
As they continued the simply devilish game, the despair kept on piling on their souls as they wanted to end this right now.

After 3 more 1 hour games, it was dusk and the sun was setting. The players were now hoping that this game would at least be postponed for them to get rest. Their little hopeful wish was granted. This actually benefitted Claude since he would dry the village of their money.

"Everyone who wants to rest can do so! Remember that you have 30 days to return otherwise you will be part of the prize pool!" Everyone could only eat and drink from Claude's buffet and they would need to pay to eat.

The 30-day limit didn't bother the villagers since it was basically an eternity to them. Actually, they would rather play day and night to finish this monstrosity of a game.

At this rate, the village would be dirt poor before they even one of them loses all their coins. As a result, everyone who participated had despair filled eyes.

They could only turn to everyone else who wasn't a part of the game in the village for help but they were in a game so even if the other villagers wanted to help, they wouldn't be able to. The players asked for the other villagers to report this to the Kingdom of Humanity, the other villagers felt sorry and they did as the players requested.

The man from before who rushed outside the village was under a lot of stress and pressure so he didn't bother to ask for help from the villagers rather he would go directly to the Kingdom of Humanity.

Hope filled the atmosphere from this village. They knew that they could still be saved if the kingdom used "Decree of the God of Games" in this game, the game could be fully nullified and they would be free from the devil's grasp.

The travel time from the Mourn Wood Village to the Kingdom of Humanity is at least 3 days. Within these 3 days, the players had to bear with this devilish game. The expenses for food and drinks were astronomical! The majority of the players already only half of their money left. From this, one could see how expensive the meals were.

Claude didn't care about what was happening but was still curious.

"System, what are they trying to do?"

[They are trying to use "Decree of the God of Games" to nullify the game, the game could only be nullified if both parties agree]

"Hehehehe! This is really interesting! How could I get this decree?"

[Directly from the God of Games, if the user wishes to create one using Creation Magic you could do so but you would need to understand the divine laws of Etherea. The divine laws are the universal laws where even the Gods cannot break unless they have the power given by said laws]

The 3 days were quite uneventful as they continued to play this futile game. Another 3 days were also uneventful other than everyone in the game had their finances in the red. It was only time until they wouldn't be able to afford the luxurious food anymore.

The hope from their eyes was slowly dwindling into despair.

A luxurious carriage arrived in town and everyone looked at it with awe. The despair from the eyes of the players were all in that single instant became hope and excitement. They were finally going to be freed from this nightmare.

A eunuch walked out of the carriage and spoke out, "Where is the game being held? I have a Decree of the God of Games to end this madness!" The person that went and informed the King of Humanity then told the location of where the game was being held. Without a moment's hesitation, he went and ran. The people being held captive by the devil himself was a game that shouldn't ever happen.

[There is someone who could end the game by using the Decree of the God of Games]

"Interesting... Let's end this right now, I will remove the betting limit but everyone who lost will be a slave to the winner!" This statement left the other plays in a bittersweet mood. On one hand, this evil game will finally end but at the same time if they lost then they would be slaves to the winner.

Everyone grabbed on this thin line of hope regardless of it being a trap. It would be the end of them anyway so why not take the risk?

The game was relatively quick only being 30 seconds because everyone just didn't care anymore.

As the eunuch ran struggling to run to where the game was, he managed to find where it was and was about to use the Decree of the God of Games alas it was too late. Everyone was already a slave of Claude Zero. Anger boiled up from the depths of the eunuch's heart.

This was the main trade between other species since the humanity was with the weaker species. They needed anyway to have aid coming from the other races. Even though there are high humans the differences were night and day, these high humans disregarded humanity as a part of their species.

The people whom Claude enslaved were a part of the main force who excelled in trading information and resources with other species. This was why the majority of the people who played were rich and some who even transcended the status of just being rich.

The eunuch pointed at Claude trying to suppress his anger, "You...!" Claude simply waved his hand

and ordered his newly acquired slaves to treat the eunuch properly contrast to his personality.

"Yes? For what reason do you seem so angry towards me?" Claude seemed respectful as he said this.

"You enslaved the people of this village! How dare you do something so vile?! Release them this instant!" A domineering sense of authority was felt with each word that the eunuch said. He needed the people of this village to be the bridge between other species but this young man just enslaved them.

"But... they lost. We played the game and they lost fair and square! Then wouldn't that make all my effort up to this point useless?" The eunuch spared no effort to get here as fast as he could to save the players but he was too late, all he could do now was compensate the youth to let them go.

"Fine... what do you want?" Trying to suppress his anger, the eunuch turned his hand into a fist while holding his fury.

Claude stood up and went closer to the eunuch, "Nothing much, I just want an audience with the king!" There were multiple reasons why he chose but 3 reasons stood out.

The first reason was that who else knows more than the king himself. The second reason was to get closer to the Kingdom of Humanity and gauge their abilities. And the final reason, to understand the divine laws so he himself could create Decrees of the God of Games by himself.

Claude already thought of everything from the beginning, he did everything perfectly and everything that happened was all within his calculations to get the bigger fish.