See Him Again

Laying in bed, at the back of her mind, she was reminded about Seikatsu.

How is he doing? Is he alright now? Is he already asleep?... Thinking about him, she remove her clothes to take a shower. After that, she look at herself in the mirror of her vanity table and habitually put some herbs on her face. Somehow Seikatsu's face appeared on her mind, she wobble her head right away.

"Am I trying to think about him? No! this is wrong Claridad!" She slap her face then let out a sigh, " Maybe I was just a bit dazed and tired of what happened. I guess I need to rest now."


The sun has risen, roosters are crowing and American soldiers are having their morning rounds.

Seikatsu woke up with his grave hunger. He needs food. Truthfully, he needs blood to regain his strength. He stood up, and as he was about to unwrap the clothe in his body, he was reminded by Clari's face. On how worried she was looking unto his wound. He made a subtle smile.

His wounds are slowly healing. He has not drink blood for a month. Even if he is participating in the war, he never use his ability to drank up the enemy's blood. Rather, to train himself for combat.

His mind was clouded with hunger. He desperately find for food and when an eagle is about to hop on the tree, he run fast like the speed of light and captured it, tore it's head and drank up the eagle's blood. He was like a savage beast who has not eaten for centuries. Haven't tasted blood for too long, his senses was hightened, it seems like it's kind of addictive to him that he wants more.


Clari woke up early, and prepared the things that she needed. Checking on her things, "..One of this, and this, clothes, pin, this one too, bread, and..." Suddenly her mom knocked once and opened the door.

"Claridad breakfast is..." seeing the things that she prepared, her mom continued, "..You seem kind of busy early in the morning. What is that for?"

"Oh! nothing! hehe.. I'm just checking on my things if it is still complete. You know, a lot of people need some medical assistance these days because of the war. maybe I'll help tending the soldier's wounds later."

"Okay, that's good to hear. But eat your breakfast first and don't make us wait."

"Okay mom"

She covered her things up with her blanket and went to the dining table.

After eating, she waited for her parents to leave the house and went back to her room to pack up. So that she wouldn't look suspicious, she used her old small native handbag and stuck all the things there.

" Now I'm ready to see him again" Said it with a smile.