First Fight

Shaking off the previous incident, Claude blended in within the crowd in order to move around anonymously.

His previous plan had to be changed due to the sudden change of events. The hidden camera within one of the guards showed that the king wasn't in the kingdom but was actually traveling the world at that time.

The hidden competition was also revealed to Claude as apparently everyone within the castle talked about who was going to win the competition with the favor on the 2nd princess' side. Summing up all the possibilities of the events. he then deduced that he was being used by the 3rd princess in order to win the competition due to his potential threat to the kingdom.

Claude had now another thought that is lingering within his mind, " I wonder if anyone else within this kingdom is a player. Since it isn't likely that I am the only one." Without any way to lure out the other players, he just focused on the task at hand.

After a few skillful maneuvers, Claude got out of the kingdom without anyone noticing at all.

The road was relatively smooth without much greenery getting on the way. Claude saw this as an opportunity to create a very useful vehicle, a car. With his improved mastery over his Creation Magic, he managed to create a car specified for rough terrain.

The 3-day travel was instantly shortened to just a few hours. Upon arriving at a familiar scene, he sighed at how nothing changed since the first time he arrived here. He then walked towards the village and freely greeted everyone he saw.

The villagers showed faces of fear as they saw the young lad, nobody forgot on just how brutal he was to everyone.

A courageous soul walked up to Claude, he was a relatively lean man that had metal armor signifying that he was a knight. After noticing the expressions on the villagers' faces, he immediately knew that the young man in front of him was the same person that stole from the villagers.

Anger rose within his soul as he shouted, "You are under arrest for bringing trouble to this village! Surrender now and accept your punishment." As much as he wanted to kill Claude right now, his duty of being a knight came first. His righteous nature fueled his anger even more. Although this knight did not know that Claude was a wanted man, he still abided to his duty.

Claude entered this village to check if someone else like him appeared in the village. Being greeted with an angry man left a bitter taste within his mouth. "I don't have the time to deal with you. Screw off!" Claude did a hand gesture signifying the knight to go away.

Claude fully knew how skilled the knights since he saw how they fought within the training grounds, it was something that was not to be underestimated. Seeing that the knight tightened his grip on the sword preparing for a strike, Claude immediately conjured a gun that appeared on his hand.

"Last warning, go away or you die." Claude's personality is a little bit twisted as only people he deemed worthy had to value in his eyes. He already killed a person in the village before albeit indirectly it was still a kill. Factoring in the multiple assassins that tried to take his life back at Earth, his morals differed to others.

The knight in front of Claude simply smiled as he saw the gun in Claude's hands, "Heh, what a weak looking gun!" Claude was surprised that the knight noticed what a gun looks like since he believed that the place he was in is within the Medieval Era.

Immediately right after, the knight charged to Claude and at the exact same time, Claude squeezed the trigger producing a noticeable shockwave. The bullet was actually deflected and ricochet to the ground while the knight kept on charging.

With a surprised look within his eyes, Claude immediately backed off barely being hit by the gigantic sword. Without any hesitation, Claude created a sword that was made of extremely strong materials. Claude was well versed within sword fighting as well as axe, spear, bow and fist techniques, a true genius.

Claude analyzed the armor of the knight and saw that it was perfect armor. There were no gaps within the armor and the strength of it was unparalleled. "You aren't just a normal knight, are you? My guess would be that you are at least a rank higher."

"Hmph! Vice Commander to be exact! Now prepare for your punishment!" A sudden flash of strikes appeared towards Claude without rest. Claude tried his best to dodge but his stamina wasn't the best. He usually kills his opponents with a few strikes on their weak points but his opponent didn't have a single weak point.

"Hais, I can't believe I have to use this..." Claude sighed deeply as he used Creation Magic and made a corrosive acid, this was the same one as the used on the room he occupied. With this acid, Claude splashed the knight's armor as it began to dissolve.

"Wha-What is this?! Even Tier 4 Magic can't put a scratch on this armor!" A gigantic hole then appeared on the chest area of the armor as it continued to dissolve more and more parts of it.

Claude tried his best to fight with his natural abilities, it was the perfect chance to gauge himself against the humans of Etherea. Being faced with an opponent with no weaknesses forced his hand as he used his Creation Magic.

The term Tier 4 Magic interest Claude as he thoughts revolved on what Tier his Creation Magic was. There were still a lot more questions that need to be answered and as he continued his journey, there appeared more and more questions than answers.

After the knight's armor was fully dissolved, there laid a man with holes within his clothes due to the acid. "I can still fight! Don't underestimate me, brat!" Claude just felt embarrassed being talked to in his opponent's state.

"Yeah... I wasn't going to let you off anyways! I already gave you a chance before and you blew it. You can only blame yourself for being this arrogant." Claude appeared in front of the knight as Claude skillfully hit the knight's vitals without much effort.

His swordsmanship focused on explosive power and speed causing his battle power to decrease as he continued to fight.

The residents of the village were starting to fear for their lives as they called out the name of the knight, trying to encourage him to keep fighting. After seeing it was all futile, they now screamed the name of another person, "Ben."

As the fight ended with blood spilled, Claude heard something that made his blood boil. A devil's smile appeared on his face, breaking the facade of a young man.

"System, who is that young man?" A man in his 20's appeared with a body that seemed to be so ripped that his muscles would have muscles.