
A whirring sound could be heard around Ben's body as he walked towards Claude. Each step left deep imprints on the ground which made it look like his body was extremely heavy.

The pressure around his body was getting stronger and stronger as he approached him. Using his Telekinesis, he enveloped his body with this force and made the pressure basically nonexistent. His mastery over his skill was better than Claude since the latter had only upgraded his skill recently.

Claude narrowed his eyes as he made eye contact with Ben. Right now, the thing that warranted his attention the most was how he could use his new ability and how strong it is.

After a few more moments of silence, Ben bent down and jumped up to where Claude was with such a speed that one could only react after the damage was done.


Ben readied a punch and leaped up to where Claude was, Claude was shocked at the speed that at which Ben was traveling. Fortunately, his reflexes were also superhuman, he barely dodged the punch and reacted by making a gravitational force that pulled Ben down.

Claude couldn't fully control his ability and there was also the drawback of mental fatigue the longer this went on. As of right now, Claude could only use the basics of Gravity to force Ben down on the ground but the latter had Telekinesis which could help him ignore the gravitational force.

"If I can't bring him down using just one then why not hundred?" A slight chuckle escaped his mouth.

Claude started to periodically add forces that pulled his body down each time Ben leaped up. Each time Claude did so, he managed to comprehend his ability more and more to the point that his ability grew even stronger than before.

Ben noticed this additional force that was pulling him down and started to panic. The pill that he consumed only increased his ability for a short duration and recovered his stamina but the drawback would be that his stamina consumption would increase by thrice.

"At this rate, I'll be exhausted in 5 minutes! Dammit! Is there nothing I can do?!"

Ben thought rigorously but came up with nothing. He could only use his ability when focusing on one task and one task only. Since it came to this point, the only thing he could do was a suicidal attack.

The pressure around him that was slightly getting stronger and stronger in an instant exploded that caused him to cough up blood. But on the other hand, Claude also experienced the same thing as Ben.

There were forces that kept on pressuring the bodies of their enemies, both were coughing blood and were unable to breathe. Given Ben's superior physique, he would actually be able to hold out longer even though the forces acting on him were even greater than that on Claude.

"*Cough* Sui... cidal attack... huh?"

"*Wheeze* Right! *Cough*"

They were looking extremely terrible as their bodies began to break down due to the pressure surrounding them. Despite this, Claude still kept a rational mind as he poured his entire consciousness into making Ben feel even more pressure.

Their consciousness is starting to fade as they exhausted their last breath. As a last-ditch effort, Claude's mind staggered as he unconsciously used his ability in such a precise way than before.

Previously, all Claude could do was generally use his ability to manipulate gravity and create gravitational forces around him generally but now for a moment he specifically removed all the forces on Ben and... ripped his head off.

So much force was used that the head even compressed and its facial features were unrecognizable.

A light enveloped their unconscious minds. The wager that they made were fulfilled as his points increased by 1 and all the information Ben knew surged into his mind.

After the wagers were taken by the respective parties, both players appeared to where they were before as if nothing happened but the village they were in was in ruin.

The silence was broken by Ben, "Now that I think about it... I don't recall you ever giving me your name."

"Sin. Call me Sin."

"I'll remember your name! I'll be the one that will take in such a talent!"

"I don't think you will ever beat me, to be honest."

"We'll see until we meet again!"

After Ben left and asked the system for something, his mumbled words were silenced by Claude's thoughts as he went through the information that went inside his head.

"Hmm... it looks like I have a lot to learn about this world!" As Claude was rejoicing his victory after a mentally exhausting fight, a cold voice interrupted his voice.

[All the information you received is common knowledge apart from the knowledge of a few places for the players. You could have had gotten all this information if you asked me.]

"I don't wanna! The God of Games sent you to aid me, who said I needed help to bring him down? I'll only use you in upgrading my skills, other than that you have no other purpose."

[Understood. Do you wish to take on the status of "Rejected." It only enables the skill function and removes everything else. Doing this, you will receive 100 points, the minimap function will be unlocked for all and a hidden quest will start. Additionally, you would be marked by every player and the moment you lose a game will be your death. Note: Nothing will prevent you from escaping death.]

"There was a function like that?"

[The God of Games predicted that at least a few players would be arrogant enough to be like you. As such, there is a function in every system. But it could only activate for 16 people.]

"Sounds interesting! Make it so!"

[Converting status to "Rejected"... Done]

[Status has been converted into the "16th Rejected." Hidden Quest starting]

[Hidden Quest: The Only One]

[Goal: Defeat the other 15 Rejected in a game.]

[Reward: ???]

[System, Self Degration]

"Seems easy enough." The sound of a transmitter came from Claude's ear.

"Ruby, get over here now."