stunned for a second when she landed her eyes on him but she soon dragged him out of the room.

Under the curious stares of many wakandian, Tony and Shuri made their way towards a training field were T'Challa and T'Chaka were sparring. He just simply stood at the side as he observed their match or T'Chaka toying with T'Challa would be more appropriate.

T'Challa was soon exhausted as he couldn't keep up with his father who had the advantage of Bast's blessing and had peak human strength, agility, regeneration, stamina, reflexes and senses. T'Chaka then turned around to find Tony and looked at him with a very complicated expression.

"How did you survive Mr. Stark?" Asked T'Challa

"What do you mean My King? Asked Shuri in a confused tone.

"You fed him the herb, I know it. The reason I asked you to not do it was because it would've only made his situation worse. The clear proof that the herb had no effect on him is that I still have the power of Black Panther. If the God had blessed him then my powers would've gone. But as you can see, I still have my power...So?"

T'Challa and Shuri were again stunned at this revelation!

"I had a dream, King T'Chaka" replied Tony after a few seconds.

"A Dream?" said King while raising an eyebrow, motioning him to continue.

"Yes, In that dream, there was this huge panther who told me some bullshit about deserving and then healed me."

"I see…" Said The King as a realization hit him and he shut his mouth up in deep thought.

T'Challa however suddenly jumped up and said while raising his hand walking towards Tony

"T'Challa, Nice to meet you Iron Man"

Tony Chuckled at his greeting and met his hand in a handshake while introducing himself.

"So Tony, What the hell happened? Who left you in such a pitiful state? I checked and there were no news of any fights which could leave you in this position."