Chapter 7: The Radiant Dragon

Haruki opened his eyes to his strangest sight yet. After dying, traveling through space, entering a special crack it was ok to say that Haruki has been through a whole lot what he didn't expect was the red wedding view but perhaps it wasn't so bad to see a sight like this after everything he had just witnessed.

"Is this heaven? Who are these people? Oh my fucking god I actually got sent to hell! Like what did I do to deserve this?" In Haruki's view all he could see was a group of bloody giants staring excitedly at him, Haruki was in absolute disbelief. "This-this I honestly cannot believe that for all I have been through… I actually ended up in Attack on Titan? I'm going to go out like this?" That's when Haruki heard the roar of "my Son" from Haru his now father.

Haru was absolutely stunned, it wasn't until he heard the roar that snapped him out of his fright. Now he recognized that he wasn't in a soul state like before, he now has a physical body except his actions were limited. The more he moved the more tired he felt it was quite incredible. While Haruki was being held by this huge bloody giant it dawned on him that he was just born into a new world seeing as how he was in the body of a baby, yet it felt natural like his own body which was clearly strange but also thanks to the abilities of the God Particle.

Grandpa Sun and Hajimi walked in to the room excited about the newest edition to their immediate family. Haru smiled at his son and father "Father, son, meet Haruki he is as strong as could be, I couldn't be more happy than I am right now." The excitement and happiness in the room was infectious everybody was ready to celebrate the life of Haruki, while Haruki himself was still trying to come to terms with his new reality.

Grandpa Sun was even more ecstatic. "I Sun Tatsuo have an outstanding son, an even more outstanding grandson and now I have another Grandson, Ha-Ha" Grandpa Sun's roars shook the skies to the point where he burst into another fit of coughing. Haru gave Haruki to his son Hajimi so that he could tend to his father. "Father I think it's time you get some rest" Grandpa Sun was indignant and stubborn waving away Haruki's help, nonsense my grandson was just born I will go and set up the feast. Haruki thought and thought, "I guess this man here is my father. This one here is my brother and that's my grandfather, his name is Sun?"

Hajimi was excited just as much as his parents and grandfather, he had always wanted a sibling seeing as how for the past 18 years people in the clan tended to shy away from him everyone except the hunting squad it seems could be comfortable around him. "Hey little brother with me around no one will be able to bully you." Grandpa sun laughed at that, "Raise your cultivation first before saying things like that."

After his initial shock Haruki put his observation skills to use. He noticed that while they were covered in blood the material of their clothing seemed to be luxurious compared to the standard on earth. The room and furniture around the room where made from the same white colored stone, slightly glossy but extremely smooth with a purplish tinge to it. It seems to me that in this life I have money and a family, I actually do not know what to think right now but my thoughts are feeling sluggish, I, I need to sleep.

Hinata at this point was radiating a shine like never before. Hajimi gave his sleeping brother back to his mother and left with Grandpa Sun to start the banquet. Especially since he was a part of the hunting team he was needed to capture the meat for this feast. Before Grandpa Sun left Haru sent him a voice transmission. "Father during the banquet help me observe everyone we still need to deal with the matter of why we weren't notified of Boudicca's arrival I expect a widespread betrayal. We will also hold a meeting some changes need to be made especially since Haruki is now here.

The Feast lasted three days and three nights, wine flowed, roasted meat was set on huge platters all around the ball room. There was gifts from every surrounding clan. What was surprising was that the Soju clan also had a celebration but still sent an envoy over to congratulate them and to offer an explanation as to why they couldn't show up to their call. It was pretty obvious at this point as to why they did not think it was such a good time. After all no matter how good your ties where it wasn't enough to provoke a disaster for yourself...

After the banquet ended Haru Sat down with a group of trusted elders of the family, mostly people from Grandpa Suns side of the family. Everyone was waiting around the table quietly, "Father, you say uncle Hiroto found out who the rat is?" many elders looked up in surprise at the sound of this name, many whispers began to be heard across the room while Grandpa Sun simply nodded his head. Haru looked on and instead decided to pull a red envelope out of his robes, It was the letter the Soju clan left.

"Haru burn this letter after you read it. I have a son." Haru balled the paper in his hand, released a bit of qi and incinerated the letter, which brought on a fit of coughing. "The effects of the burning spirit art are truly dangerous." After some thought Haru decided to not create a fuss because he could understand that a new child was important. Also he had many spies in his own clan it was vastly evident that he had to take care of things at home first. "Elders prepare a gift for the soju clan."

While most of the elder present were perplexed they still followed orders without a missed step. Haru as the clan head, had absolute power and the strength to back up his orders, weakened or not. However before the elders could leave the room, the sound of someone pleading could be heard.

Hiroto the younger brother to Grandpa Sun was a truly mysterious fellow. He was almost never in the clan and preferred to travel to the more distant cities. His cultivation wasn't anything at all in some of this cities but somehow he was always able to make it home unscathed, many in the clan believed him to have a great secret hidden on his body.

A hooded figure could be seen dragging the struggling body of one of the elders by the hair.

"When the clan head finds out what you are doing to me you will be dead! Unhand me!, Let go of me!" The hooded figure was walking but seem to be traveling a lot faster than it looked. In one step he was at the stone door and knocked once, letting go of the elder in the process.

One of the elders opened the door in which the elder who was being dragged immediately got up and rushed in front of Haru, he got on his knees and kowtowed several times. "Clan head please seek justice for me! I was getting ready to come to your aide during the fight when this man here apprehended me." Banging his head on the floor, this elder dared not to lift his head.

Haru, feigning ignorance simply looked down on this elder, he was one of his distant cousins, even so it pained him to see such a situation. Waving away this elders complaints "Enough nonsense, Hiroto explain what you saw." Hiroto clasped his hands and began to speak he didn't shout but everyone could clearly hear every word he spoke. "I found him packing during the fight at the gate, it instantly aroused my suspicion which also drew me away when the other willow wood sect cultivator invaded. I watched him pack yet also realized that I could not sense his qi so their has to be an item on his body that can mask his qi."

The elder who was on the ground began to sweat clearly, realizing where this was going he quickly shouted out. "slander!!! you, who are you? clan head are you going to allow this stranger to speak about a member of our clan like this?" Haru Simply stared at him with some thought he replied 'Take it out." The elder got up in panic looking all around the room "Clan head please !"

Hiroto grabbed the elder from the neck and began to squeeze... Haru spoke out "Wait stop, begin the purge with him he knows everyone that was apart of this and hand the item to me after you are finished locating it on his person.