Chapter 3: When It All Falls Down

Pentagon, Late Night.

The room was deathly quiet. When someone dies the air of any room becomes devoid of happiness, the air becomes filled with a deep sadness especially when death comes to someone who does not truly deserve it. Percy, Tom, Alex and the rest all looked upon the screen in shock they all clearly saw a hole appear on his face and another hole appear on the back of his head no blood leaked out of the wound making the scene eerie to watch, his body standing upright even in death.

Sam shuts off the screen having it descend back into the table, you could literally hear a pin drop from how quiet the room became. Sam clears his throat, " There is no going back now, its done and now we implement the next phase of this plan" The rest of the team looked up at Sam confused as to what he was talking about. As far as they knew the only agreement was to give up Haruki Tatsuo in order to confiscate his research while giving them back the original positions they had.

Sam smiled at them, pulls out another device which lifted a fancy blind. Behind this blind was a vision board detailing the next steps each scientist had to take to advance Haruki's research. Alex was stunned "Sir this isn't what we had talked about this inst what I want, what we wanted..." Sam looked Alex directly in the eye without a hint of a smile. "What you want doesn't even matter, tomorrow forensics will find that you and everyone here killed a fifteen year old genius for his research if you do not comply with whats written in this folder these are the orders given" Sam slid over this folder to the scientist who were staring at it as if the folder was some sort of monster the closer it moved the uglier the expression on their faces.

"What!" every scientist from Haruki's team were shocked at the sudden turn of events. Tom directly admonished Alex his face turning a bright red from the rage he felt. Tom flipped his chair over and stood in rage over Alex fists clenched. "You did this, you have ruined us, look at what you have done, just because you couldn't be the star of the research you chose to utterly doom us and now we have to live with the fact that Haruki died because of us" Alex was simply beside himself, he just stared everyone in the face with a blank look on his face. After a few seconds of silence his face began to distort, showing emotions of happiness, rage and sadness consecutively it seemed to everyone that he was losing his mind.

"Sam is there any way that we can remove ourselves from this I don't want accolades I just do not want to be apart of this any longer, all this is Alex's doing." Said Tom pleading to Sam. Hearing these words seemed to make Alex snap "I think it was about appropriate for what they did to me!" Alex exclaimed aggressively a savage look on his face. "I worked for over thirty years and this is how N.A.S.A treats me? They Deserve this!!!!" Sam just looked on as these scientist fell apart in the face of benefits, nothing is enough for any one single person.

Yet in this moment it wasn't about the benefits, it was about the fact that they were truly not ready for what had happened to Haruki or what could happen to them, death was a far off notion to scientist who had locked themselves in to study things like Dark Matter, the only person here who had a semblance of expression was Alex and his expression was indeed savage.

"To answer your question, no Tom you're only out right now is death because I do not believe for a single second that any of you could keep your mouths shut for more than a day, especially if people are interrogating you about the incident." Tom stammered "But." "There is no but, this your only option and you will resume work tomorrow as if nothing has ever happened, this is the way of life that you must adapt to and I suggest you do it fast. We do not tolerate anything short of success here, I will tell you all this once and only once, make any mistake if I hear word of anything that transpired here I will kill you and your whole family." With that as his exit Sam explained the benefits that they would receive and then left the room.

While walking away Sam talks into an ear piece that was located on his collar, he lifted his collar up to his mouth and said "Come in Boys." Five men dressed in army fatigues marched into the room directly walking to the mad Alex, fear immediately descended in the room. Alex exclaimed after a brief period of silence, panic evident on his face. "Where is Sam? what's going on her?, we had a deal." Every other scientist except Alex were told to leave the room. As soon as everyone left the soldier closest to the door slammed it shut, not long after sounds of pleading could be heard followed by a loud bang and a muffled thud.

After the murder of Haruki Tatsuo became broadcast-ed and televised the world stood still for a moment. Most people regarded Haruki as the next Einstein because of his accomplishments at such a young age, he proved a point that being old and experienced does not necessarily qualify you to be the smartest, that with great determination you will be able to soar through the sky like a dragon instead of slithering on the earth like a snake. N.A.S.A held a funeral for Haruki Tatsuo, Grandpa Sun broke down into tears and seemed to have aged another twenty years. After a couple spins on national television the reason behind Haruki's death in the public light was because of his own careless actions.

The rapid advancement in technology that followed after Haruki's death began with the research notes that Haruki had created on Dark Matter. The pentagon took great care to utilize Haruki's information without people drawing a connection between his death and the advancements, after all it was widely known that he was the reason Dark Matter could even be utilized. Every space organization was sold information for mind staggering undisclosed amounts, you could only imagine the value of such a thing it wasn't long before the U.S entered another great space Era. The whole planet seemed to have entered a frantic state of technological development, space travel became more frequent, more affordable for the average citizen and hard to understand terms like light speed became more understandable to the average person. It truly became a golden age at the cost of a life.

While these things were happening something much more extreme was taking place in the Universe. A reincarnation, Haruki Tatsuo should have originally died during his interaction with the God Particle, instead the force field that wrapped around his body ended up protecting his soul as he traveled through the cosmos. The Higgs was constantly engraving the characteristics of the god particle into his spiritual body in fact most of this energy was concentrated in what should be his brain, the pain was unimaginable; wounds of the body are nothing compared to wounds of the soul this was the difference between pouring scalding water on your bare skin vs pouring scalding oil.

This strange power of creation and destruction continued to condense itself into the middle of his forehead, not just there but it was deeply rooted to where his brain would have been. A black dot appeared there and began to rotate at an insanely fast speed, light cold only hope to match the speed that it was spinning. At the same time Haruki entered a deep sleep due to the pain of condensing the Higgs boson particle, it was instantaneous and dynamic.

Once the mark composed of the Higgs condensed and fused with Haruki's spiritual brain it developed sentience. It could only feel and not think for itself at the moment and Haruki who could not control it in his sleep could only do what the god particle wanted him to do. At this moment the energy needed to fuel the God Particle started to wane, as a free flowing particle its need to utilize spiritual energy was not small. You can say the God Particle's two halves were a certain type of spiritual energy a creation & destruction type of spiritual energy, this is why no one could truly realize the abilities of the God Particle, simply because it was not a physical object to begin with.

When the God Particle and his soul fused, a vast amount of energy exploded out into Haruki's Mind the spiritual energy contained within it was expended by itself when condensing into a soul embryo. As you can imagine the god particle was quickly running out of energy and an instinctual desire for spirit energy made it particularly feel that if it did not get any spiritual energy soon then all would be for naught it would have creation and destruction and its cycle would end.

The god particle wrapped up Haruki's spiritual body in another force field and then launched his soul at incredible speeds towards a distant galaxy.

More and more energy was being expended they seemed to be following a certain trajectory. Slowly Haruki was waking up, he opened his eyes and could see nothing but streaking lights, he also couldn't feel anything that he normally would let alone move his spiritual body after all he had no experience which such things. What he could do was think. "OH… NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! Is that a fucking star!!! My body! Where is my body! Holy Fuck where is my body" After about five minutes of straight panicking Haruki finally calmed down and started to observe his situation. "I'm clearly dead but I'm not dead… strangest thing ever. I can't move anything except my head, my feet and hands are glowing for some reason I have this weird pressure in my head… like its pulling me along. I'm approaching something, the pulling force is getting stronger, wait pulling force that's right I'm approaching a black hole no! I'm inside a black hole!!"

The God particle was inside a black hole at this moment heading insanely fast towards a closing spacial crack. It was something Haruki would not have imagined to be possible but here it was happening to him. "I can't be going inside that thing right? how do I turn back?" It was at this moment the God particle accelerated and increased the defense of its force field by instinct it new that this was going to be a very challenging ride. The very moment the particle sped up immense amounts of spiritual energy was used and some came directly from Haruki's soul. Haruki was instantly put to sleep once again, the God Particle went into the spatial crack and disappeared from the earthen star system.