godly triangle

The computer voice sounded out as kade was staring at the triangle, he could see the paused jaws in the background.

Bloodline hall

Martial technique hall

Sect creation hall

< It is recommened to pick technique hall their are no bloodllines stored or friends to make sect members>

kade thought to himself welp guess its "martial technique hall " ,the bottem of triangle flashed and a vortex formed sucking kade into bottem of the triangle. He opened his eyes and he was in the middle of a practice platform, about the size of 100 feet by 100 and hundereds of bookshelfs where surounded the stage. only one seemed filled the filled bookshelf had a inscription on it marked "beginer everthing"

kade scaned the bookshelf and relized the books in it contained instructions to everything from swordmanship to the proper way to cook fried shrimp. kade reached out and once again he noticed a paw and started to freak out. why was their a paw where is his hand, kade had been so preoccupied that he didn't even realize that he walked on all fours over to the bookshelf. He kept screeming in his head "WHAT'S GOING ON WHAT'S GOING ON WHAT'S GOING ON " Kade had been on auto pilot from shock, and the shock had finally started to where off. He asked himself "what hapened to me" at that moment wind picked up kade turned to the left to realize another bookshelf appeared. Inscribed on it was " what happened to me " the bookshelf had 1 book on it, kade walked over he was about to reach out then laughed a bit looking at his paw. He need to know what happened, Kade streched out his neck biteing the book and pulled it out the book fell on the ground. coincidentally landing on the front page in the first words in the book where "YOU DIED, luckly you had too much good karma, but WAY too much killing intent so you couldn't rest in heaven. So godly triangle injected you in a wolf body who about to die ".