
Claude looked off to the distance, various thoughts came to him as he rests his head on his arm. He looked deep in thought while a smile was plastered on his face.

Ken, on the other hand, visibly trembled. "Uh... can we talk about this for a moment?"

Claude narrowed his eyes with a questioning look. Immediately, Ken spoke up, "There's something else that you need to know about! That kingdom doesn't follow the same rules as the norm. It is a quite barbaric kingdom where the rule of the jungle prevails! There are tons of people there who have abilities! The only way for someone to survive there is if they have the ability to single-handedly fight against an army. In the end, rumors are just rumors, heck! Even being called a Rejected sounds off. I suggest we steer off that place for a while."

When Claude heard that he was elated but he didn't let it show on his face. He finally had somewhere to test his Supreme Tier 7 ability.

"That's fine... we will go after I make a few preparations for you."

Ken was shocked at how at ease Claude was. Although he knew their destination would be tantamount to suicide, he also knew that Claude would never do something reckless so he just bottled it up and followed his instructions.

He looked around and saw a gigantic crater, what's more, was that it was perfectly smoothed out. He felt uneasy as he looked around, the air had a dangerous feeling which was slowly dissipating. He mustered up his courage and asked about where they were.

"Where are we?"

He had a vague idea of where he was and guessed that he was near Mourning Wood Village due to the surroundings.

"This is, sorry, was Mourning Wood Village."

"Sorry, come again?"

"This was Mourning Wood Village. I saw another player while I was here and we uh... played a simple game."

The degree of destruction was devastating! There wasn't a scrap of any village remains, only a deep crater that still had fluctuations of pressure. He knew that he wouldn't want to hear what caused this godforsaken destruction so he kept his mouth shut.

Claude now ordered Ruby to knock Ken out. Although he already enslaved Ken, it was better to be safe than sorry. He brought in front of him a holographic panel and was now going to upgrade his "Creation and Manipulation Magic."

His "Creation and Manipulation Magic" could be considered as one of the unique abilities out there. This specific ability's strength doesn't come from how high its Tier is from upgrading but how accustomed one is in using it.

The main ability of his is to be able to create anything as long as he could understand how it was created and manipulate all of his creations. His "Gravity" ability came stemmed from his ability to manipulate.

Although this ability seemed powerful, it had one major flaw. This one flaw and this one particular flaw does not affect Claude.

He used all of his points except one in upgrading this ability. To be specific, he didn't improve the ability's strength rather its range and made it so that he could control it much better. This was his foundation, of which all his future abilities would stem from and would be strengthened when the foundation was strengthened. He probably was the only person who used one ability as a foundation for everything else.

After upgrading his ability, he created clothes similar to what Ruby was made out of but instead flexible and light. Even though it became flexible and light, it didn't hinder the fact that it was even stronger than before.

He also thought about making a weapon for Ken as well when he thought of an insane idea, "Can I imbue my ability into the weapons? Well, it won't hurt to try."

Since Ken was originally a woodcutter an ax would be an appropriate weapon.

He constructed the base of the ax and pondered for a while on how he could imbue his ability into the ax. He first tried to use his "Gravity" ability as he created the ax, the result was that the ax just became even harder and at the same time heavier.

He then tried to first create the outline of the ax then using his ability to manipulate his creation to cover each molecule with his ability but it just resulted in it in once again being even harder and heavier.

He then tried again and again but it only resulted in it becoming harder and heavier, he was gaining insight but it wasn't the result he was aiming for. After at least a hundred tries he realized this wasn't going to work so he now eyed his last remaining point.

He sighed then once again opened up the panel. After fiddling with the settings, he made his new ability "Imbuement." This ability doesn't create new abilities out of anywhere instead uses the person's own ability and makes it so that the weapon could utilize the ability as well.

This has both pros and cons. The main point of whether this ability would be good would rely on the persons' own ability. So if the person only has a High Tier 2 ability to imbue into weapons then it would be considered average whereas if someone were to use a Supreme Tier 7 ability and imbue it into a plethora of weapons used by a trained army, then at that point even the gods would have to fear him.

And it just happens that Claude has a Supreme Tier 7 ability, "Gravity." Looking into how much he can imbue into the weapon, he slightly frowned upon realizing that he could only imbue the weapon by 0.01% of his ability.

There were 2 factors for this, one was that his "Imbuement" was actually weak as he hasn't upgraded it. When he upgrades his ability it would then enable him to imbue more of his ability into the weapon. The other factor was that the material he was using wasn't compatible with "Imbuement" since he was using a material, not of this world. Of course, he hasn't noticed the second factor since he still hasn't fully grasped this world.

When Ken woke up Claude gave him everything he worked on and asked to try it out. Ken wore the armor and felt awkward, everything Claude gave him weighed nothing at all.

The first was armor, Claude ordered Ruby to hit Ken in the chest with her full force. Ken actually ran when he heard this thinking that he was actually going to be killed but to his surprise, the seemingly unstoppable fist was stopped but his lightweight armor.

Ruby's fist actually had a visible bend as she reported that she sustained damage. Claude chuckled and thought about imbuing Ruby when he was able to at least imbue 1% of his ability since after experimenting a bit, he could only imbue something a few times before breaking.

Ken then tried out the ax in front of a tree. Despite the sheer size of the ax it weighed as if it was nothing, this made Ken smile. He then did a simple swiping motion and the ax lit up in a mysterious manner as the tree swayed and acted as if it wanted to get cut.

Not just one tree did this but around 10. They were all cut cleanly, Ken was surprised and actually dropped the ax on the ground which then due to the sheer weight, was slowly sinking down into the ground.

"Just what did you do?" Fear and amazement were fully expressed in those five words.