Dream platform

kade awoke with a slight grin on his wolf face with his teath showing off. If he wanted to scare kids this is the kinda face someone needed to make. He was excited, Kade found another feature of the godly triangle. This platform, once he fell asleep he was surrounded by two shadowy foes. One looked like a wolf and the other a lion. what the intresting thing was though he knew how to preform the lightning response technique perfectly. even though he only had a slight grasp of the technique before he fell asleep. Just like hitting a button on a controller, kade activated lightning response and when into action. Whether it was speed, thinking, or reflexs they where at a whole diffrent level. The 1st 4 legged shadowy wolf tried to swipe his claws across kades eyes but before the paw moved a inch. Kade lunged forward with lightning quick ferocity, the shadowy attack still hit his side. only a split sec later kades teeth riped through his opponets neck the shadowy wolf dissapated into smoke. In the next second the shadowy lion ran toward Kade, agression in the lions eyes. It tryed to headbutt Kade but not before he jumped up over the lion in a summer salt fasion. It was at This Moment that Time seem to slow, an effect of lighting response. Mid air he saw the Lions back his mind started prossesing imformation at lightning speed, kade was trying to find a weak point. All the sudden it was like he could see the lions spine and with all his might bit down. "Cccrrackkk" the lions back was broken and the shadowy foe dissapated. Kade awoke from his dream, thinking about the platform and wondering if fighting was really this easy. He woke up knowing completly how to execute lightning response, even now his mind was moving at a lighning quick pace as lighting danced around his body. He started running around the platform, on one side he saw chiseled on the platform the name "Dream platform ". A small discription was under the inscription "fight foes learn moves and sleep well".