Game Captives

"Let the games begin!"

Just four simple words made grown men filled with mixed emotions. Anger, helplessness, greed all these emotions were created with just four words.

Also, the person who said this was not a major figure at all or even had a wisp of dominance but coming from a simple 20-year-old kid that did not have backing at all or any form of authority.

At the same time, the machine in the middle of the table dealt every single one of the players two cards. The movement was smooth and did not have a single stutter, unlike a normal dealer.

There was no visible way that the cards could have had been rigged.

Everyone looked at the cards they were dealt. Everyone's expressions did not change. Although there was no consequence of losing anything other than the gold coin, they knew there was something else that they should be worried about.

Claude's words made the others be wary of him the most, the words: " Make. A. Single. Sound. And. You. Will. Be. Out. Of. The. Game." that Claude sad earlier was extremely dangerous.

The words "Out of the Game" could hold so many meanings. For example, like the phrase "out of the picture", it could mean it they will be killed. Even then, if Claude really did mean it, it just served the purpose of showing how much control he has over this game. Even the original challengers did not have much to say in the matter.

With these words, Claude could even rephrase it so that the punishment would be even worse than death, like being a slave to an extremely cruel man.

With a sinister smile that sent chills down the spines of everyone present, "Oh! I forgot to put in the minimum and maximum amount to bet!" No one spoke in fear of the cruel man in front of them.

"Hmph! No one? Fine! The minimum would be 1 bronze coin and the maximum is 10 bronze coins and..." The figure that they heard was so insignificantly small that they almost wanted to laugh due to how small it was.

"... no one is allowed to leave the table until it is over or I allow you to! Anyone violates this will be made a part of the prize pool!" That sinister smile made the other players understand what kind of maniac this young man was and how much power he holds.

"Regarding basic needs, I will provide them all so fear not! Also since no one wanted to get out of the game, you can all speak freely! Since I am so nice, please only eat and drink these items!" With a wave of Claude's hand, there appeared delicious food, drinks that even made royalties envious and a luxurious bathroom. This task was just a simple feat for Claude because he was a peerless genius that was unparalleled.

Upon the luxuries in front of them, they all rejoiced in their hearts. "This was a blessing in disguise indeed! I cannot believe this! If we have each a gold coin and the maximum is 10 bronze coins then we would indulge in this fabulous treatment for a long time!" Such thoughts filled the minds of the other players, their thoughts turned into screams.

They looked at their cards with gleeful cheers in their hearts.

Having the cards be dealt, Claude looked at his cards.

"9 of Spades" "K of Hearts"

Claude then raised his bet to 1 Copper Coin. The other players would then all "Call." No one else raised the bet hoping to indulge in the feast before them for an extremely long time.

A man raised his hand, "Young man, may I stand and indulge in the meals?" Trying to forget the young man's actions he tried to force a warm smile but in the end just smiled awkwardly.

"No need to be so formal with me, call me Claude! Everyone here no longer needs to ask for permission to eat, drink or relieve themselves! Feel free to roam this small village." Claude's last sentence was drowned out by the wind.

With an extremely respectful bow, "Thank you, Claude!" A few people stood up and wasted no time to take part in the feast.

When one of the players reached out for a delicious looking chicken that had a sprinkle of basil, he took a chicken leg and had bitten off meat. The drumstick oozed out a fragrant aroma that could make anyone drool in hunger. Claude spoke up, "Alright! Please pay 10 Gold Coins for that meal! After that, you may take that whole chicken and bring it back to your seat! You may not use your gambling money because it is considered as part of the prize pool!"

The player froze in shock with his eyes in bewilderment, "10 GOLD COINS?" His jaw dropped and the piece of meat he had bitten off earlier fell down.

I KNEW IT! People in the table screamed in their hearts. There had to be something for that young man to do this. Upon realizing they were right they prayed to the gods and would even make a deal with the devil to make them wrong.

This game wasn't against the original challengers but a plot to make each and every single one of them to lose all of their money. This was a way for him to extort all the money from them but making it seem legitimate at the exact same time.

The only read in front of them was to either be a slave or lose all of their money to the young man. This young man, Claude Zero, in their eyes was not a human being at all but rather crueler, more sadistic, more dangerous and, more sinister than the devil himself.

After realizing that he had no money at hand the player asked Claude in a frightened tone, "C-Claude? Sir? I don't have that money at hand!"

"Don't worry! You can go and find money yourself! Just as long as you pay me! Take the gold from your house, steal, plunder, take a loan, give items equivalent to gold, sell everything I simply do not care! If you are not able to pay you will be part of the prize pool!" The ever so sinister smile of the youth made every single participant tremble in fear before the devil himself.

A thought suddenly made him hope for a way out of this, "Y-Yes! I will go right now!" This player ran as fast as he could away from this madman.

"Oh! By the way, if you do not return within 30 days everyone you know including yourself will be part of the prize pool! Also, these players can't just keep on waiting forever can they?" The running man knew that the devil incarnate would put a time limit but to think that he had 30 days! His plan had an even better chance of succeeding.

Without any hesitation, he took his horse and ran out of the village. He was going to the City of Humanity to ask for help against this devil. His face was full of hope and suspense as he kept on going and going as he reached the end of the village. "I AM FREE! TIME TO ASK FOR—"

This person stopped just a single millimeter outside of the village. "Wha-What is going on?" A divine power encompassed his body as he went back to the table. This person did not hear that Claude only let them roam the village, not travel outside it.

The person kept on walking as he arrived back at the table. "Tsk, tsk, tsk! You tried to leave the village, huh? Hais! Such a disappointment!" The man that broke the rules had white eyes and his body was frozen in time.

"Oh, it seems that the person will be suspended! This is news to me, better take note of this!"

The rest of the players understood that they could not leave the village. They knew that they were trapped in an invisible electric cage, if they ever tried to get out their fates will be sealed.

After this event, the game continued without delay. Claude only spoke out "Call" while the rest of the players kept on rising it by 10 bronze coins. In the end, another player won 2 Silver Coins and 25 Bronze Coins. This game took an hour before it ended due to the amount of players playing.

If there are 1560 Gold Coins, there would be 156000 Silver Coins and it would mean that there are 15600000 Bronze Coins. Just how long would this game go on for? They would first starve before they would be able to finish this game.

This was taking note that there's still the fact that one person must be able to take all of the money for this game to end. Even if there were two people left, considering that Claude has 1000 Gold Coins he could just fold and considering his intellect win to keep this game going on forever.

Claude knew that these kinds of games were completely nonexistent compared to the game that he will play against the God of Games. He expects to be able to finally find a plausible rival.

Despair once set down on the players of this sick cruel card game. There were only going to be slaves to this young man before them. Why not end it now and face this inevitable ending?