Family ties

"I'll be back don't worry"

She smiled and said it confidently.

As he saw her leave, Seikatsu noticed the moon phase and realized that it's nearly full moon, a good sign. With that thought he fall asleep.


Clari went straight home, and as she was about to take the last step of the stairs towards the door, she heard a familiar voice.

"Claridad! Hey! Clari wait!"

Oh this annoying guy again?

Faking a smile she answered "Oh hi Smith! I thought you are in Hawaii. How's the war going on?"

How's the war? Geez.. What kind of question was that? Clearly it isn't over. For her it just suggested that she have nothing to talk to him and was just asking whatever that comes on her mind.

Smith didn't mind her question. Instead, he's happy that she actually asked him something. For him it feels like she's showing concern towards him.

"You're even prettier now than the last time I saw you."

"Hehe.." She forced a smile.

"The war is nearly over. The Japs are going to surrender soon. You'll see. Hahaha!"

"You are really happy about it huh? Very confident." I hate this guy's guts. He's just a chicken-livered man trying hard to act tough.

"Why not? Aren't you happy about it? When this war is over I'm gonna marry you Claridad and you're not gonna stay in this wretched place anymore. I'm taking you to America." Smith is trying to seduce Clari by caressing her hand.

"Hey back off!" Disgusted, she forcefully wiggled her hand and opened the door. "Don't you dare come near me! I'll let my dad know about this." She threatened him before she shut the door close.

Inside her room, she can't help the feeling of being irritated by him. "Calling my hometown a wretched place?? Are you kidding me?! Philippines is the 2nd richest country in Asia. How dare him say those words!"

Her dad wanted her to marry Smith because of his influence. He tried to suppress his true intentions to Claridad whenever he is with her family, especially with her dad. But Clari can see it through his eyes. She never like the man ever since knowing him. It's really hard to have this family ties with a lot of people. She just wish that her family will change their mind so that she would have the freedom to choose whoever she wants.

Everybody wants that, to have the freedom of loving someone who loves you as much as you love him. But it will never be easy. Especially when your family contradict against your relationship.