
There was immediately a silence in the training field as all three of them wanted to know the answer of this question.

Tony had a look of reverence on his face as he sighed and started to tell them about his encounter.

"I was returning from a meeting with General Ross about the Sokovia Accords when suddenly my car came to an immediate stop. I suddenly had a bad feeling so I jumped out of the car only for it to implode on its own.

I Immediately wore my suit and scanned the surrounding when suddenly I felt my own suit crushing me. The armor plates which I made to protect myself started to crush my ribs and impale me as I couldn't even shout…." Tony had a look of anger while all T'Challa, T'Chaka, and Shuri were horrified.

"I was extremely powerless in front of that guy! I couldn't do anything. Even his name was given to me by him on his own wish as he shot me in the air while his own voice echoed and said 'People call me Magneto. And consider this as a warning. Do not let Sokovia Accords pass in the meeting next month. I will be there, In Vienna.'...

As his voice faded, I found myself falling but I was helpless to do anything as my skin as attached to my armor and some of it was even in my organs."

Tony's hands were clenched and his eyes were bloodshot as he expressed how angry he was at his own powerlessness.

"I know Magneto" Said T'Chaka after looking towards Tony with pity.

Tony was extremely satisfied to find that pity in his eyes as he hardened his gaze and demanded in a stern voice.


Shuri and T'Challa were just statues by this time as they were processing a lot of ridiculous information in a short time.

"He is a Mutant. He is still wanted in many countries and he even tried to assassinate The P.O.T.U.S. and almost succeeded. The only thing known about him is that he can control metal and was once a friend of Charles Xavier, a very powerful mutant."

T'Chaka put his hand on Tony's shoulder after telling him about Magneto and then asked for Shuri to follow him, leaving him with T'Challa.

Tony immediately brushed the gloomy atmosphere and asked T'Challa for a spar.




It's been a week since Tony had a talk with the King and was currently making something in a lab as Shuri and T'Challa both helped him.

"Done!" Stated Tony while taking a new arc reactor made from vibranium. Shuri had stars in her eyes as she saw the magnificent arc reactor the shape of a credit card and then at the magnificent man who build it. In this week, Shuri and Tony have grown close to each other while T'Challa became his sparring buddy.

"With this, T'Chaka's Black Panther armor can be upgraded!" Stated Tony as he gave the glowing arc reactor to T'Challa who then slapped it on his chest and triggered it with a ring in his hand.

Immediately, An extremely black colored vibranium suit surrounded him. It was not a normal black color but something which was absorbing the light of the room making the entire room dim.

"Energy repulsors, gliding gears, can convert any part of it into anything at will due to it being a nanosuit." Said Tony as T'Challa raised his hand and a black glow shot from his palm towards a testing dummy which immediately started to corrode at an alarming rate!

T'Challa was immensely pleased with such a suit and immediately went to T'Chaka after thanking Tony.

"So, Now should we work on your suit?" Said Shuri with a smile.

T'Chaka had allowed Tony to take vibranium for his suit but Tony instead made them an improved version of Black Panther suit.

Actually Tony wasn't feeling generous, he just knew how important Wakanda is and hence he made the suits which had Jarvis in them, hence allowing him to instantly kill, track, and pretty much do anything with the suit remotely.

"Mine? Nope, We make a suit for you first." Replied Tony with a grin which instantly stunned Shuri.

Since childhood, Shuri wanted to become the first female Black Panther but her mother always discouraged her idea. She was always disheartened as no one supported her, not even her own brother but now, when Tony stated his desire to make her a suit, she was filled with emotions she didn't know she had. She instantly hugged Tony as he felt his chest getting wet from her tears and wrapped his arms around her to stroke her hairs gently.

Tony however didn't wanted to make a suit yet. He had other plans and decided to wait, and in the meantime, it would only help him to gift Shuri an AI killer-puppet of his which would raise hell at his command.




Tony then made another vibranium reactor and as Shuri slapped it on her chest and activated it, She was instantly embarrassed by looking at her reflection. The skin tight Black Panther suit was highlighting her plump curves and she was looking extremely tempting to say the least.

Tony let his eyes rest on her figure a couple second longer but that was enough for her to immediately deactivate the suit.

"What are you looking at Stark" Glared Shuri with a pout.

"Appreciating a beauty" Stated Tony bluntly which instantly resulted in her red cheeks.

Shuri stomped out of the lab in anger but one could see a small smile on her face as she clenched her grip around the credit card shaped vibranium reactor.

As she exited the lab, the smile on Tony's face immediately turned into a frown as a he looked at an earlier notification from Jarvis.

[Unknown Mineral Absorbed. Mutation Detected]

Yes, Somehow the mineral that he extracted from the meteoroids core got absorbed in his body and right now, he was mutating. He wasn't too worried as his affinity to vibranium and energy was increasing but he was still cautious and was working on a way to simulate the mutation and stop it if it's something he is going to regret in the future.

After another week of spending time with Shuri, T'Challa and other wakandians, it was time for the meeting at Vienna and he departed Wakanda with T'Challa and T'Chaka, much to Shuri's dismay, but he promised to visit her again so she wasn't too sad.

Soon, they all boarded the advanced aircraft of Wakanda and while sitting in it, Tony gave a mental command

[Jarvis, Search for a keyword. "Symbiote". Alert me immediately when it comes in your search.]

Tony then looked towards the King who was joking with his son and smiled a little thinking, 'Laugh all you want T'Chaka, you won't be alive tomorrow. Nothing personal you know, your death will be a building block for T'Challa, who is an extremely valuable puppet of mine.'

Soon all of them departed from Wakanda while chatting with each other and it didn't take that long before they reached their destination, Vienna.

At the airport, many diplomats and security officers came to receive the Wakandian King and were quite surprised to find Tony coming with them as no one was really allowed in Wakanda and it was not open for any kinds tourists.

Since Wakanda had a vibranium reserve, Fury himself came to receive the King as to make a good relationship between S.H.I.E.L.D and Wakanda.

"Welcome King T'Chaka!" Greeted Fury as he shifted his confused gaze from Tony to T'Chaka.

T'Chaka however didn't gave a rat's arse about Fury's greetings and just nodded at him.

He wasn't some naïve teen who wouldn't understand Fury's intention and quickly went and sat in the well guarded lemo as Tony said something in T'Challa'a ears and jumped high in the air as one of his suit came flying from the sky which Tony donned mid-air and flew away in style.