Cold then warmth

I didn't realize I was falling backwards until I fell through what felt like water, but at the same time it was too solid to be water. It wasn't the wetness that woke me but the cold. Immediately as I touched it I could feel the bone piercing coldness as if millions of needles going through every single pore on my skin. I felt like going crazy my mind, it was slipping my conscience was leaving being swept away by the cold. I wanted to close my eyes. I knew in my heart if I closed my eyes it be like doing a mission in a game you complete the level but you wouldn't get any extra reward for not getting that 100% completion rate. So I held on even if my skin was burning with coldness and my eyes felt Frozen solid. I don't know how long it lasted but I know it only took me a second to realize the cold had stoped. I looked up and saw what to be a vast Galaxy but that vastness was contained in a giant godly triangle. It was already schocking enough I thought, then the godly triangle shot toward me faster than a speeding bullet and as soon as it hit warmth spread over my body. I opened my eyes a second time and saw a small bloodied wolfs paw it looks strange, but at the same time gave a familiar feeling the feeling. like you are looking at your own hand just as I was trying to comprehend how my hand turned into this paw. A voice sounded out in my head almost computer like.

< video game user interface set>

< godly triangle recommends use before continuing fight think of a main menu to use Godly triangle >

It was at that point that my Paw was no longer drawing my attention. I looked around It was a lush green forest, none of that mattered cause a gapeing jaw of fangs and foul breath was heading right at my face. It was at this time the voice vibrated out of my head again almost yelling .

my vision seemed to slow the jaws of death moving closer so I simply thought "main menu" and everything froze with a triangle appearing in my eyes like a mouse on a computer screen.