Welcome to the Kingdom of Humanity!

This entire scenario from the start was planned by Claude along the way. He weighed his options on which action he should do in order to gain the most. His original intent was to meet the King of Humanity and to also learn about this world.

When Claude enslaved Jkenneth, he had already achieved his goal of being able to learn about this world. He only needed to figure out about how he could find an audience with the King. When a group approached him intending to have revenge on Jkenneth for taking their money, he immediately thought of creating a major commotion to lure the attention of the kingdom.

With this idea in mind, he set the rules and intentionally increased the stakes of the game and caused the players to seek aid. With no one else to turn to, the players resulted to inform the kingdom of what was happening. This only garnered the attention of the kingdom because this was the first thing that any being would see on the way to the kingdom.

This spot was extremely important as this would serve as the first impression for anyone that would travel to the Kingdom of Humanity.

"The... king? I can't do that, only if his majesty could allow anyone to see him!" The eunuch bowed respectfully at the youth knowing his situation.

Claude sat on a chair resembling a throne leaning on one side and supporting his head with his arm, "Huh? So that's how it is, then just set me up at the Kingdom and I'll let everyone here go! It's a pretty reasonable request, right?" Claude no longer needed the people here since he already stripped them clean of their money.

The eunuch upon seeing the youth sit on the chair resembling a throne gave an aural equivalent of an authority figure. He thought of every major player in this world to see if this young man could possibly be acquainted with. In the end, he thought that the youth might be in relation to the High Humans. With this thought in mind, he shivered at the thought that where the youth might possibly come from.

After this sudden possibility, the eunuch immediately introduced himself, " I am Julius, a eunuch of her majesty, Fia Hearth. Your request is something that I will need time to do so." Trying not to show his inner thoughts.

Claude, sitting at a throne while looking down at everyone, was emitting an aura similar to someone with complete power and dominance. With a simple nod, the eunuch felt sudden relief as he was afraid of offending the major power behind this young man.

After all the transactions, they made a contract stating that all the people who were enslaved during the poker game would be set free, given that Claude would be given a house and citizenship of the kingdom.

The poker players were all ecstatic as they would be set free from someone that they would all agree on to be called the devil himself. Claude didn't mind them since this would be a natural reaction from anyone would suddenly lose the rights of their own life.

The eunuch told Claude that he would need at least a week before the deed could be done. Meanwhile, Claude was just sitting on his throne being spoiled by those who lost and became slaves. Although they would be set free, they were still slaves at the moment until the contract was fulfilled.

These contracts were the same as the games, they could never be violated. The only way to end a contract was if both sides agree on its dismissal or if it was fulfilled on both terms.

With this kind of failsafe, it was pretty safe to do this if there would be a transaction that would happen.

The eunuch left the village and went back to the Kingdom of Humanity to report the incident to the castle. While preparing for everything, Claude was simply leisurely sitting and making his slaves entertain him. Other than that it was an uneventful week until the eunuch came back.

After the initial departure of the eunuch from the village, he immediately reported, not to the king, but to the third princess, Fia Hearth, since she was the person who sent him here in the first place. The reason being: There was a certain competition between the siblings within the royal family. The person who would be able to keep the kingdom from straying from its path.

The siblings all wanted to get a hold of this prize because this was something that could help them in this rule-defined world, Etherea.

This item was called the "God's Fruit," as the name states, it can improve any one aspect of a living being to a certain degree. Be it knowledge, strength, wisdom, power, agility, fortitude, etc. Having this would increase the ability of anyone drastically.

God's Fruit was something that also contained the divine laws which govern this world by the God of Games himself. The only known way to get ahold of this fruit is to either be given by the God of Games himself or to find it hidden throughout the world.

This item was truly a godly gift from the God of Games to the world. To either be smiled on by fate or to be chosen as a gifted one. This item represents one's significance in the grand scheme of the God of Games.

A noble and refined woman sat on a mahogany chair sipping tea with a clean and straight posture was interrupted by a loud shout calling her name, "Miss Fia! Miss Fia!"

She slowly opened her eyes as her gaze looked at the eunuch reporting back to her, "Speak."

Without another breath to delay his message, "The incident at the village was somehow resolved, but..."

"What is it?" Her voice was feminine and soft, her voice alone was enough to captivate the attention of everyone present in the room.

The eunuch calmed down as he caught his breath, he explained everything in detail on what happened in that village and how the young man requested for a place to settle in. The 3rd princess' expression did not change until the eunuch told her how the young man enslaved the people so effortlessly. The princess especially focussed on the part where the people even said that the young man was the devil himself.

As she heard this only then she curled into a smile, a plan was forming in her mind. "If I were to get rid of someone who is capable of this then... wouldn't I be able to win since this was a major threat to the kingdom?" She thought but her face did not show that she was thinking of this plan.

With a wave of her delicate hands, "So be it, place his residence in the slums. He did not specify where he wanted to live and also have at least 20 guards around him in disguise without him knowing anything around the clock. They will only intervene if I say so and to never play any game with him no matter how small it seems."

"This seems... a little too much, might--" The eunuch was interrupted as the princess just tilted her head and smiled at him. To anyone else seeing this smile, their heart would melt and it would bring a smile to their face throughout the entire day but to the eunuch, this was a smile saying, "If you value your life then you would just do what I say without question."

"Y-Yes!" He bolted out the door trying to get away from her as fast he could while retaining his noble demeanor. He then ordered the guards and instructed them on what they should do. Afterward, he chose a house near a bar and very deep in the kingdom.

After an entire week of waiting the eunuch finally returned. He arrived in a majestic carriage and greeted with a respectful bow.

"Young man I have prepared everything, now if you would please accompany me to your new house." He was still truly afraid of the mysterious power behind him but he was even more scared of the innocently portrayed princess.

Claude nodded and simply replied, "The name's Sin, if your superiors asked you in the future, just in case!" Claude smile was innocently looking but to the eunuch, this was the same as the princess. He no longer replied but acted in a stiff manner from fear until they arrived at the gates to the Kingdom of Humanity.

Along the way, there was complete silence apart from the occasional yawn from Claude and mumbling as he spoke to himself. Apart from that it was a rather peaceful trip.

As they entered the gates, "Welcome Sin, to the Kingdom of Humanity!"

Claude simply smiled as if this was his own backyard.