
Running through the dense forest, Ruby was carrying Ken by the collar. For some unknown reason to Ken, every branch on the way slapped his face which made it red.

The task that was given to them before was abruptly stopped due to Claude's order.

In the meanwhile, Claude was thinking on how to go about in tackling the mission that was in front of him.

"Let's first start upgrading my skill."

From his previous observation of Ben's ability and his, they all follow the natural laws that govern the world. Although they were powerful, they still follow all the natural laws.

At first, his idea was to strengthen his "Gravity" ability then to move on to improving his "Creation and Manipulation" ability. He waved his hand and a holographic panel appeared in front of him. There were numerous buttons and slides that would render anyone confused. After observing the details of the panel for a while, he vaguely understood what these meant, at least a general understanding.

On the upper right of the panel was the list of abilities that he currently has. He picked his "Gravity" ability and a slide and numerous buttons lit up emitting a bright light. He fiddled with the panel with the goal of understanding how he could improve his ability.

After a few minutes of guessing, he exhaled and then pressed on a slide then swiped it to the right. This increased the number on the top left of the panel, which indicated how many points it would take.

He upgraded this ability as much as he could which resulted in him in only having 10 points remaining. His new ability now hovered on being a Supreme Tier 7 nearly breaking through Low Tier 8.

Even though it sounded amazing, Claude didn't know how strong it would actually be without testing it out so... he did.

He tried using roughly 1% of his ability to test out the waters. That 1% was enough force to rival or even suppress his previous usage of his ability.

Shocked but not surprised, he increased it to 5%, the ground started to break down as it closed in around him.

He then tried 10%, the ground now no longer broke down but instead compressed causing the entire area around Claude to shrink down. This caused the previous soft soil to be as hard as a rock.

Seeing more of what he could do, he increased it to 20%, this time the air around him became heavy, if one were to try and move here it would only cause that person to freeze in place.

Not feeling satisfied with the outcome he directly increased it to 50%, the air was no longer heavy but was distorting, this kind of distortion was the kind where if anything is thrown at it then it would be reduced into nothing.

Seeing how interesting how ability was he increased it instantly to 90%, the sky itself was bending down as if it was trying to kneel down and kowtow towards Claude.

Then 95%... within the sky it started to fall down as the clouds were brought down to the ground. After that 98%, the compression and mass within Claude's beck and call were enormous as he tried to further use everything he can to see the very extent of what he can do.

At 99%... pure emptiness appeared, something even light cannot escape. This pure emptiness only appeared for a fraction of a second but it sucked up everything, from the Earth all the way to the Heavens. At this point, Claude knew what was going to happen and if he didn't stop right now then even he might die if this continued.

"A black... hole..." Such words were spoken with both fear and excitement. This was what Claude was aiming for! He lost the feeling in his legs as the village that once existed was gone without as much as a trace only leaving a gigantic crater.

This was when Ruby appeared, carrying Ken over her shoulder. Apparently, Ken was unconscious due to the G-Force that was being exerted to him during the trip. She threw him down at the ground while looking elegant at the same time.

Ken woke up in shock, "That was... SO MUCH FUN! Let's go again! Let me-" At this point, he realized where he was and respectfully bowed towards Claude.

He didn't know what kind of expression to make with what Ken just said so he just coughed. After demanding the info Ken collected, he told Claude about a rumor of a God's Fruit being fought for in the royal family.

Claude didn't care about it though, as far as he was concerned he had no equal so he didn't want to widen the gap even more.

He heard more info, which he already knew due to the game he played with Ben from before. After thinking that there won't be anything worthwhile to listen to Ken talked about another rumor.

"There's talk about someone called a Rejected in another kingdom, it seems that this person might be another player like you so-"

A little smile appeared on Claude's face, "And this Kingdom's name is?"

"Reinthair Kingdom"

"Then that's our next destination!"