The Cunning Devil

Claude glanced at them and simply smiled, "It's. A. Secret."

In reality, Claude used one of the system's three free skills. He used it and got Creation Magic, with Creation Magic he could create anything he put his mind on but is only limited by his imagination and things he fully understands.

If he knew how it works, the mechanics of the item, the way composition of that item, considering that the item is made either from his world or this one, he could create anything. Other than this there would be no limit in his Creation Magic since the system provides the magic needed to create the items. If Claude wanted to he could create a nuclear bomb for no reason at all just because he could.

Claude didn't pick this skill just because he felt like it, he chose this skill because with the requirements on how one could use this skill was perfect for him since he was a peerless genius back in the modern world.

Claude looks at his slave with a devilish smile on his face, "Hey, get me something to get me to the Kingdom of Humanity. You have 10 minutes to do it or you get skinned." The people in the audience who was frozen had their expressions turn into fear. If his slave couldn't do the task then he would be tortured, this was how terrifying is this youth is.

In the eyes of the audience, Claude was a devil in the body of a child with all of his actions. Beating someone who even who found a flaw within the game with another flaw that only he could do.

The ugly man which was now Claude's slave did not waste another second since he was now a slave, a being that's meant to be ordered by his/her master and must obey without fail. There is only one way for a slave to be set free and that is if his/her master sets him/her free.

After a few minutes, the ugly man returned sweating as a carriage followed him. "Hey Ken! I don't want to call you slave since it is against my morals. Since your name is Jkenneth I'll just shorten it to Ken! Now give me anything that's money and anything that could be sold for money." Ken was heartbroken as he forced himself to go back to his home and follow his master's orders.

While Ken was travelling back to his home a few men tried to challenge Claude, "Lad, since you seem worthy to fight me! It is your honor to be noticed by me so let's play a game. It will be a simple game of The Limit, the rules are simple:"


1. At the start of the game, each player will be given 2 cards each.

2. The goal is for your cards to value 21 or closest to it. Any person whose cards value 22 or above will lose.

3. You may Call or Fold. Calling will increase your card by 1 and folding will retain your number of cards.

4. There will be a dealer who will be of a neutral party to deal the cards. If the dealer purposely sides with one of the candidates, the life of the dealer and the candidate which they sided will be part of the prize pool.

5. Players looking at the cards of their opponents directly will not have a punishment but having another entity provide information will cause the candidate they are aiding and the said entity to be part of the prize pool.

"Simple enough, right? I wager 10 Gold Coins for your slave's life. There is no downside for you at all!" The seeming leader said confidently as if Claude would just accept without question.

Claude ignores them and goes on the carriage that his slave got him, "Tsk! Why would I take that useless game? Just 10 Gold Coins? Are you mocking me? Make it 100 then and only then would I accept." The men numbering at 4 were intrigued as this youth was smart and cautious who takes his fights carefully.

One of the men shouted out while clenching his fists, "That man took our livelihood and we cannot accept it! He swindled not only us but the majority of this village! So we plead that you let us have our way with him!" This particular person knelt as if trying to make the youth symphatize with him.

Claude just kept on walking, "Just what does that have to do with me exactly? Was I the one who was fooled? Was I the one who lost? Was I the one who lost everything? Obviously not! Deal with your problems on your own, its got nothing to do with me at all." Claude shot back a disdainful glance because he was cold and had been longing to have a rival, the men behind him weren't his equal.

The eyes of the audience were filled with anger, even though he was right with everything he said he could have at least said it with a more respectful tone and could have had been more sympathetic. "Wait! Fine, we accept to wager 100 Gold Coins in exchange for your slave's life."

Claude smiled as everything went according to his plan. He knew that his slave beat a lot of people in the village and a lot lost their items to him so they were extremely angry. Saying to his slave to get a carriage to the Kingdom of Humanity was a way to make the audience act irrationally making it seem that if they did not grasp this chance to get revenge they never will. His acting and way of speaking made them even more furious as their rage consumed their logical thinking.

"Oh before we start, there are a few things I wish to change in the rules." Another devilish smile appeared on Claude's face as he continued his plan.

"What rules do you want to change?" The spectators were all trying to hold their breaths hoping that this youth put anything too one-sided.

"The cards won't be dealt by a human but by a machine I will place! Don't worry it works the same way as a dealer does but everyone could see the cards and cannot be used to cheat. If you don't accept then forget about challenging me!" This devilish smile turned into snickering as he felt that his planned worked like a charm. Relief appeared on the men's face as they nodded with the change.

Claude then used his Creation Magic and created a gigantic table and the dealing machine, "Hmm… it seems a little bit too barren! I know! Everyone could join in! You can put any amount you want from the minimum 1 Gold Coin up to any amount of Gold Coins you want and we will be having a betting system, anyone who loses all their Gold Coins will lose no consequence and once they put it in they will be part of the game agreeing with anything I say! But these few men will have to pay 100 Gold Coins each! There will only be one winner and anyone else who bails mid game will be a part of the prize pool! Claude spoke so fast that the audience only heard that they could participate with any amount and the prize pool. Relief turned into excitement from the audience but the 4 men's expression then turned into rage.

The leader of the 4 men was agitated at how the youth turned his challenge into a massive event and making the group spend 4 times more since there were 4 of them.

The leader of the group put his hands on the shoulders of his companions, "We can't risk it! Although we lost more to the ugly man it wouldn't be worth it."

"Leader, don't worry! We are pretty good gamblers for your information and there are 4 of us so ultimately we have the advantage! Plus it's just a kid!"

The leader's eyes widened in realization, no matter how he won he is still just a kid and most likely doesn't know how to gamble since only grown-ups know how to. His expression changed into a slight grin.

The audience then without hesitation joined in the fun, what's the fear of losing 1 Gold Coin when this was a pretty popular village and a chance to win at least 400 Gold Coins and sweet revenge against the ugly man.

In the end, everyone joined in the fun, although 1 Gold Coin was 100 Silver Coins and 1 Silver Coin was 100 Bronze Coins everyone in the village was considered rich by normal standards. This village was the only break to the Kingdom of Humanity so there were a lot of transactions in this place.

There totaled, 25 participants in the game with 540 Gold Coins and the ugly man's life on the line.

When the Ken came back he was surprised on what had happened. His life was being wagered and there was a major gambling table in the middle of the ground. Ken gave all his possessions and it felt as if his heart was stabbed multiple times in a single moment.

When Claude looked at the bag he smiled as his plan on track on what had been happening.

Little did anyone know that they were all falling for Claude's trap. "Hehehehehe! Simpletons! Hook line and sinker!" Claude mumbled to himself as he started to sit on the table he made.

Claude rose up on the board and shouted with all his might, "I rise the bet by 1000 Gold Coins!" With this shocking development, everyone knew that this was a mistake as the person with the most money always wins.

The prize pool was now 1540 Gold Coins and the life of Ken.

Claude sat back on the chair and warmly said, "Now, I feel bad for causing you guys to lose money! Does anyone want to back out? Feel free! All you need to do to bail out from any moment in this game is to. Make. A. Single. Sound. And. You. Will. Be. Out. Of. The. Game" Claude spoke each word with a pause to emphasize it. Upon hearing this the audience felt a shiver down their spine.

No one fell for Claude's ruse unfortunately but they didn't escape the situation. The way how Claude words his sentences always has a purpose. He didn't think anyone would fall for the first trap but it was a way to make them realize how terrifying it is.

This was not a simple game anymore, this was a deadly game that the youth had set up to make everyone fear this kid. Normally, they would need to accept this new change in the rules but Claude had already stated that if they will bet even a single Gold Coin they will join the game agreeing with anything Claude says. Just a few mere words in his sentence changed so much, this was how cunning Claude was. He truly is fit to challenge god, not as a human but as a devil finding his equal.

No one could speak a single word thus the game began. The entire atmosphere of excitement and cheers were changed into a cold, heavy silent one.

"Let the games begin!"