
Although Claude expected this kind of answer from Ken, he cringed nonetheless. Shaking his head to focus himself as he strapped Ken on the table.

With a wave of his hands, multiple modern items appeared on a desk. Looking at these items first hand, one would think that these items were to torture them. Without Claude's first words, Ken would have thought that he would be tortured for reasons unknown to him.

A syringe appeared on Claude's hand as he inserted the needle in Ken's arm. The latter soon fell asleep as Claude started to do multiple surgeries on his servant. This was not a task that is supposed to be done by just 1 person so before he started operating on Ken, he tried to create a robot that would do a human's job. This also tested whether he would be able to create robots since he could not create life.

Claude constructed within his mind the mainframe of the robot, this robot had a sleek white design imitating the stature of a human. He had now to create the code which would be the A.I. of the robot. Since his transportation to Etherea, this was the most complicated item he was making.

After the creation of the A.I of the robot, Claude then inserted the code within the robot's computer. A red blinking light appeared within its eyes as it started to speak. After all, this was done, Claude experienced a minor headache, "A backlash, huh?" A small smile appeared on his face before getting interrupted.

"Initializing start-up... Complete."

"Status Check: Normal"

"Purpose: To serve my master."

"Master: Claude Zero"

After the initial start-up of the robot, Claude was actually surprised that it would work so well. The robot was functioning so well that it would be able to pass the Turing Test, a test where a human would be able to determine whether the A.I. was a human or not.

Everyone would be fooled by the robot but there was a flaw, it didn't have human skin rather a

thin metallic body with a shiny surface. After ordering the robot, a sudden thought appeared within his head, "I can't create life but maybe I can create living tissues?"

After his creation of meals from animals gave him this idea, without much to lose he then thought of the compounds that created human skin. Skin of a snow white woman appeared within Claude's hands, without thinking it through he immediately dropped it and put his hands up.

The 'skin suit' actually frightened him a little bit since it had the texture of human skin and having a little bit of surprise he dropped it. Observing the monstrosity on the floor, he didn't want to touch it at all anymore, so another thought popped up in his head.

"I can create anything as long as I understand it right? Let me try this then." A corrosive acid then appeared on his hands. This acid didn't actually come into contact with his skin rather it just hovered on the top of his palm.

He then applied this corrosive acid on the human skin and it then dissolved. The name of the acid he just created is 'Sodium Hydroxide,' without any issue the human skin on the floor was dissolved into nothingness alongside the floor.

Looking back on his palm, Claude chuckled a bit before focussing back on the robot. He created the skin for the robot resembling a female with white hair and dark red eyes. Her figure was created by Claude's ideal woman, after creating the skin, he then created her clothes that resemble school ones.

Everyone has a fetish and this just so happens to be Claude's, you can't blame him, right? He's just a human being capable of mistakes.

After her creation, Claude thought of a name for this robot so he settled with "Ruby." After "Ruby," acknowledged this name they finally worked on Ken's face and made it extremely attractive beyond belief.

After Ken woke up he saw Ruby standing beside him and Claude sleeping lazily on the bed with drool coming out his mouth. Just before Ken said anything Ruby put up a mirror up to Ken's face and the former was shocked. It was to the point that Ken was seriously considering making out with the mirror.

As Ken put his face closer to the mirror, Ruby walked towards Claude and woke him up gently. Claude got up and rubbed his eyes as he ordered Ruby to do something, the latter then went outside the room and went downstairs.

As Ken was about to speak Claude raised his finger as he yawned fully showing his lethargy. Ken was already used to his master being lazy but deadly when he wants to. Claude stood up and sat back down on his throne as he relayed his plan towards Ken,.

After Claude Ken the summary of the plan, Ken simply smiled with a dead look in his eyes looking comical. Claude didn't mind the reaction since it was a pretty bold move to do. There was dead air after the talk leaving Ken feeling a little bit akward after learning just why he turned handsome.

"Oh yeah, I can't really change your body using plastic surgery cause I actually need you to be somewhat strong. Since your mental ability isn't actually trash its just a little bit higher than that Fia girl. You know, for the plan." Ken laid back on the operating table as he sighed with helplessness.

"Then... master if I may ask, who was that girl?" Ken was just using formalities but had grown accoustomed to his master's uncarring attitude so he just laid on the operating table unmoving.

"It's a robot, in your terms, it's kinda like a golem. She isn't alive and does every single order I give her without fail without emotion. Just like the girl that I want to serve under me, heh. If you are wondering where she came from, I created her." Ken stood up from the operating table where he was lazily laying on and tried to speak.

Claude looked at Ken with lethargy, his head was resting on his arm. "Fine... if you do this job well I'll make one for you. That's enough incentive, right?" Claude sighed knowing full well that people like Ken were maniulated best by rewards, not punishments.

Ruby's return lightened the mood within the room for Ken a bit more. Ruby then whispered something to Claude's ear as he smirked waving his hand above his lap, there appeared 3 odd looking devices.

"Put this on your ear, this will be our communication method. For now, let's go and leave the kingdom. We need to strengthen your body Ken." Although the tone Claude used was soft, Ken felt the full force of the last sentence.

"Ken you leave first then go back to the slums, where our house just burned and collect info there. I'll set up the place where you're going to train. Before you can say something else, yes, you'll be with Ruby. She's gonna protect you for a while, if you get lustful go to a brothel don't bother her."

The reason why Ken would need protecting is because he is now handsome, extremely undeserving at that. Before they left, Claude created robes that would cover their faces so they would be able to move around without much issue.

After they left, Claude orderd Ruby to knock out any suspicious characters and deliver them to a certain place. This place was outside the Kingdom and around where Claude was first summoned. The reasoning behind this was simple, it was a flat land there were barely any people that would travel to that area and even the possibility of another person with the same situation as him.

Claude wasn't really cautious about Ruby's condition since he made is so that her body was graphene, a material 200 times stronger than steel. Her body was created with perfect proportions in terms of strength and has knowledge about all types of fighting style in Earth with her A.I. learning on the way, this includes all the weapons techniques.

Within her body is hidden a katana made out of graphene and a Pfeifer-Zeliska .600 Nitro Express, with these items within her disposal alongside inhumane strength, speed, reflexes and growth, she could be enough to single handedly destroy the whole kingdom without any issue.

Claude destroyed any evidence that would suggest that he was there. Using an even more corrosive acid he created using more destructive compounds, he destroyed the room and recreated what he there was before they arrived, effectively removing their presense.

After a good hour of them leaving, Claude wore a robe like what he gave Ruby and Ken, he then left through the door and went downstairs. Everything was going smoothly before he got called out by the guards. With an irritated look, he ran instead of letting them catch up.

During the chase, he created oil effectively slowing down pursuit and then he mixed in within the crowd and stopped running. This made the guards lose sight of him, this little event irritated Claude as he wasn't atheletic.

"Damn guards, to think they would act this fast on that princess' orders."