Handsome Ken

After a good hour after they left, the bomb that Claude left exploded loudly woke up the entire district. Everyone was panicking on the sudden explosion within the kingdom for everyone thought that they were being invaded.

People were confused as they all tried to leave as the kingdom as soon as the explosion occurred. The sudden commotion was then resolved by the town guards as they identified the explosion as not an invading enemy. Nonetheless, the people from the slums were still struggling to find comfort in this kind of situation.

The guards checked the house which blew up and discovered 2 bodies that resembled Claude and Ken. One of the guards was someone personally appointed by Princess Fia, this guard identified the dead bodies as the same people who were living here. Confirming that their deaths were not faked, he ran without rest until he reported it to Princess Fia.

As the guard was running towards the entrance of the castle, he felt something watching him so he checked his surroundings only to find no one suspicious. "Even if someone is stalking me, they wouldn't be able to enter the castle at all." Feeling satisfied with this thought he merely continued to run to the castle.

Just before he manages to turn to the next alley he bumps into a random hooded man causing him to fall down. The man offered him a hand but the former refused as he got up himself and ran as quickly as he could, trying not to waste time.

The hooded man smiled, "The deed is done, let's see what the king looks like." This hooded man was none other than Claude, he skillfully slipped in a camera and a microphone within the man's armor. Since Claude has Creation Magic and was an unrivaled genius, creating the modern gadgets was easy.

Claude went back to an inn where he stayed in for the night. He went back up his room and was greeted with Ken's appearance. A simple motion ordered Ken to stand up and go below the inn.

The room Claude stayed in wasn't like the other rooms since he modified it a little bit to his taste, there were modern appliances such as an air conditioner, freezer, computer, and other modern items. His bed was extremely luxurious as it was filled with exotic materials ensuring his comfort.

From this room, Claude indulged in snacks as he watched the live feed emitted by the camera within the guard's armor.

The guard passed through the luxurious castle only to be stopped by the other guards protecting the inner parts of the castle. After a few more minutes of running, the guard finally was in front of a door that was protected with guards, these guards wore white armor with a golden badge with the kingdom's logo.

After confirming his identity, these guards let the man in and kneeled in front of someone that seems to be the one who ordered him.

"Let's see what the king... *crunch* looks like."

As the person in question spoke, Claude widened his eyes in surprise to hear the voice of a female.

"Hais, not the king, huh? Well, it's better than nothing I guess." Claude was a little bit disappointed since he was hoping to get to see the king immediately.

The guard was ordered to rise up so Claude managed to see who was ordering the guards around. To his interest, it was actually a quite cute girl that was his type. If he was going to live in this world for a while he might as well entertain himself.

"Well, it seems it wasn't a waste at all! Hahaha!" Claude smiled as he got up, he already understood what's going to happen since he was a genius. He was going to get ready to get the next part of his plan in motion.

As the guard was explaining how Claude died in the explosion she laughed, this laughter caught Claude's attention as he was about to get out of the room.

"Don't be fooled! That young man is quite cunning, instead, put up wanted posters describing his features and put in a reward of 1000 Gold Coins. Furthermore, make it a top priority! I am not about to let my plan fail." Fia was distressed at the news she received, still, she showed elegance with every motion of her small hands.

The guard was surprised at the princess' order as it wouldn't make sense at all but he couldn't help voice out his concern.

"Isn't he dead? What's the point of doing this?" The guard immediately bowed down hoping that he didn't anger the princess.

"Hais, such imbeciles! Really! Don't you think it's a tad bit odd that someone that managed to enslave a town magically dies the next day? Also, the figure couldn't possibly be identified easily since it was an explosion where the person could be replaced with someone else with the same figure! There are a lot more things a dead man could do than a living one. Got that?" The sudden banter caused Claude to unconsciously smile. The guard, on the other hand, was hyperventilating as he saw that he angered the princess.

"Hahaha! It seems I found an interesting person here, time to make a little adjustment to the plan. KEN! GET OVER HERE!"

Ken obediently complied, he already understood how terrifying Claude could be if you contradicted him and how rewarding he is if you follow his every command. When he opened the door, he was met with a peculiar device, Claude merely explained that is was something to fix his face.

Ken wasn't afraid but was a little nervous, it was something that Claude was going to use on him so he will be useful once again to his plan.

"Ca-Can you be a little more specific on what this is?" Ken couldn't help but ask out as he is strapped on the chair and he was being faced with blinding light.

"Well, I guess in my world, it's called plastic surgery. Don't worry I am a professional! Now in your terms, its, how handsome do you want to be?"

Ken was dumbfounded on what he just heard, without any hesitation, he answered, "The most handsome person on Etherea!" He believed Claude's words as if it was the word of god.