Chapter 6: Welcome To My World

Haru was facing off against the blonde cultivator oblivious to what was going on inside the clan. After all the gates were quite far from where his own home was. A cloud of steam raised off of the shining black Hammer, regardless of the rain not even a single drop couldn't touch it. Haru's body swelled as he channeled his burning spirit art.

At this rate his liquidized qi was burning extremely fast, there was no method of smooth qi flow in the Tatsuo clan although they had some money it was no match for the funds that other clans have had over the millennia seeing as how the Tatsuo clan was a newly erected clan it wasn't expected for them to get something like martial skills unless one of their family members was a part of a sect.

The Ashen Blonde cultivator had a rising green aura covering his body and the pagoda began to rapidly circle his body, creating a shield of sorts using his qi as the medium. The drain had to be massive seeing as how the blonde cultivators face was pale. It seems he had exerted enough strength. "You're going to die a horrible death and your Tatsuo clan will be wiped off the Ryu Continent, wait till the sect master hears news of what happened." Haru simply took a step forward, rage evident on his face steam rising with each step. "Keep dreaming, do you believe that if it wasn't for your sect, that this place would be your final resting place."

Haru Tatsuo then rushed the blonde cultivator and made a side sweep, hammer enlarging. It actually looked like Haru was wielding a meteor right now. No panic was seen on the blonde cultivator's face only determination the green light rose to the limit the green robed cultivator rose his hands in the air and shouted "Verdant Thorns Rise" A blinding neon green light shot out from the pagoda it had stopped moving and was now shooting green lights in the shape of thorns towards Haru.

Seeing this Haru did not back down instead he sped up enlarging his hammer to reach the size of his body he burned his strength once more and the hammer became a flaming meteor that was plowing through all the needle like lights being shot at him, cracks began to appear on the hammer but its momentum could not be stopped.

Haru truly raised his capabilities to the utmost and would definitely be injured by the backlash, a drop in cultivation would be normal. The ashen robed cultivator panicked and sent a voice transmission to his fellow sect member Chen who couldn't respond as at this exact moment Grandpa Sun had sent him flying with a blow to the chest.

"We must get out of here leave the swords and armor." Just as he saw that his most powerful attack could do nothing he commanded the pagoda to once again shield him while he tried to run away. Instead of chasing the blonde haired cultivator Haru threw his hammer, it was truly a flaming meteorite now, Haru's Hammer smashed through the shield without delay and sent the blonde cultivator flying spitting out blood as he flew back for more than 50 feet, the magic pagoda was strewn on the ground, the willow wood sect disciple scrambled away in attempt to escape without his partner!

Haru didn't chase instead he looked towards where Boudicca was battling his guards, many of his guards were heavily injured although they managed to tie him down. Haru quickly assisted his guards, he wanted to help before the backlash started.

Boudicca was almost apprehended up until the point when Haru saw cultivator Chen fly over the wall, the front of his robes covered in blood. Haru went pale and immediately decided to give chase. He didn't know what happened inside the clan all of a sudden it felt like a 3 ton rock was holding him down, His backlash had now started to begin.

"Haru we will settle this another time, you have already offended the willow woods sect you should prepare for what's coming next." Boudicca had blasted away several of Haru's guards, green and black light flashing in a bid for escape. When Haru became distracted by cultivator Chen, Boudicca slapped a beast talisman onto his body that gave him high speed. Haru roared with rage about to give chase once again but received a voice transmission from his father. His expression changed, Haru gave a few orders to his men and made a dash towards his compound.

Haru dashed like madman quickly reaching his large training courtyard. What greeted him was the destruction from cultivator Chen attacking his wife & son it was also the damage from Grandpa Sun blasting the green robed cultivator flying. Haru's voice roared out as he rushed to the house " what happened, Hinata, Hajimi." Hajimi approached his house in distress only to find his grandfather soaked in blood standing side by side with his slightly injured son, Haru only nodded to his son and settled down next to his father.

Many maids were running in and outside of the house carrying buckets of water and steaming towels. The destruction of the courtyard did not seem to matter much at this point. Haru stepped in front of his father then doubled over, the burning spirit art was ravaging his meridians and making his qi turbulent, it will be quite some time before he can recover. Grandpa sun helped Tatsuo stand, "are you all right." Haru simply waved his hands "Never mind me, is Hinata ok?"

"She was blasted away by that green robed fool" said Grandpa Sun with a sour face. Haru immediately paled and coughed out another globule of blood spraying his already dyed robes more red. "Haru she will be just fine, she has just gone into labor." Grandpa sun supported Haru as they waited. After listening to Grandpa Sun narrate the whole situation Haru began to breathe a lot better what was more peculiar was how his wife survived the ordeal at only 5th level qi condensation. "Yes I was surprised too I checked with my spiritual sense there is nothing wrong with either your wife or my new grandson. while I am happy the strange thing was that when I picked up Hinata it was as if she was never harmed in the first place."

A midwife ran out of the house to call Haru in. A midwife hurriedly ran and bowed to Haru "Clan head please come in the Madame has given birth to a healthy boy." Haru disappeared with a flash when he next reappeared Haru was standing next to his wife who was holding his son in a tight embrace. "Hinata" Haru looked at his wife lovingly appreciating everything she has done in the past and now."It has been hard for you Hinata" Hinata passed her newborn son to Haru "I am only doing what should be done, am I not your wife? just hold your son he has such bright eyes just like his father."

As soon as Haru held his son it felt as if the world was shaking, he forgot about everything that had happened already. "My son." roared out Haru, the surrounding clans all heard Haru's shout of pride. Staring into his sons eyes Haru could see the resemblance but the temperament was truly weird. For instance his son wasn't crying, his son was looking him dead in the eye, but he was healthy and very strong like an ox, there was no reason to suspect his health.

"Since you have such bright eyes, I will name you Haruki meaning radiance and your surname is Tatsuo meaning dragon. These are my hopes for you, to become a radiant dragon in the continent of Ryu and beyond!"